
第17章 美好的回忆(6)

He explained that two years went by before he saw Mary again. He was then seventeen years old and about to leave for Nairobi to attend the schoolteachers college. They spoke for a long time. He wanted to ask where she stayed so that he would not lose her again, but he admitted that his ego got in the way. Instead, he decided to give her his address in Nairobi feeling that if she really liked him she would write.

She did.

After two years of correspondence, they loved each other deeply and wanted to get married, but both of them worried that their families and tribes would shun them for their relationship. Nevertheless, with great humbleness and anxiety, Frances approached her parents to ask how much of a bride-price they wanted for her.

In Kenya a bride-price, is often the only means a family has to gain wealth. A healthy, hard-working female might bring many cows. Status is very important.

He was nervous and said, “I am just a poor schoolteacher, and I haven’t much money. But I love your daughter and want to marry her. I will pay anything you ask.”

Mary’s parents looked at him and replied,“There is much to do to plan a wedding. This is a celebration! We will discuss the bride-price when the two of you are settled.”

Frances smiled at me and said,“That was unheard of. A marriage never occurs without payment first. And between Kikuyus and Masais...it was an exceptional situation.”

A year went by before they had their first child. He returned to Mary’s parents and again inquired of the bride-price. As he and Mary were so busy with a new baby, they told him that he should wait until things calmed down a bit.

Several more years passed, and they had another child. He returned again to Mary’s parents and insisted that he needed to settle his debt. Once again, he said that he was a poor schoolteacher without much money, but that he was so happy and in love that he would pay anything.

Mary’s mother asked him, “What do you think is a fair price?”

Frances laughed and replied as a joke, “A lifetime of love and devotion from your loyal son-in-law!”

Mary’s mother smiled softly and whispered,“It is enough. The bride-price has been paid.”

Frances was silent for a time, and tears spilled over his cheeks as he drove.

“Have you ever told your wife exactly how you feel?”I asked suddenly. “Have you ever said,‘The first time I saw you I thought you were an angel. You were so beautiful...? ’”Frances snorted.“Of course not! Masai men don’t talk like that. All women know if they’re beautiful. They just need to look in a mirror. Besides, we’ve been married now for fifteen years. It would be silly to bring all that up now.”

“Frances!”I exclaimed.“You have to tell her. Especially if you’ve been married so long. Can you imagine the look on her face if you walked in one day and said,‘Listen, Mary... ’”

Frances shook his head. While he had been so open, perhaps I had overstepped the boundaries. Suddenly my ideals and youthful romanticism collided sharply with the ways of east Africa. We rode the rest of the trip in strained silence.

For the last days of my stay, Frances was cool and didn’t have much to say to me. I wanted to break the ice but thought that perhaps I had already said enough.

As our mission team waited to clear customs in the Nairobi airport, a commotion broke out as man ran toward us.“Kristie!”he called out.“Is there someone here name Kristie?”

I turned around and face the stranger with surprise.

“I have a message to you from Frances,”he panted. “He says to tell you that he talked with his wife...”



























Emotion between man and dog


My dog Coffee is a little black-and-brown Australian terrier. He’s not a particularly bright or obedient dog. He’s not even especially loyal. He comes when I call him only if he feels like it or if I have food in my hand. He confuses every command I give him and has no inkling when I’l upset or injured, so there would be no chance of him ever rescuing me from a perilous situation like the smart dogs you often read about.

But I’l the first to admit that a big part of the problem with Coffee’s attitude is his upbringing: he’s spoilt rotten. My dad is the biggest culprit. While Dad can instil fear in my sister and me just by the tone of his voice, I have never heard him raise his voice at Coffee — no matter how naughty he is. In fact, one look from Coffee at the biscuit tin is enough to send my dad flying to get him a snack. Whenever we protest about the unfair treatment, a guilty smirk creeps across Dad’s face. It’s become a long-standing family joke that Coffee is the closest thing to a son Dad will ever have.