The new rule doesn’t allow any manager’s inter ference with any employee’s private life. 新的规定不允许经理干扰任何员工的私生活。
9.The trained inability of any human being to weep is a lessening of his capacity to be human-a defect which usually goes deeper than
he more inability to cry. 把人训练得不会哭泣削弱了他的人情能力, 这比仅仅不会哭的坏处更大。
1 )to be human 作定语修饰capacity;to weep 作定语修饰inability;
to cry 作定语修饰inability。这三个不定式和它们修饰的名词结构都属同位关系。(这一点前面提及)
2 )辨异: defect, fault, mistake, error, shortcoming, n.
这几个词都有“缺点”,“ 缺陷”或“ 错误”的意思。
defect 不完善, 不足之处, 缺点, 欠缺。
There are defects in Chinese educational system.
fault 指道德修养, 做事, 个人习惯上的小缺点。
She loves me in spite of all my faults.
我虽有种种缺点, 她仍然爱我。
Her only fa ult is excessive shyness. 她惟一的缺点是过分怕羞。
mistake 指理解, 认识判断上的不正确或错误。
We all make mistakes occasionally. 我们偶尔都会犯错误。
There must be some mista ke. 一定有点儿错。
error 道德, 行为等的过失或不小心犯的错误。例如:
There are no errors in his words and deeds. 他的言行无错。
shortcoming (通常用复数)不足;缺点;短处(未能达到所要求的标准;未充分发展;或未尽责)。
The boss pointed out his shor tcomings in his work.
10. If we feel like it, let us all have a good cry-and clear our minds of those cobwebs of confusion which have for so long prevented us from understanding the natural necessity of crying. 如果愿意的话, 让我们痛痛快快地哭一场吧, 把那些长期以来妨碍我们对哭这个自然需要认识的种种糊涂观念一扫干净吧。
1 )have a good cry 为省略了to 的不定式, 在句中作宾语补足语(即补充说明宾语us)。
在使役动词如make, let, have 等有“ 致使”意义的动词后, 不定式要省略to。
John ma de her tell him everything. 约翰让她告诉他所有的事情。
The manager ha d his secretary type the letter.
2 )feel like 感到想(做某事)
I don’t feel like going to the movies. 我不想去看电影。
He doesn’t feel like arguing with them. 他不想和他们争辩。
3 )clear.of.把..从..中除去(清除)
The lawyer clea red his mind of doubt.
The PLA men clea red our country of bandits.
The accused clea red himself of the charge.
Te xt B
Stop Wor r ying Now!
Study of the text
1.Almost everyone spends a considerable amount of present moments worrying about the future. 几乎所有的人都花了相当一部分眼前时间去为将来担忧。
1 )spend.(in)doing sth. 在做某事上花(费、用)..
The freshmen ha ve spent a lot of time (in)pronouncing distinctly.
为了发音清楚, 新生们花了许多时间。
You a re spending much money (in)buying some useless things.
spend.on sth. 在某事上花(费、用)..。上句可以这样说, 其意思与上相同。
You a re spending much money on useless things.
2 )considerable 是形容词, 在这里的意思是“ 相当多”的,“ 相当大的”或“ 很多的”“ 很大的”。
a considerable distance 相当大的的距离;a considerable number 相当大的数目, 相当多的数目;
considerable 除了上面意思外, 常用的意思是“ 重要的”,“ 值得考虑的”。
a considerable thing 值得考虑的事情;a considerable event 重要事件。
3 )moment n. 时刻;瞬间;片刻。
present moments 意为“ (由许多间断的时刻组成的)目前时间”。例如:
Almost everyone has his moments. 几乎所有人都有得意的时候。
They study at odd moments. 他们抽空学习。
4 )worry about sth. 为某事担心(发愁, 烦恼)。worry 是动词, 意为“担心”,“ 发愁”,“ 烦恼”。
You don’t wor ry a bout that. 你不必为那件事情担心。
2.And virtually all of it is for nothing. 实际上所有的担心都是没有意义的。
1 )代词it , 指代上面的worry。
2 )for nothing 徒劳的, 没有意义的, 没有结果的。
His efforts are for nothing. 他的努力没有结果。
3.In order to reduce worry, it is necessary to understand the subconscious psychological“ payoffs” for choosing to worry in the first place.
为减少担心, 首先有必要弄明白造成的下意识的心理“ 补偿”效应是怎么一回事。
1 )in order to do (sth. )为了..;以.. 为目的。表示目的, 作目的状语。
We started early in order to arrive before dark.
为了在天黑前到达, 我们早早地动了身。
In order to pass the exam, all of the students are burning night oil.
为了通过这次考试, 所有的学生都在挑灯夜读。
2 )it 作形式主语, 代替后面的不定式短语“ to understand.for choosing to worry”。
3 )for 是介词, 表示等值或比例关系的“ 换”。“ payoffs”for choosing to worry 意思是“ 为担心而作出的补偿”。
The farmer sold a jin of tomatoes for five fen.
He sold it for twenty dollars. 他以20 元把它卖掉了。
He answered my argument point for point.
In the old society, for one capitalist getting rich thousands of workers’ families were ruined.
在旧社会, 每一资本家发财, 就有成千上万工人家破人亡。
4 )in the first place 首先, 第一点
In the first pla ce, we must discuss this point.
4.This is a common lament, and one with a payoff that keeps you standing still and avoiding the risk of action. 人们多有这种带有补偿性质的哀叹让我们裹足不前, 逃避冒险。
1 )lament n. 悲哀的表现
Crying is one of the most common forms of lament.
2 )one 指前面的lament。
3 )介词with 在这里表示“ 伴随”,“ 带着”,“ 带有”,“ 具有”, with a payoff 介词词组作定语修饰one。
a country with a long history 历史悠久的大国;
the price with tax 附税的价格。
4 )keep sb. doing 使某人保持做(某一状态)
Sorry to have kept you wa iting. 对不起, 让你久等了。
The bad weather kept them sta ying home.
5 )辨异: venture, adventure, hazard 这三个词都有“危险”意思。
venture 指商业上的冒险, 投机活动。
The business man failed in his ventures. 这位商人投机失败。
It is a venture for the company to invest heavily in an enterprise.
adventure 强调危险中非常激动人心的经历。
He experienced some a dventures in his trip.
The adventurer liked a dventures on the sea.
hazard 指偶然发生的危险。
Drivers should be aware of ha za rds of all kinds they may come across.
5.By worrying about someone else, you can label yourself as a caring person. 为别人担心, 便可表明自己是关心别人的人。
1 )by 介词“ 凭(籍)着..”,“ 靠..”
The baby let her mother know she was hungry by crying loudly.
2 )label.as 把..称为(列为)..
This phrase is labeled a s an Americanism in this dictionary.
Deng Xiaoping is la beled a s one of the greatest leaders in the world.
label 的名词和动词形式相同, 意为“ 标记”“ 标签”“ 称号”。
I put la bels on my luggage. 我在我的行李上贴上标签。
There are some la bels cut on the tree. 树上刻有一些标记。
He has acquired the la bel of a hero. 他得到了英雄称号。
6 .“ I can’t help worrying-it’s because I love you. ”我禁不住为你担心, 因为我爱你。
1 )can’t help doing 禁(忍)不住做某事
The mother ca n’t help tea ring after she has heard of the news that her son has been injured in the accident. 母亲在得知他的儿子在这次事故中受伤不禁泪从中来。
All of us couldn’t help laughing before he finished the funny story.
他的滑稽故事还没讲完, 我们大家已忍俊不禁。
2 )代词it 指代前面的句子“I can’t help worrying”整个内容, 即“ 我禁不住担心”这一事实。
7.A handsome dividend, although lacking in logical, healthy thinking.
虽然缺乏符合逻辑的, 健康的思考。(但即: 你是一位好父(母)亲或配偶确实是你付出担心所得到的可观的好处了。)
1 )A handsome dividend 是省略句, 省略了主语和谓语的系动词, 完整句子为:
It is a handsome dividend that you are a good parent or spouse. 你是一位好的父(母)亲或配偶就是你得到的可观的好处。
2 )handsome adj. 可观的, 相当大的
a handsome sum 一笔可观的金额;a handsome number 可观的数目。
3 )lacking in.thinking 是现在分词短语作让步状语。
lack in 缺乏(有).., 没有.., 短少..
He is la cking in responsibility. 他缺乏责任心。
The speaker la cked in self-confidence when offering his report.
The writer la cks in his own style in his works.