
第17章 I Became a Tramp

Jack London

...I was not afraid of work. I loved hard work.

...as luck would have it,1 I found an employer. ...I thought I was learning a trade. In reality, I had displaced two men. I thought he was making an electrician out of me;2 as a matter of fact, he was making fifty dollars per month out of me. The two men I had displaced had received forty dollars each per month; I was doing the work of both for thirty dollars per month.

This employer worked me nearly to death. ...Too much work sickened me. I did not wish ever to see work again. I fled from work. I became a tramp, begging my way from door to door,3 wandering over the United States and sweating bloody sweats in slums and prisons.

— Jack London

rade n. 手艺

electrician n. 电工

fled (flee) v. 逃走

sweat v/n. 流汗;汗

bloody adj. 血污的

slum n. 贫民窟

中译 流浪汉(杰克·伦敦)







Jack London(杰克·伦敦,1876-1916),美国作家,出身于贫穷家庭,小时候上学时就不得不做工谋生。他当过水手、洗衣店小工、金矿工人等,饱尝颠沛流离之苦。他曾以流浪罪被投入监狱。作品以浪漫主义手法描写争取生存的原始斗争。有自传体小说《马丁·伊登》(Martin Eden, 1909)及小说《荒野的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild, 1903)、《铁蹄》(The Iron Heel, 1907)等。



1 ...as luck would have it

这是一个惯用语,意为“仿佛是命运的安排”,既作 fortunately(幸运的是……)解,又作 unfortunately(不幸的是……)解:

As luck would have it, we arrived just as they were leaving.


He was a young keeper, as luck would have it, and new to the business. 不幸的是,他是个年轻的管理员,对职务还很生疏。

2 making an electrician out of me

句式 make...(out) of... 把……训练(或培养)成为……:

He made a teacher of his son. 他把他的儿子培养成为教师。

You’ll never make a musician of that boy. 你要把这男孩培养成音乐家是不可能的。

3 begging my way from door to door

句式 from door to door 逐门逐户:

She sells face cream from door to door. 她挨家挨户兜售润肤膏。

句式 由此而产生形容词 door-to-door(挨家挨户的;送货上门的),如:

a door-to-door salesman 挨户兜售的推销员

door-to-door delivery 送货上门


a head-to-head competition 势均力敌的竞赛

a wall-to-wall carpet 铺满整个地板的地毯


You can’t wait for inspiration.

You have to go after it with a club. —Jack London
