
第139章 Chapter 44 (2)

"It was well done!" said the secretary, warming his hands again.

"I should like to know that man."

"Would you?" said Dennis, after looking at his face to assurehimself that he was serious. "Would you like to know that man,Muster Gashford?"

"I should indeed," replied the secretary.

"Why then, Lord love you," said the hangman, in his hoarestchuckle, as he pointed with his pipe to Hugh, "there he sits.

That"s the man. My stars and halters, Muster Gashford," he addedin a whisper, as he drew his stool close to him and jogged him withhis elbow, "what a interesting blade he is! He wants as muchholding in as a thorough-bred bulldog. If it hadn"t been for meto-day, he"d have had that "ere Roman down, and made a riot of it,in another minute."

"And why not?" cried Hugh in a surly voice, as he overheard thislast remark. "Where"s the good of putting things off? Strikewhile the iron"s hot; that"s what I say."

"Ah!" retorted Dennis, shaking his head, with a kind of pity forhis friend"s ingenuous youth; "but suppose the iron an"t hot,brother! You must get people"s blood up afore you strike, and have"em in the humour. There wasn"t quite enough to provoke "em today,I tell you. If you"d had your way, you"d have spoilt the funto come, and ruined us."

"Dennis is quite right," said Gashford, smoothly. "He isperfectly correct. Dennis has great knowledge of the world."

"I ought to have, Muster Gashford, seeing what a many people I"vehelped out of it, eh?" grinned the hangman, whispering the wordsbehind his hand.

The secretary laughed at this jest as much as Dennis could desire,and when he had done, said, turning to Hugh:

"Dennis"s policy was mine, as you may have observed. You saw, forinstance, how I fell when I was set upon. I made no resistance. I did nothing to provoke an outbreak. Oh dear no!"

"No, by the Lord Harry!" cried Dennis with a noisy laugh, "you wentdown very quiet, Muster Gashford--and very flat besides. I thinksto myself at the time "it"s all up with Muster Gashford!" I neversee a man lay flatter nor more still--with the life in him--thanyou did to-day. He"s a rough "un to play with, is that "erePapist, and that"s the fact."

The secretary"s face, as Dennis roared with laughter, and turnedhis wrinkled eyes on Hugh who did the like, might have furnished astudy for the devil"s picture. He sat quite silent until theywere serious again, and then said, looking round:

"We are very pleasant here; so very pleasant, Dennis, that but formy lord"s particular desire that I should sup with him, and thetime being very near at hand, I should he inclined to stay, untilit would be hardly safe to go homeward. I come upon a littlebusiness--yes, I do--as you supposed. It"s very flattering to you;being this. If we ever should be obliged--and we can"t tell, youknow--this is a very uncertain world"-"I believe you, Muster Gashford," interposed the hangman with a grave nod. "The uncertainties as I"ve seen in reference to thishere state of existence, the unexpected contingencies as have comeabout!--Oh my eye!" Feeling the subject much too vast forexpression, he puffed at his pipe again, and looked the rest.

"I say," resumed the secretary, in a slow, impressive way; "wecan"t tell what may come to pass; and if we should be obliged,against our wills, to have recourse to violence, my lord (who hassuffered terribly to-day, as far as words can go) consigns to youtwo--bearing in mind my recommendation of you both, as good staunchmen, beyond all doubt and suspicion--the pleasant task ofpunishing this Haredale. You may do as you please with him, orhis, provided that you show no mercy, and no quarter, and leave notwo beams of his house standing where the builder placed them. Youmay sack it, burn it, do with it as you like, but it must comedown; it must be razed to the ground; and he, and all belonging tohim, left as shelterless as new-born infants whom their mothershave exposed. Do you understand me?" said Gashford, pausing, andpressing his hands together gently.

"Understand you, master!" cried Hugh. "You speak plain now. Why,this is hearty!"

"I knew you would like it," said Gashford, shaking him by the hand;"I thought you would. Good night! Don"t rise, Dennis: I wouldrather find my way alone. I may have to make other visits here,and it"s pleasant to come and go without disturbing you. I canfind my way perfectly well. Good night!"

He was gone, and had shut the door behind him. They looked at eachother, and nodded approvingly: Dennis stirred up the fire.

"This looks a little more like business!" he said.

"Ay, indeed!" cried Hugh; "this suits me!"

"I"ve heerd it said of Muster Gashford," said the hangman, "thathe"d a surprising memory and wonderful firmness--that he neverforgot, and never forgave.--Let"s drink his health!"

Hugh readily complied--pouring no liquor on the floor when he drankthis toast--and they pledged the secretary as a man after their ownhearts, in a bumper.