
第7章 爱心永远不会老(2)

“I hardly had to turn round -- I knew it was my precious doll. I just knew it. And it was. Her lace petticoat had hung down from the table just enough for my baby sister to reach up and pull on it. When I ran in from the dining room, there lay my beautiful doll on the floor, her face smashed into a dozen pieces. I can still see my mother trying to put my poor dolly together again. But it couldn’t be done. She was gone forever.”

A few years later GG’s baby sister was also gone, she told Meagan, a victim of pneumonia8. Now the tears in her eyes spilled over -- tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time.

Subdued9 for the rest of the visit, Meagan was no sooner in the car going home than she exclaimed, “Mom, I have a great idea! Let’s get GG a new doll for Christmas, one exactly like the doll that got broken. Then she won’t cry when she thinks about it.”

My heart filled with pride as I listened to my compassionate little daughter. But where would we find a doll to match GG’s fond memories﹖

Where there’s a will, as they say, there’s a way. When I told my best friends, Liz and Chris, about my problem, Liz put me in touch with a local dollmaker who made doll heads, hands and feet of a ceramic10 that closely resembled the old porcelain ones. From her I commissioned11 a doll head in the style of three-quarters of a century ago -- ****** sure to specify .“big blue eyes that opened and closed,” and hands and feet. From a doll supply house I ordered a long brown wig12 and a kidskin body, and Meagan and I shopped for fabric, lace and ribbon to duplicate13 the outfit GG had so lovingly described. Liz, who had some experience with a hot-glue gun, volunteered to put the doll together, and as the last days before Christmas raced by, Chris helped me make the doll’s outfit, complete with lacy petticoat. And while Liz, Chris and I searched for doll “boots with real buttons,” Meagan wrote and illustrated the story of the lost doll.

Finally, our creation was finished. To our eyes it was perfect. But, of course, there was no way it could be exactly like the doll GG had loved so much and lost. Would she think it looked anything like it﹖

On Christmas Eve, Meagan and I carried our gaily wrapped gift to GG, where she sat surrounded by children, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. “It’s for you,” Meagan said, “but first you have to read the story that goes with it.”

“Read it out loud,” one of the other children demanded. GG no sooner got through the first page than her voice cracked and she was unable to go on, but Meagan took over where she left off. Then it was time to open her present.

I’ll never forget the look on GG’s face as she lifted the doll and held it to her chest. Once again her tears fell, but this time they were tears of joy. Cradling the doll in her frail arms, she repeated over and over again, “She’s exactly like my old doll, exactly like her.”

And perhaps she wasn’t just saying that to be kind. Perhaps however impossible it seemed, we had managed to produce a close facsimile14 of the doll she remembered. But as I watched my eight-year-old daughter and her great-grandmother examining the doll together, I thought of a likelier explanation. What GG recognized, perhaps, was the love that inspired the gift. And love, wherever it comes from, always looks the same.


3年前,在12月一个寒冷的下午,我和我当时8岁的女儿米甘前去探望“GG” (家人这么称呼她),准备陪她待一段时间。她注意到米甘抱着心爱的玩具娃娃。














Grandpa"s Table


A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson. The old man"s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.

The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather"s shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped, the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.

"We must do something about Grandfather," said the son. "I"ve had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor."

So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner.

Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. When the family glanced in Grandfather"s direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.