书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第33章 Unit Nine The Joy of Travel (3)

restore* [ r is..t....] v.①修复,重建②归还

[ 同义] ①recover,renew,rebuild②return

[ 考点] restore.to 恢复,把.还给

[ 例句] The stolen watch has been restored to its owne r.

romance* [ r....m .. ns] n.传奇;罗曼史

rover [..rouv..] n.漫游者

royalty * [..r..i..lti ] n.王族(成员)

sightseeing* [..saitsi..i..] n.观光,游览

spy* [ spai] n.间谍

toast* [ t..ust ] v./n.祝酒

[ 考点] propose a toast to 提议为.干杯

drink a toast to s b.为某人干杯

[ 例句] We drank a toast to the br ide (新娘) and br idegroom(新郎).

transit * [..t r .. nsit ] n.运输

[ 同义] t ransmission,t rans port

transportat ion* [..tr .. ns p......tei....n] n.运输,运输系统

typical * [..tipik..l ] adj.典型的

[ 同义] repr esentative

unique* [ ju....ni..k] ad j.独特的,独一无二的

[ 同义] ext raordinary,ra re,singular

vodka [..v..dk..] n.伏特加

whistle* [..hwisl] n.汽笛

[ 考点] blow a whistle 鸣笛

[ 例句] The referee (裁判员) blew his whistle to end the ma tch.

bring on 引起,发生

[ 例句] Overwork will bring on a bad illnes s.

figure out 算出,想出

[ 例句] I couldn’t figur e out how to print a progr am until my teache r showed me how.

go out of business 停业

[ 例句] She had a shop,but she went out of busines s af ter the war.

on schedule 按期

[ 例句] The tr ain arrived on schedule.

on the move 在移动中,在奔波中

[ 例句] Science is always on the move.

once in a while 偶尔,间或

[ 例句] Theat re tickets a re expensive so we only go to the theat re once in a while.

pull into 停下,进站

[ 例句] They will pull into the station at seven sharp.

take advantage of 利用

[ 例句] I’d like to take advantage of this oppor tunity to thank you all for your co operation.

Passage Ⅱ Aruba


anthem [.... n....m] n.国歌

architecture* [......kitekt....] n.建筑风格,建筑式样

boast* [ b..ust ] v.①拥有②夸口,夸耀

[ 同义] ①own②self-praise,show off,blow

[ 考点] boast sb./sth.以.为荣boast about/of 夸耀.

[ 例句] He boasted of winning the pr ize.

boutique [ bu....ti..k] n.时装商店

casino [ k....si..n..u ] n.赌场

colorful * [..k..l..ful ] ad j.五颜六色的

[ 反义] colorless

coral [..k..r..l ] n.珊瑚

cordiality * [..k....di.... liti] n.诚恳,热诚

[ 同义] warmth

crew* [ kru..] n.全体工作人员

[ 同义] staff

[ 考点] 指整体时,谓语用单数;指成员时,谓语用复数

[ 例句] 1 ) The cr ew consists of twenty volunteer s.

2 ) Somehow,in the panic,the crews of the airplane wer e able to rescure nea rly all of the passenge rs.

crown* [ kraun] n.王冠

demanding [di..m....ndi..] ad j.要求高的

descend* [ di..send] v.下来,下降

[ 同义] drop,fall

[ 反义] ascend,climb,rise

[ 考点] be descended from 是.的后代

descend to 堕落到干(某事)

[ 例句] I neve r thought he would descend to abusing his former teachers in public.

descended* [di..sendid ] adj.为.后裔的,出身于.的

distress* [ dis..t res ] n.①苦恼,悲痛②危难,困境v.使悲痛

[ 同义] n.①sorrow,grief②ha rdship,t rouble


[ 反义] n.①pleasure

diver* [..daiv..] n.潜水者

dramatic* [ dr....m .. tik] adj.引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

[ 同义] noticeable,st riking

dune [ dju..n] n.沙丘

elegant* [..eli....nt ] adj.优美的,讲究的

[ 同义] fine,sma r t

[ 反义] inelegant

[ 考点] elegant in taste/speech/dress/manner 情趣/谈吐/服装/举止优雅的

[ 例句] The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is

elegant in her appea rance but rude in her speech.

experienced* [ ik..spi..r i..nst ] a dj.有经验的,熟练的

[ 反义] inexpe rienced

explore* [ iks..pl....] v.①探索,探究②探险,勘探

[ 同义] ①sea rch (for ),hunt② probe

facility * [f....siliti] n.①设施②便利;容易③能力

[ 同义] ①equipment②ease③capacity

fantastic* [ f .. n..t .. stik] adj.①极好的,了不起的②奇异的

[ 同义] ①ma rvellous②odd,st range

fascinating* [..f .. sineiti..] a dj.吸引人的,迷人的

[ 同义] a tt ractive

festivity [ fes..tiviti] n.欢庆,欢乐

firework [..fai..w....k] n.鞭炮

format ion* [ f......mei....n] n.形成物,结构

[ 同义] construction,st ructure

freighter [..fr eit..] n.货船

golf * [....lf] n.高尔夫

historic* [his..t..rik] ad j.历史上著名的,具有历史意义的

hospitali ty * [..h..spi..t .. l..ti ] n.好客

jewel * [..d..u....l] n.珠宝

mall * [m....l ] n.购物街

marvelous* [..m....v..l..s ] adj.极好的,绝妙的

[ 同义] excellent,wonderful

notorious* [ n..u..t....ri..s ] ad j.臭名昭著的

[ 同义] ill famed

paradise* [..p .. r..dais] n.天堂

[ 同义] heaven

[ 反义] hell

reef [ ri..f] n.礁

settler* [..setl..] n.定居者

shallow* [...... l..u] ad j.浅的

[ 反义] deep

shipwreck * [....ipr ek] n.沉船,海难

shuffle-board [......flb....d] n.打圆盘游戏

site* [ sait ] n.场所,遗址

[ 考点] on site 在现场

[ 例句] The Dunhuang Caves ar e open to the public so that the frescoes (壁画) can be studied on site.

spectacular* [ spek..t .. kjul..] ad j.①壮观的②引人注目的

[ 同义] ①splendid②outstanding

sunbather * [..s..nbei....] n.日光浴者

tennis* [..tenis ] n.网球

tragedy* [..t r .. d..idi] n.①惨事,灾难②悲剧

[ 同义] ①misfor tune,disaster

[ 反义] ②comedy

unbelievable* [....nbi..li..v..bl ] ad j.惊人的,难以置信的

[ 同义] inc redible

uncrowded* [....n..kr audid] adj.不拥挤的

unfortunately * [....n..f....t....n..tli] adv.不幸地

[ 同义] unluckily

[ 反义] fortunately

warmth* [w....m..] n.热烈,热情

[ 同义] warmness,enthusiasm

[ 反义] cold,indiffe rence

water-skiing* [..w....t....skii..] n.滑水

windsurfer * [..wind..s....f..] n.风帆冲浪者

worm* [ w....m] n.虫,蠕虫

add to 增加

[ 例句] I don’t want to add to your t rouble.

be descended from 是.的后裔

[ 例句] He is descended from a distinguished family.

dress up 穿上盛装

[ 例句] They dressed their children up for the New Year’s Day.

range from.to 在.和.之间(变动)

[ 例句] The re are two hundr ed boys ranging from six to fourteen in age.

set foot 出发

[ 例句] She has never set foot on for eign soil.

stretch out 躺着舒展身体

[ 例句] He st retched (himself) out on the grass and fell a-sleep.