书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第26章 Unit Seven Emotions and Health (2)

receive an enthusiastic r esponse 获得热烈的响应

a favorable r esponse 赞同的答复

in r esponse 作为回答,作为反应

in r esponse to 作为对.的答复,作为对.的响应

[ 例句] 1 ) Twice I put the request to him,but he said nothing in response.

2 ) In response to your inquiry,we r egret to inform you that we cannot help you in this mat - te r.

[ 辨析] response;answer;reply

response 指对刺激的反应或对某一要求的回答;answer 最普遍,可指用来回答一个问题的任何语言或行动;reply 指以适当的陈述形式对某一问题做出的回答。

reverse* [ r i..v....s] n.① 相反,相对② 背面,反面③ (汽车) 倒挡

ad j.①相反的②颠倒的③背面的v.①翻转②颠倒③ (使) 倒退

[ 同义] n.①opposite ②back ③ reversal ad j.①opposite

[ 考点] in/into r everse 相反,反过来,朝相反方向的

put.in/into reve rse (汽车) 向后开

in r eve rse order 次序颠倒地;从尾到头地

on the r everse of the medal 勋章的背面

the r eve rse side of the coin 硬币的背面;事情的另一面

[ 例句] He hit the t ree behind him when he put the ca r into r eve rse without looking first.

rhythmic * [..ri..mik] adj.有节奏的

[ 同义] musical

risk * [ ris k] n.风险;危险

[ 同义] adventure,danger,venture

[ 反义] cer tainty,safety

[ 考点] a t risk 处在危险之中

a t all risks/a t any risk 无论冒什么危险

a t one’s own risk 自担风险

a t the risk of doing sth.冒.的危险

run the risk of doing sth.冒险

take a risk/risk s 冒险

[ 例句] 1 ) Mind you don’t take too many risks.

2 ) We cannot run the risk of losing all that money.

strain* [ str ein] n.① 拉紧,扯紧,张力,应变② 劳累,疲



[ 同义] n.① st retch,pull,tension② fatigue,pres sure③ tune,melody v.①tighten②exhaust③st rive

[ 考点] bear (stand) the st rain 忍受压力

unde r the st rain of 在.的压力之下

a t full st rain 全力以赴

ease (relieve) the st rain 使紧张状态松弛

impose (lay/place/put ) a st rain on 使.处于紧张状态

suffer from str ain 感到劳累不堪

mental str ains 精神紧张

the st rains of mode rn life 紧张的现代生活

st rains of music 乐曲声

st rain af ter/for 竭力追求

st rain to do sth.努力做某事

[ 例句] Do you suffer from the str ains of modem life?

[ 辨析] st rain;str ess;pressure;tension 这一组词都表示作用于某物上的力的作用或效能。st rain 和st ress 是这组词中使用最广泛的词,有时它们可以通用;pres sure 通常指一种压力,其特点是压向或推向在一个平面,这种力在液体中被均匀地向各个方向分布,受力表面单位面积所受的力通常是可以测出的;tension 指的是引起或有可能引起弹性物体伸长的两个平衡力中的任何一个力。

stressful * [..st resful ] ad j.有压力的

[ 同义] demanding,worrying

substance* [..s..bst..ns ] n.物质

[ 同义] ma tter,mate rial,stuff

system* [..sist..m] n.系统

tension* [..ten....n] n.(精神上的) 紧张,紧张不安②拉紧③ 紧张状态,紧张局势

[ 同义] ①anxiety ②tightness

[ 反义] ①relaxation ②looseness ③ relief

[ 考点] c reate tension 引起紧张

heighten tension 加剧精神上的紧张

inc rease the tension of the violin st ring 绞紧小提琴的弦

reduce (ease/les sen/relieve ) inte rnational tension 缓和国际紧张局势

unde r the tension of 在.压力下

[ 例句] She collapsed under the tension of waiting for the news.

virus* [..vai..r..s] n.病毒

well being [..welbii..] n.健康、幸福等状况

whichever* [wit..ev..] p ron.无论哪个或哪些be likely to 很可能

[ 例句] It’s likely to be cold in November.

be tired of 对.感到厌倦

[ 例句] I’m tir ed of watching television;let’s go for a walk.

depend on/upon 取决于

[ 例句] That depends on how you handle the problem.

fight off 极力摆脱

[ 例句] She took va rious medicines to t ry to fight off her cold.

give out 停止运转;出故障;用完

[ 例句] Af ter a month their food supplies gave out.

in turn 依次;接着

[ 例句] We a re as ked to answe r the question in turn.

let oneself go 尽情发泄感情、放纵欲望等

[ 例句] Go on,enjoy your self,let yourself go.

put on (使) 视听设备开始播放

[ 例句] Do you mind if I put some music on?

rely on 指望,依赖,信赖

[ 例句] She can’t be relied on to tell the t ruth.

Par t Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Your Anger Can Kill You


adrenalin [....dr en..lin] n.肾上腺素

aggravate* [......r..veit ] v.加重,加剧

[ 同义] worsen,intensify,heighten

aggression [......r e....n] n.敌对的情绪或行为

[ 同义] violence,attack,hostility

assessment* [....sesm..nt ] n.评估

[ 同义] valuation,estimation

cardiac [..k....di .. k] ad j.心脏(病) 的

cardiologist [..k....di....l..d..ist ] n.心脏病学家

checkout [..t..ekaut ] n.(超级市场中) 付款处

cholesterol * [ k....lest..r..l ] n.胆固醇

clarify* [..kl .. rifai] n.①使(某事物) 清楚易懂;澄清②使清净

[ 同义] ①explain,simplify ②purify

[ 反义] ①confuse

[ 考点] cla rify one’s stand 阐明自己的立场

cla rify ma tters 澄清真相

[ 例句] He is sued a statement to clar ify the situation.

clue* [ klu..] n.线索,提示

[ 同义] hint,sign,evidence

[ 考点] get/give a clue to sth.得到/提供关于某事的线索

t race a clue 寻找线索

[ 例句] We have found a clue to the mystery.

conduct* [ k..n..d..kt ] v.进行,实施,处理

[ 同义] do,perform,handle

[ 考点] conduct a class in English 用英语上课

conduct a survey 进行勘测

[ 例句] He should learn how to conduct a meeting.

consequence* [..k..nsikw..ns ] n.① 结果,后果,影响② 重要性

[ 同义] ① result,outcome,effect ② significance,importance

[ 反义] ①cause

[ 考点] as a (in) consequence 结果是,因此

in consequence of 由于.的缘故

take the consequences 承担后果

[ 例句] He is taken ill and I cannot star t in consequence.

coronary * [..k..r..n..ri ] ad j./n.冠状动脉;静脉(的)

counsel * [..kauns..l ] v.劝告,提议n.①商议,审议,评议②劝告,忠告

[ 同义] v.advise

[ 同义] ②advice

[ 考点] keep one’s own counsel 将意见(或计划) 保密;不相信别人

take counsel togethe r 共同商量

[ 例句] The mother counseled her daughte r on how to behave at the ball.

cumulative* [..kju..mjul..tiv] a dj.累积的

[ 同义] inc reasing,growing cynic * [..sinik ] n.愤世嫉俗者

[ 同义] pes simist

diet* [dai..t ] n.日常饮食

[ 考点] on a diet (为了治疗) 进规定的饮食be/go on a diet 节食

[ 例句] No suga r for me,please,I am on a diet.

elevator * [..eliveit..] n.电梯

encouraging* [ in..k..rid..i..] ad j.令人鼓舞的

[ 同义] hopeful,hea r tening,cheering

episode* [..epis..ud ] n.① 一段情节,片段,插曲② (一系列事件中的) 一个事件

[ 同义] ①passage,scene ②event,happening

[ 考点] a series of isola ted episodes from history 历史上一系列孤立的事件

[ 例句] The novel deals with the romantic episodes of her ear ly life.

evidence* [..evid..ns] n.证据,根据

[ 同义] proof

[ 考点] evidence for/of a conclusion 结论的根据

in evidence 明显的,显而易见的

bear/show evidence of 有.的迹象

on slight evidence 根据靠不住的证据

[ 例句] The effects of the wa r we re very much in evidence.

[ 辨析] evidence;proof

evidence 多指证明一件事是事实的任何依据;

proof 指充分令人信服的、无可置疑的证据。

fatal * [..feit..l ] ad j.①致命的,毁灭性的②不幸的,危险的

[ 同义] ①deadly,dea thly ②dangerous

generate* [..d..en..r eit ] v.①发生,产生(光、电、热等) ②引起,导致③生殖,生育

[ 同义] ①produce ②cause

glean [..li..n] v.收集(消息、资料、情报等)

[ 同义] collect,gather,assemble

heed* [ hi..d] v.留心,注意

[ 同义] notice

[ 反义] neglect

hey [hei ] interj.喂

hormone [..h....m..un] n.荷尔蒙

inconsiderate* [ ink..n..sid..r..t ] ad j.不替别人着想的,不体谅别人的;考虑不周的

[ 同义] thoughtles s,selfish

[ 反义] consider ate,thoughtful

[ 考点] be inconsiderate of/to sb. ’s feelings 不体谅某人的感情

inconsider ate r ema rk 考虑不周的话

[ 例句] He is inconsidera te to his family.

irritation* [ iri..tei....n ] n.①恼怒,生气②刺激,疼痛

[ 同义] ①annoyance,anger

[ 考点] express irritation 表示恼怒

show i rritation against/at/with 对.感到恼火

with irritation 生气地

cause irr itation to the eyes and nose 刺激眼睛和鼻子

[ 例句] He felt a sudden irritation against her.

lane* [ lein] n.①小巷,狭路②车道

[ 同义] ①footpath ②st reet

mistreat * [mis..t ri..t ] v.虐待

[ 同义] malt reat,ha rm,abuse

mistrust* [mis..t r..st ] n.不信任

[ 同义] doubt,suspicion

[ 反义] t rust

mortality * [ m......t .. liti] n.死亡率

not iceable* [..n..utis..b..l ] ad j.明显的,易见的

[ 同义] obvious,clear,evident,visible

obviously* [....bvi..sli] adv.显然;明白地

odds* [..dz ] n.可能性,机会

[ 同义] chances,probability,likelihood

[ 考点] the odds are 很可能

the odds are against sb./sth.时机对.不利

[ 例句] The odds a re against us in the ma tch because our best playe r is ill.