书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第14章 Unit T hree Culture(5)

2 ) It made him conscious how unjust he had been to he r.

funeral * [..fju..n..r..l] n.葬礼

hierarchy * [..hai..r....ki] n.等级制度

inappropriate* [..in....pr..upri..t ] adj.不适合的;不恰当的

[ 同义] wrong,improper,unfitting,unsuitable

[ 反义] appropriate,fit ting

[ 考点] altogether/completely inappropriate 完全不恰当的

inappropriate to the season 不合时宜的

[ 例句] 1) Wearing shorts to church is completely inappropriate.

2) Your s hor t dres s is inappropriate to the season for meeting.

insert* [ in..s....t ] v.①插入②添加

[ 同义] ①place in,set in②add,put in

joint* [ d....int ] adj.①连接的;接合的②共享的,共同的

[ 同义] ①joined,linked,combined②shared,coupled

[ 考点] take joint action 采取联合行动

joint responsibility/stock 连带责任/合资,合股

[ 例句] 1 ) A joint action will be taken on Ma rch 7.

2 ) The company is a Sino-for eign joint venture.

lowly* [..l..uli] adj.地位低的

mold* [m..uld ] v.使.成形

not ion* [..n..u....n] n.概念;想法

[ 同义] concept,idea,view,opinion,mind,intention

[ 考点] have a notion that 具有.观点(看法)

a current notion 一种流行观念

a foggy notion 模糊的概念

an unrealistic notion 不现实的想法

[ 例句] 1 ) I had a notion that she originally came from Poland.

2 ) Now equal pay for equal work is a common notion in China.

3 ) He had only a foggy notion of what it was all a - bout.

partially * [..p........li] adv.①部分地②不公平的

porcelain [..p....s..lin] n.瓷器

position* [ p....zi....n] n.①位置;方位②姿势③地位④身份⑤


[ 同义] ①location,site② posture③ status⑥ situation,circumstance,condition⑦viewpoint,opinion

[ 考点] be in a position to do sth.能够做某事

be in no position to do sth.不可(能) 做某事

in position 在适当的位置

out of position 不在适当的位置

[ 例句] 1 ) Keep it in position with a rubber band.

2 ) One of the chairs is out of position.

[ 辨析] position;job;situation

三词均可表示“职业,职务”。position 系正式用语,常指管理人员、职员等白领工作;job 系一般用语,可指任何性质或种类的工作;situation 主要用于招聘广告或求职启事,如Situa tion Vacant 招聘广告(栏)。

prestige* [ pres..ti....] n.①威信;威望;声望②显赫

[ 同义] ①fame,r enown

[ 考点] advance/lower/gain/lose/maintain the pr estige of


great/international pr estige 崇高的威信/国际威望

[ 例句] 1 ) Winning the fi rst prize in the Olympic games advanced the prestige of our motherland.

2 ) Does she have enough prestige to obtain the promotion?

romant ic* [ r..u..m .. ntik] adj.浪漫的

secrecy [..si..kr..si] n.保密

sexy [..seksi ] adj.性感的

specific * [ spi..sifik ] ad j.①明确的,具体的②特有的

[ 同义] ①definite②par ticular

[ 反义] gener al

statue* [..st .. tju..] n.雕像;塑像

[ 考点] carve a sta tue out of wood 雕刻一座木像

e rect/set up/cast a statue to his memory 为纪念他竖立/竖起/铸造一座雕像

[ 例句] 1 ) They put up a statue to him af ter his death.

2 ) The Statue of Libe rty is in New York Bay.

subtle* [..s..tl ] ad j.①微妙的;细微的②敏锐的③诡秘的

[ 同义] ①delicate,slight②keen,t ricky

[ 考点] s ubtle changes/differ ences 微妙的变化/细微的差别

a s ubtle hint of 稍有点

[ 例句] 1 ) He r whole at titude had undergone a subtle change.

2) Ther e’s a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.

symbolism [..simb..liz..m] n.象征

taboo [ t....bu..] n.禁忌

tone * [ t..un] n.①音;音调;音质② (复数) 腔调;语气;


[ 同义] ①note;pitch②mood,accent④colour,shade

[ 考点] imita te sb. ’s tones 模仿某人的腔调

lose/r ecover tone 失去/恢复健康

in a firm/ha rsh/kindly/pes simistic tone 以一种坚


[ 例句] 1) He exer cised r egular ly to keep his body in tone.

2) The doctor spoke in a se rious but kindly tone.

tray * [ t rei] n.托盘

unclothed* [..n..kl..u..d] a dj.没穿衣服的

undergarment [....nd..........m..nt ] n.内衣

well intentioned* [..welin..ten....nd] ad j.善意的

wrap [ r .. p] n.①包裹物;包装材料② (复) 秘密


[ 同义] v.①cove r,fold②cove r,envelop③ hide,conceal

[ 反义] v.①unwrap③r eveal

[ 考点] keep under wraps 保密

take the wr aps off 揭示,揭露

be wrapped (up ) in 被包在.里,被.所笼罩

wrap up 包起来,穿得暖和,掩盖,完成

[ 例句] 1 ) The plan was kept ca refully unde r wr aps.

2 ) The mountain top was wrapped in mist.

other.than ①除了,除了.之外的其他②不同于.

[ 例句] 1 ) They we re given nothing othe r than dry br ead and water for their evening meal.

2) His tastes a re quite other than mine.

regard.as 把.看做,把.视为,把.认为

[ 例句] I rega rd him as a friend.

tone down ① 放低(声音);使变得柔和② 使变得温和(客气)一些

[ 例句] 1 ) He toned down his inst rument which was too loud for the small room.

2) The excitement toned down.