
第12章 The Young Werther


Then three new characters were born: Werther, Charlotte, and Albert. Werther was Goethe if he had not been an artist.1 Albert was a slightly meaner2 Kestner...

On the following day he shut himself up to work, and in four weeks the book was written.

When Goethe had finished The Sorrows of the Young Werther he felt as free and happy as after a general confession......

As soon as he had received the first volumes from the printer, he packed up two copies, one for Charlotte and one for Kestner, and wrote to Lotte: “You will realize when you read this book how dear it is to me; and this copy above all I value as much as if it were3 the only one in the world. It is for you, Lotte. I have kissed it a hundred times, and I kept it shut up so that no one might touch it. Oh, Lotte, I want each of you to read it by yourselves and separately. You by yourself and Kestner by himself, and then I want each of you to write me a line. Lotte — good-bye, Lotte.”

— A. Maurois

character n.(小说、戏剧等的)人物;角色

meaner adj. 更为平庸的

confession n. 招供;忏悔

printer n. 印刷商

above all adv. 尤其

中译 少年维特(歌德)







Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(歌德,1749-1832),德国诗人、剧作家、小说家,德国古典文学和民族文学的主要代表。十八世纪德国文学的成就与歌德的名字分不开。他在文学、艺术、自然科学、哲学、历史学、政治等领域均有卓著的成就。代表作有诗剧《浮士德》(Faust, 1808-1832)、小说《少年维特之烦恼》(The Sorrows of the Young Werther, 1774)等。后者是德国文学第一部对世界产生重大影响的作品。

本文中所提到的Werther, Charlotte, and Albert:都是歌德名著《少年维特之烦恼》中的人物名。维特(Werther)是个能诗善画的青年,他深深地爱上年轻活泼的姑娘绿蒂(Charlotte,又名Lotte),但她已经是青年阿尔贝(Albert)的未婚妻。该书情节以作者的经历为基础,小说中的绿蒂与现实中作者热恋过的绿蒂同名,阿尔贝的原型是绿蒂的男友Kestner。


本文作者André Maurois(莫洛亚,1885-1967),法国作家,原名Emile-Salomon-Wilhelm Herzog,作品有小说和历史著作,尤以文学家传记闻名,包括英国的拜伦(Byron)、雪莱(Shelley)、法国的巴尔扎克(Balzac)、雨果(Hugo)、大仲马(Alexandre Dumas)、小仲马(Dumas fils)等人的传记。


As soon as you trust yourself,

you will know how to live. — Goethe



1 if he had not been an artist

句式 if 从句句式:subj. + had + past participle;而主句句式:subj. + would + have + past participle,表示过去的假设,动词谓语要用虚拟语气:

If you had come here yesterday, you would have seen him. 假如你昨天来这里,你就见到他了。(事实上你没来这里。)

If she had further considered the problem, she might have come to the correct conclusion. 假如她当时能进一步考虑这个问题,她也许会得出正确的结论。(事实上她当时没作进一步考虑。)

注意 本文中主句 Werther was Goethe 并未用虚拟语气,使语气变得肯定。

2 a slightly meaner Kestner

mean 是个多义词。用作形容词时最常见的意义是“吝啬”“卑鄙”“低贱”,也可解作“低劣”“平庸”:

He is a man of mean ability. 他是个能力平庸的人。

This should be clear even to the meanest intelligence. 即使智力最差,这也能看得一清二楚的。

Her husband is very mean with money. 她的丈夫视钱如命。

3 as if it were the only one in the world

句式 as if it were... = as though it were... (好像是……),注意不用was:

She felt so upset at the news as if it were the end of the world.


注意 表示假设,谓语动词要用虚拟语气;表示现在、有可能实现的假设、比喻,则可用现在式:

He walks very fast as if he is always in a hurry. 他走路很快,好像总是忙着有事。