
第5章 Lived to See It Appear


This famous work, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, embodied all his painstaking calculations, applied his new system to each of the bodies in the solar system in succession,1 and treated besides of much other recondite matter. Towards the close of his life it was put into type. He can scarcely be said to have lived to see it appear, for he was stricken with2 paralysis before its completion; but a printed copy was brought to his bedside and put into his hands, so that he might just feel it before he died.

— O. J. Lodge

embody v. 体现;包含

painstaking adj. 刻苦的;精心的

in succession adv. 连续地

treat v. 论述

recondite adj. 深奥的;鲜为人知的

type n.(印刷用的)铅字

stricken adj. 受苦

paralysis n. 瘫痪(症)

中译 不朽的遗产(哥白尼)




Nicolaus Copernicus(哥白尼,1473-1543),波兰天文学家,创立太阳是宇宙的中心的日心说,否定了在西方统治了一千多年的地心说。这是天文学上一次伟大的革命,引起了人类宇宙观的重大革新,沉重地打击了封建神权统治,使自然科学开始从神学中解放出来。他的著作有《天体运行论》(1543)。


本文作者Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge(洛奇,1851-1940)为英国物理学家,他完善金属检波器,提出太阳可能是无线电波来源的观点。一生著述甚丰。


1 in succession

in succession 连续地 (= successively ):

He has been awarded first prize (for) three years in succession / successively. 他已连续三年荣获一等奖。

He won three games in succession. 他连胜三局。

2 he was stricken with paralysis

句式 be stricken with... 受……之苦:

In his youth he was stricken with a serious disease. 他年轻时得过一场重病。

The village has long been stricken with poverty. 这村落长期以来为贫穷所困。

句式 -stricken 也可以和其他少部分名词合成复合形容词,如 poverty-stricken(受尽贫苦的)、famine-stricken(受饥荒之灾的)、panic-stricken / terror-stricken(受恐慌打击的)、grief-stricken(受忧伤煎熬的)等。

International aid kept pouring into the famine-stricken country.


句式 同样结构有-ridden,解作“满是……;饱受……支配”,如 bed-ridden(病卧床上不能走动的)、debt-ridden(债务缠身的)、cockroach-ridden(满是蟑螂的)、guilt-ridden(满身罪孽的):

As a result of a traffic accident, he is paralyzed and bed-ridden.


The gambler lost all his money and soon became debt-ridden.




It is man’s duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth. — Copernicus
