

"Let China"s earth, enrich"d with colour"d stains,Pencil"d with gold, and streak"d with azure veinsThe grateful flavour of the Indian leaf,Or Mocho"s sunburnt berry glad receive.


The day after this meeting with Higgins and his daughter, Mr. Halecame upstairs into the little drawing-room at an unusual hour. He wentup to different objects in the room, as if examining them, but Margaretsaw that it was merely a nervous trick--a way of putting off somethinghe wished, yet feared to say. Out it came at last-"

My dear! I"ve asked Mr. Thornton to come to tea to-night."

Mrs. Hale was leaning back in her easy chair, with her eyes shut, and anexpression of pain on her face which had become habitual to her of late.

But she roused up into querulousness at this speech of her husband"s.

"Mr. Thornton!--and to-night! What in the world does the man want tocome here for? And Dixon is washing my muslins and laces, and thereis no soft water with these horrid east winds, which I suppose we shallhave all the year round in Milton."

"The wind is veering round, my dear," said Mr. Hale, looking out at thesmoke, which drifted right from the east, only he did not yet understandthe points of the compass, and rather arranged them ad libitum,according to circumstances.

"Don"t tell me!" said Mrs. Hale, shuddering up, and wrapping her shawlabout her still more closely. "But, east or west wind, I suppose this mancomes."

"Oh, mamma, that shows you never saw Mr. Thornton. He looks like aperson who would enjoy battling with every adverse thing he couldmeet with--enemies, winds, or circumstances. The more it rains andblows, the more certain we are to have him. But I"ll go and help Dixon.

I"m getting to be a famous clear-starcher. And he won"t want anyamusement beyond talking to papa. Papa, I am really longing to see thePythias to your Damon. You know I never saw him but once, and thenwe were so puzzled to know what to say to each other that we did notget on particularly well."

"I don"t know that you would ever like him, or think him agreeable,Margaret. He is not a lady"s man."

Margaret wreathed her throat in a scornful curve.

"I don"t particularly admire ladies" men, papa. But Mr. Thornton comeshere as your friend--as one who has appreciated you"-"

The only person in Milton," said Mrs. Hale.

"So we will give him a welcome, and some cocoa-nut cakes. Dixon willbe flattered if we ask her to make some; and I will undertake to ironyour caps, mamma."

Many a time that morning did Margaret wish Mr. Thornton far enoughaway. She had planned other employments for herself: a letter to Edith,a good piece of Dante, a visit to the Higginses. But, instead, she ironedaway, listening to Dixon"s complaints, and only hoping that by anexcess of sympathy she might prevent her from carrying the recital ofher sorrows to Mrs. Hale. Every now and then, Margaret had to remindherself of her father"s regard for Mr. Thornton, to subdue the irritationof weariness that was stealing over her, and bringing on one of the badheadaches to which she had lately become liable. She could hardlyspeak when she sat down at last, and told her mother that she was nolonger Peggy the laundry-maid, but Margaret Hale the lady. She meantthis speech for a little joke, and was vexed enough with her busy tonguewhen she found her mother taking it seriously.

"Yes! if any one had told me, when I was Miss Beresford, and one of thebelles of the county, that a child of mine would have to stand half a day,in a little poky kitchen, working away like any servant, that we mightprepare properly for the reception of a tradesman, and that thistradesman should be the only"-"