
第29章 The Roof Leaks

F. L. Wright

In 1937, Wright built a house in Wisconsin for industrialist Hibbard Johnson and his family. One rainy evening Johnson was entertaining some distinguished guests1 for dinner when the roof began to leak.2 The water seeped2 through the ceiling directly above Johnson himself, dripping2 steadily onto the top of his bald head. Irate,3 he put a call through to Wright in Phoenix, Arizona. “Frank,” he said, “you built this beautiful house for me and we enjoy it very much. But I have told you the roof leaks, and right now I am with some friends and distinguished guests and it is leaking right on top of my head.” Wright’s reply was heard by all. “Well, Hib,” he said, “why don’t you move your chair?”

— S. C. Johnson

industrialist n. 实业家

entertain v. 招待

distinguished adj. 高贵的

steadily adv. 持续地

bald adj. 秃顶的

irate adj. 发怒的

中译 屋顶漏雨(赖特)




Frank Lloyd Wright(赖特,1867-1959),美国建筑师,曾担任美国名建筑师、芝加哥学派代表人物沙利文(Louis Sullivan, 1856-1924)的助手。赖特是草原式建筑风格(Prairie School)的主要代表。他设计的建筑甚多,很有特色,如纽约拉金大厦(Larkin Building, 1904)、纽约古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum, 1943-59)、东京帝国饭店(Imperial Hotel, 1915-1922)等。他的著述有《自传》(Autobiography, 1932)、《有机建筑》(On Organic Architecture, 1939)、《美国建筑》(American Architecture, 1939)等。

文中提到的Hibbard Johnson和本文作者Samuel C. Johnson属美国约翰逊实业家家族,该家族因生产蜡制品而著名。



英语国家人们的晚餐和晚宴dinner一词常用来表示一天中的正餐(main meal),可以是午饭,也可以是晚饭。英语国家人们一天最为丰富的一餐常为晚餐,因此dinner常指晚餐。晚餐是家庭成员的重要活动,聚集在餐桌旁,边吃边谈,其乐融融。由于dinner一词较正规,邀请朋友赴晚宴常用这个词。


1 distinguished guests

“贵宾”这意义还可以有其他的表达法:honourable guests、guests of honour、eminent guests。与“贵宾”相关的词还有:

VIPs (Very Important Persons) 要人

celebrities 名人(如娱乐界)

dignitaries 官绅权贵

socialites 社会名流

(political / royal) personages (政治 / 王室)要人

2 the roof began to leak / The water seeped... /

...dripping steadily

leak 漏;seep 渗漏;drip 滴下:

The ceiling leaks. 天花板漏了。

Water seeped in through a crack. 水从裂缝中渗进。

The rain dripped from the trees. 雨水从树上滴下。

此外,与此有关的词汇还有:trickle(小量地)流,淌;drop 滴下;drain 流干;gush 喷,涌。

The rain trickled down the windscreen. 雨水从挡风玻璃上滴下。

Sweat dropped from his brow. 汗水从他眉头滴下。

Put the umbrella there to drain. 把伞放到那里去滴干。

The water gushed forth from the hole in the tank. 水从水箱的孔隙中喷出。

3 Irate, he put a call through to...

这句里的形容词 irate (= angry) 起状语的作用,说明“他打电话”的原因。形容词可作状语,例如:

Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road. 他们由于怕困难,宁愿走容易的道路。

Unhappy, she returned to work. 她回去工作了,心里却不痛快。


A jest often decides matters of importance

more effectually than seriousness. — Horace

