undoubtedly * [....n..dautidli] adv.毫无疑问地
unusually * [....n..ju....u..li ] adv.特别地
violent* [..vai..l..nt ] ad j.暴力的
non violent a dj.非暴力的
wander* [..w..nd..] v.①闲逛②漫游
[ 考点] wander about/round/over/through 漫游.
wander from/off a subject 离题
[ 例句] The lit tle st ream wander s through the woods.
warfare [..w....fε..] n.战争
zoologist [ z..u....l..d..ist ] n.动物学家
as it is /was 实际上
[ 例句] We we re lucky not to be injur ed in the t rain accident.As it was,the fir st and the last car wer e smashed.
assert oneself 显示自己的权威,坚持自己的权利
[ 例句] Justice will asser t itself.
care for 关心,照顾
[ 例句] Who will care for the patient?
compare.to 把.比作
[ 例句] Shakespear e compared the wor ld to a stage.
find expression in something 在.中表达出来
[ 例句] He r pas sion found expr ession in her painting.
in i tself 本身
[ 例句] The talk was all right in itself but it went on too long.
regard.as 把.看作
[ 例句] My mothe r still regards me as a child.
turn to 求助于,借助于
[ 例句] The poor old man turned to the police for help.
warn off 告戒.离开
[ 例句] They wa rned him off,but he kept going back to the dange rous river.
Par t Two After Class Reading
Passage Ⅰ Should the Navy Draft Dolphins?
attachment* [....t .. t..m..nt ] n.依恋,关心
[ 同义] rega rd,love
[ 考点] have an attachment to/for 对.眷恋
[ 例句] He has a st rong at tachment to/for his grandmothe r.
capture* [..k .. pt....] v.捕获
click * [ klik] v.发出咔哒或喀嚓声
controversy * [..k..nt r..v....si,k..n..tr..v..si] n.①争论②争吵
[ 同义] ①dispute,argument② disagr eement
[ 考点] beyond/without cont roversy 无可争辩地/的
in cont roversy (人) 争论中的;(事) 有争议的
be in cont rove rsy on/about/as to.with sb.与某人就某事争论不息
[ 例句] That is the fact beyond cont roversy.
court* [ k....t ] n.①法庭②球场③宫庭
[ 考点] take sb.to cour t 起诉某人
[ 例句] She decided to take he r husband to cour t.
critic* [..kritik] n.批评家
criticism* [..kr itisiz..m] n.①批评②评论
[ 同义] ①judgement②analysis,r eview
[ 反义] ①praise
[ 考点] unde r the cr iticism of sb.受到某人的批评
below/beneath criticism 不值得批评
above/beyond c riticism 无可指责/非议
[ 例句] His novel was under the criticism of a famous writ-er.
device* [ di..vais ] n.①装置,仪器②手段
[ 同义] ②st ratagem,means
[ 考点] leave s b.to his own devices 听任某人自行其事;
[ 例句] The teache r left us to our own devices in choosing the books for our repor ts.
dolphin* [..d..lfin] n.海豚
draft* [ dr....ft ] v.①起草,草拟②征募
[ 同义] ①outline,s ketch
[ 考点] in draf t 在.草拟中
be draf ted into 应征.
[ 例句] He was dr afted into the Navy.
echo* [..ek..u] n.回声
echo location* [..ek..ul..u..kei....n] n.回声定位
federal * [..fed..r..l ] adj.联邦的
fleet* [ fli..t ] n.舰队,船队
frogman [..fr....m..n] n.蛙人
gulf* [....lf] n.海湾
icy * [..aisi ] ad j.冰冷的
immoral * [ i..m..r..l ] ad j.不道德的
intelligent * [ in..telid....nt ] adj.聪明的,有智慧的
jeopardize* [..d..ep..daiz ] v.危及,损害
locate* [ l..u..keit ] v.①探明,找出②使坐落于
[ 同义] ①find②establish,situate
[ 考点] be located in/on/by 坐落在.
[ 例句] The house is loca ted by the river.
lovable* [..l..v..bl ] ad j.可爱的
Lt.= lieutenant [ lu....ten..nt ] n.上尉
mammal * [..m .. m..l ] n.哺乳动物
military * [..milit..ri ] n.军方
naval * [..neiv..l ] ad j.海军的
nuclear * [..nju..kli..] adj.核子的,核武器的
playful * [..pleiful ] n.顽皮的
progressive* [ pr..u....resiv] ad j.进步的
series* [..si..r i..z ] n.系列
[ 同义] sequence,succession
[ 考点] a series of 一系列,一组/套.
in ser ies 连续地;成一系列地
[ 例句] This is the latest in a series of proposals on a rms limitation.
sonar* [..s..un....] n.声纳
spokesman* [..sp..uk**..n] n.发言人
submarine* [..s..bm..ri..n] n.潜水艇
watchdog [..w..t..do..] n.监视者
weapon* [..wep..n] n.武器
welfare* [..welf....] n.福利
[ 同义] benefit,well being
[ 考点] for the welfa re of sb. 为.幸福
on welfare 接受.福利救济的
[ 例句] How long has the family been on welfare?
armed wi th 提供,装满
[ 例句] She came to the cour t armed with all the facts that she was not guilty.
set off 开始;爆炸
[ 例句] He set off on a new career.
stand by 坚持,遵守
[ 例句] I said I would do it and I stand by my promise.
stem from 起源于
[ 例句] The Englis h boom stems from the following factors.
take someone to court 把.告上法庭
[ 例句] The old man had to take his son to cour t.
PassageⅡ Animals on the Job
adapt* [....d .. pt ] v.①使适应②改编
[ 同义] ①adjust②revise,recompose
[ 考点] adapt to 适应
adapt from 从.改编
[ 例句] He had to adapt himself to thei r customs and habits.
assist* [....sist ] v.①帮助②搀扶
[ 同义] ①aid,help② support
[ 考点] assist in (doing) sth.协助.作某事
assist with 帮助
[ 例句] They assisted the doctor in the pr epara tion of a r eport.
behaviorist [ bi..heivj..rist ] n.行为科学家
beneath* [ bi....ni....] prep.在.下面
canine [..keinain] ad j./n.犬(的)
capuchin [..k .. pju..in] n.僧帽猴
collapse* [ k....l .. ps ] v.①倒塌② (健康、精神) 垮掉
[ 同义] ①fall,crumble② break down
[ 反义] ①stand
[ 考点] collapse from 由.而垮掉
[ 例句] She collapsed from smoking too much.
collapsed* [ k....l .. pst ] ad j.倒塌的
command* [ k....m....nd] n.①命令②控制③运用
[ 同义] ①order,inst ruction②control③mastery,grasp
[ 考点] a t sb. ’s command 任由某人支配
in command of 控制,支配
[ 例句] He appeared to be in command of the situa tion.
conditioning* [ k..n..di....ni..] n.训练,条件反射作用
disc * [ disk] n.磁盘
earthquake* [........kweik] n.地震
floppy [..fl..pi] ad j.松软的
floppy disc 软盘
helpmate [..helpmeit ] n.助手,帮手
highway * [..haiwei] n.公路
itch [ it..] n.痒
locker [..l..k..] n.可锁的衣物柜
nerve* [ n....v] n.①神经②勇气
[ 同义] ②bravery,courage,boldness
[ 反义] ②weakness
[ 考点] have a/the nerve 有胆量
lose one’s ne rve 失去勇气
[ 例句] I wouldn’t have a ne rve to try again.
olfactory * [..l..f .. kt..r i] ad j.嗅觉的
opposable* [....p..uz..bl ] ad j.可相对的,与其他手指相对的
paralyzed* [..p .. r..laizd] ad j.瘫痪的
phase* [feiz] n.时期
primate* [..praimeit ] n.灵长目动物
quadriplegic * [..kw..dri..pled..ik] n.四肢瘫痪者
reinforcement* [..ri..in..f....**..nt ] n.强化
retrieve* [ ri..t ri..v] v.①取回,收回②挽救
[ 同义] ①recover,regain② rescue,save
[ 考点] ret rieve from 挽救;取回
[ 例句] I ret rieved my cr edit ca rd from the waiter.
reward* [ ri..w....d] v./n.奖励
[ 同义] v.r epay
[ 反义] v.punish
[ 考点] as a reward for 作为对.报酬in r eward 作为酬报
give sb.rewa rd for sth.为某事给某人报酬
[ 例句] I don’t expect anything in rewa rd.
rubble [..r..bl] n.碎石,碎砖
sniffer [..s nif..] n.嗅探者,嗅探器
socialized [..s..u....laizd] adj.社交化的
st imulus* [..stimjul..s] n.[ pl .] 刺激物
[ 考点] provide /give a stimulus to 对.刺激
[ 例句] The finding of oil has provided a gr eat stimulus to their economy.
superior* [ sju..pi..r i..] ad j.①较好的②优越的
[ 同义] ①bette r②excellent
[ 反义] ①②inferior
[ 考点] supperior to 地位高于;优于.
[ 例句] His knowledge of French lite ratur e is superior to mine.
thumb* [....m] n.拇指
[ 考点] unde r sb. ’s thumb 在某人的支配影响下
[ 例句] She gets him under her thumb.
towel * [..tau..l ] n.①毛巾;②纸巾
[ 考点] throw/chuck/toss in the towel 认输
[ 例句] I think it is time to toss in the towel.
trait* [ t reit ] n.特征,特性
unscrew* [....n..skru..] v.拧开
video* [..vidi..u] ad j.录相的,录影的
video camera 摄像机
videotape* [..vidi..uteip ] n.录像带
washcloth* [..w....kl....] n.浴巾
washroom* [..w....ru..m] n.厕所
whale [weil] n.鲸鱼
adapt to 使适应
[ 例句] The freshman s hould adapt himself to the British customs and habits.
based on 以.为基础
[ 例句] The students can fall into three groups based on their study habits.
head up 负责
[ 例句] Tom was chosen to head up the team.
in response to 作为反应
[ 例句] Clea rly,he did it in response to external pressure.
lend.a (helping) hand 帮助
[ 例句] I’m ve ry happy to lend a helping hand.
seek out 找出
[ 例句] He sought out his friend in the crowd.
sniff out 嗅到,探出
[ 例句] Police sent dogs into the crowd to sniff out drugs.
speaking of 说到
[ 例句] Well,s peaking of vegetables,do you want mor e carrots?
take.in 接纳,吸收
[ 例句] The university has taken in 400 foreign students.
track down 找到,捕获
[ 例句] I finally managed to t rack down the book you wanted in a shop.