
第24章 Spoken English


We thought we knew the English language, having even translated a whole book from English into Russian when we were in Siberia. I had learnt English in prison from a teach-yourself book, but had never heard a word of it spoken. Now that1 we were in London, we found we could not understand a single word, and nobody understood us. At first this was very amusing, and Vladimir Ilyich joked about it. However, he soon got down to learning2 the language. We started going to all kinds of meetings, always standing in the front row and carefully studying the speaker’s mouth. We went very often to Hyde Park where speakers addressed

the passing crowds on different subjects. We were particularly keen on listening to one man, who

20spoke with an Irish accent which we found easier to understand. We learnt a great deal by listening to spoken English.

Afterwards, through an advertisement, Vladimir Ilyich got in touch with3 two Englishmen who wanted to exchange lessons, and he began studying with them. He got to know4 the language quite well.

— Krupskaya

amusing adj. 有趣的

address v. 对……发表演说

keen adj. 喜爱

accent n. 口音

中译 学说英语(列宁)





Vladimir Ilyich Lenin(列宁,1870-1924),苏联共产党组建者和苏维埃国家缔造者。他领导俄国十月革命(1917),推翻了沙皇统治。他青年时期因从事革命活动曾被流放到西伯利亚(在亚洲北部,俄罗斯境内,在沙皇时代被用作流放政治犯的地方)。列宁一生很重视外语学习,他中学毕业时就已掌握几门外语。本文作者Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya(克鲁普斯卡娅)(1869-1939),俄国革命家、教育家,是列宁的夫人,曾和列宁一起被流放到西伯利亚。

文中提到的海德公园(Hyde Park)位于伦敦,因常被用作政治性集会而闻名。在该公园里,任何人都可以随时公开演讲,发表意见,并可能因此吸引不少围观者。


1 Now that we were in London,...

句式 now that 用作连接词,意思是“在……的时候”,更常见的意义是“既然,由于”:

Now that he was ill I realized how much I owed him. 他病的时候,我才意识到我多么感激他。

Now that you are well again you can travel. 你既然恢复健康了,可以出门旅行了。

2 he soon got down to learning the language...

句式 get down to + n. / v-ing 意为“开始认真对待(工作等)”:

I really must get down to my studies. 我真的必须开始抓紧自己的学习了。

He wasted a lot of time before he got down to writing. 他浪费了很多时间才开始写作。

3 ...got in touch with two Englishmen...

句式 get in touch (with sb) (与某人)取得联系:

I will get in touch with you soon. 我会很快和你联系的。

In the modern world, there are many channels through which we can get in touch with each other. 当今世界有许多渠道供我们互相联系。

4 He got to know the language...

句式 get to-v. 能够,得以:

I got to know Mary at the party. 我是在一次晚会上和玛丽邂逅的。

Did you get to see the mayor?你见到市长了吗?


Study, study, and study. — Lenin
