intend + 不定式完成式本想.
[ 例句] 1 ) The tr ip was intended as a show of force.
2 ) I intended these flowers for your mother.
lettuce [..letis ] n.莴苣,生菜
likewise* [..laikwaiz] adv.同样地
napkin* [..n .. pkin] n.餐巾
olive* [....liv] n.橄榄
original * [....r id....n..l] adj.① 最初的;原始的② 原文的③ 有创造性的
[ 反义] ① first,initial② prima ry ③ cr eative,imaginative,inventive
[ 考点] a highly original writer 一位非常富于独创性的作家
an original idea 新颖的见解
an original document 文件的原件
[ 例句] 1 ) He was a brilliant and original writer.
2 ) She won an award for the most original idea.
3 ) She can read Shakespeare in the original.
overstay [....uv....stei] v.呆得超过某期限
peculiar* [] ad j.① 奇怪的;古怪的② 特有的;独具的
[ 同义] ①odd,st range②distinctive,par ticular
[ 反义] ①common,usual②gene ral
prompt* [ pr..mpt ] adj.及时的,迅速的
[ 同义] immediate,quick,ready
[ 反义] slow
[ 考点] be propmt in doing 迅速做.
prompt cash payment 即期付款
[ 例句] 1 ) He is always prompt in answering lette rs.
2 ) Prompt payment of bills is greatly apprecia ted.
saucer [..s....s..] n.茶托
sensi tive* [..sensitiv] adj.敏感的;灵敏的
[ 同义] keen
[ 考点] be sensitive on the subject of 对.问题敏感be sensitive to 对.敏感
[ 例句] 1 ) Some plants are so sensitive to pollution that
they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.
2) He is very sensitive on the subject of religion.
*** [ seks] n.①性别② (总称) 男人;女人③性行为
[ 同义] ①gender
[ 考点] the male/female *** 男/女性;雄/雌性
a tt raction between two ***es 异性之间的吸引
[ 例句] 1 ) The re are members of both ***es in the team.
2 ) Att raction between the ***es is quite usual.
silverware [..silv..w....] n.金属餐具
spill * [ spil ] v.① (使) 溢出;(使) 泼出②涌出③泄露
[ 同义] ①pour②ove rflow③disclose
[ 考点] spill a secr et 泄露秘密
spill out/over 泼出,涌出
[ 例句] 1) The crowd spilt over from the church into the str eets.
2) The milk has spilt over the table.
thoroughly * [ ] adv.完全地
thoughtful [........tful] ad j.①沉思的;思考的② 有创见的③ 体
[ 同义] ③considera te
apt to do sth.易于做某事
[ 例句] Some of the staff a re apt to arrive late on Mondays.
break up ①解散,散去②破裂③终止
[ 例句] 1 ) The meeting broke up in gr eat confusion.
2 ) When does your school break up?
follow the/someone’s lead/example
[ 例句] I don’t want you to follow my lead and rush into ma rriage.
under way ①在前进中;在进行中②在航行中
[ 例句] Plans ar e unde r way for a link road.
Passage Ⅱ Chinese and American Culture
***** [.... ] ad j.①已成年的②成熟的
[ 同义] ①grown-up②matur e,ripe
[ 考点] completely/emotionally/intellectually ***** 完全/
be ***** in behavior 性格成熟
an ***** film 供成人观看的影片
[ 例句] 1 ) A greedy man isn’t a completely ***** per son.
2 ) The girl is ***** in behavior.
affect ion* [....fek....n] n.喜爱;钟爱之情
[ 同义] love,attentions
[ 反义] hate
[ 考点] demonst rate one’s affection 表示爱意
fix one’s affections on sb.倾心于某人
motherly/undying/mutual affection 母亲般的/永恒的/相互的爱
be held in deep affection 被深深地爱着
[ 例句] 1 ) She demonst rated he r gr eat affection for him.
2 ) Unhappily,she fixed her affection on the wrong per son.
alike [....laik ] adv.相同地
ad j.①相同的②相像的;一样的
[ 同义] ad j.②r esembling,simila r
[ 考点] be alike in appea rance 相貌相像的
look alike 长得像
be alike to sb.某人一点儿也不懂
[ 例句] 1 ) He looks alike his fa the r.
2 ) All music is alike to him.
apart* [....p....t ] adv.①相隔,相距②拆开③区别
[ 考点] apar t from 除.外,要不是
fall apa rt 倒塌,崩溃
joking apa rt 言归正传
know/tell apar t 区分开
[ 例句] 1) Joking apa rt,we must do something about that hole.
2) The two boys ar e twins and so much alike that only their mother knows them apar t.
brief* [ br..i f] n.概要;摘录
ad j.简洁的;简短的
[ 同义] ad j.shor t,concise,abst ract
[ 考点] give sb.a brief int roduction 对某人作简要介绍in brief 简单地说
hold a/no brief for 为.辩护,支持/不支持
[ 例句] 1 ) I hold no brief for severe punishment,but we must get the child to obey somehow.
2 ) In br ief then,do you two agr ee to join me?
bystander [ .. nd..] n.旁观者
centimeter * [..senti..mi..t..] n.厘米
character [..k .. rikt..] n.① 品德;品质② 特征;名声③ 人物;角色;身份④气氛
[ 同义] ①natur e,quality②personality,feature③role
[ 考点] in char acter 适合,相称out of cha racte r 不相称,不相符
develop/analyse/change/t rain one’s char acte r 发展/分析/改变/培养某人的性格
[ 例句] 1 ) His behavior was in character with his upbr inging.
2 ) I t’s out of char acte r for small children to sit still for a long time.
3 ) Circumstances can develop one’s cha racter.
communicate* [ k....mju..nikeit ] v.①传达;传递② 交流;连接;
[ 同义] ①convey,t ransmit②correspond,join
[ 考点] communicate with sb.与某人联系
communicate s b.把.传递给某人
[ 例句] 1 ) They used carried pigeons to communica te with headquar ter s.
2 ) The radio sta tions communicated the storm wa rning to the islanders.
comparison* [ k..m..p .. ris..n ] n.① 比较;对照② 相似;类似③比喻
[ 同义] ①cont rast②r esemblance,simila rity
[ 反义] ②difference,unlikeness
[ 考点] beyond compar ison 无可比拟地
by compar ison 比较起来
in compar ison with 和.比起来
there is no comparison 没法相比
[ 例句] 1) In compa rison with metals,plastics have both advantages and disadvantages.
2 ) There is no comparison between frozen and fresh food.
confuse* [ k..n..fju..z ] v.① 使混乱;搞乱;混淆② 把. 弄糊涂;使困惑
[ 同义] ①mix② puzzle
[ 反义] cla rify,enlighten
[ 考点] become/get confused 困惑,慌乱
confuse.with 把.混淆起来
be confused about 对.感到困惑
[ 例句] 1 ) If you try to get too many things at a time,you may get confused.
2 ) I always confuse Austr alia with Aust ria.
3 ) I ’m afraid I ’m a little confused about these things.
contact* [..k..nt .. kt ] n.接触,联系
v .(与.) 接触,(与. ) 联系
[ 同义] touch,connection,association
[ 考点] be in/out of contact with 和.取得/脱离联系
bring into/throw in contact with 使接触
come in (to) contact with 接触,碰上
have/lose contact with 和.有/失去联系
make contact with 和.接触
[ 例句] 1 ) Only they had r adio contact with the ai rcraf t.
2 ) While he s peak s,he must be ****** eye contact with the othe r person.
contentedly [ k..n..tentidli ] adv.心满意足地
convey * [ k..n..vei] v.①运输;运送②传达;表达
[ 同义] ①tr anspor t,carry②expres s,tell
[ 考点] convey 把.传达给.
[ 例句] Please convey my best wishes to your parents.
denote* [ di..n..ut ] v.①表示;指示②代表;意味着
[ 同义] ①indicate② signify,mean
encouragement* [ in..k..rid..ment ] n.①鼓励;鼓舞②令人鼓舞的东西
[ 同义] ①support②praise
[ 反义] discouragement
[ 考点] draw/find encouragement in/from 从.获得鼓励
give/offe r/provide encour agement 给予鼓励
[ 例句] 1) That was the first encour agement I had ever r eceived from anyone.
2) You a re expected to provide encouragement to your brothe r.
flock* [fl..k] n.①羊群;一群②大量;众多
[ 同义] n.①he rd,crowd②multitude
[ 考点] a flock of 一群
in flocks 成群地
[ 例句] 1 ) A flock of wild geese flew over head.
2 ) Visitors came in flocks to see the monster.
handshake* [..h .. nd..eik] n.握手
henpecked [..henpekt ] adj.惧内的
homosexuality [..h..m..u..seksju.... liti ] n.同性恋
idiom* [..idi..m] n.成语;习惯用语
immodest* [ i..m..dist ] adj.自高自大的
impat ient * [ im..pei....nt ] ad j.不耐烦的;急躁的
[ 同义] intolerant,restles s
[ 反义] patient
[ 考点] be impatient for/to do 急不可耐地想.
be impatient of 对.不耐烦
be impatient with 对.不耐心
[ 例句] 1 ) She is impatient of the delay.
2 ) She is too impa tient with slow students.
inconvenient* [ ] ad j.不便的
individualist [..indi..vidju..list ] n.个人主义者
insult [ ] v./n.侮辱;凌辱
[ 同义] v.abuse,offend
[ 反义] v.praise,honour
[ 考点] pocket/swallow/take an insult 忍辱
deliber ate ins ult 故意侮辱
public insult 公然侮辱
add insult to injury 落井下石