
第7章 Unit Two Human Behavior (2)

rivalry6 [..raiv..l ri] n.竞争,竞赛,敌对,敌对状态,对抗

[考点] rivalry against 和.的竞争

be in a fierce r ivalry 出于激烈的抗衡中

enter/ get into rivalry with 和.开始竞争

the rivalry between the two power s 两个大国之间的竞争

fr iendly rival ry 友谊竞赛

professional rivalry 职业竞赛

[例句] Rivalry with other schools is encour aged.

scarf [sk....f] n.围巾,披肩

scholarly* [..sk..l..li] a dj.学者气质的,学者风度的,有学问的

senate4 [..senit ] n.参议院,上院,议会,最高立法机构

senator4 [..sen..t..( r) ] n.参议员,( 大学的) 评议员,( 古罗马的) 元老院议员

shamelessly * [....eimlisli] adv.不知羞耻地,不谦虚地

show off [......u..f] n.爱炫耀或卖弄的人

[例句] He is a terrible show off.

strut [st r..t ] v.炫耀技能、才智等

[考点] st rut about ( along ,around) 招摇过市

[例句] The lit tle boy put on his father’s medals and st rut-ted around the room.

suffering* [..s..f..ri..] ad j.受苦的,患病的


[考点] air one’s suffering 诉苦

a life long suffe ring 终生的痛苦

mental suffe rings 精神上的痛苦

physical sufferings 肉体上的痛苦

without suffering 没有痛苦地

[例句] I hoped tha t this might end my suffer ing.

terrace [..ter..s] n.①梯田的一层,梯田② 房屋之平顶,露台,阳台

[考点] build terrace 修梯田

[例句] Ther e a re many rice fields on the hillside ,terr ace above terrace.

throb [..r..b] n.悸动,脉搏

v i.悸动,抽动,颤动,震颤

[考点] the throb of a pulse 脉搏的跳动

a throb of pleasure 一阵兴奋的心跳

[例句] His hear t throbbed with excitement.

tidings [..taidi..z ] n.消息,音信

[考点] tidings of great joy 大喜讯

sad tidings 令人悲哀的消息

toot [tu..t ] n.嘟嘟声,痛饮,纵乐



[例句] The factory gives three toots of the whistle at noon.

trashy * [..t r ....i ] adj.无价值的,没有用的,垃圾似的

[考点] a t rashy television series 无聊的电视剧

t rashy jewellery 廉价的珠宝

all of a sudden 突然,出乎意料地

[例句] We were dr iving along ,when all of a sudden a car pulled st raight out in front of us.

angle for 使用暗示手段以期获得某物

[例句] She was angling for an invitation for the par ty.

count as 看成,视为

[例句] I t is an honor of our club to count him as a member.

entitle somebody to something 给.权力/ 所有权/ 资格

[例句] His ability and experience entitled him to the r es pect of his colleagues.

lay/ put one’s cards on the table 彻底公开,和盘推出

[例句] Pe rhaps we s hall make some progres s if we lay

( put ) all our cards on the table.

show off 炫耀自己的能力、财富、智慧等

[例句] Peter was keen to show off his knowledge.

toot one’s own horn 自吹自擂,炫耀自己的才能、功绩

[例句] He is an agreeable fellow ,but like to toot his own horn.

work. into 把.穿插进,把.插入

[例句] Work the butter into the flour with your fingers.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ When to Keep Your Mouth Shut


allege6 [....led..] v t.宣称,断言,( 无证据或发现证据之前) 指控,宣称

[例句] The man alleges that his watch has been stolen.

alleged [....led..d] a dj.①声称的,所谓的② 被指控的,嫌疑的

[考点] sb .’s alleged friends 某人所谓的朋友

an alleged thief 窃贼嫌疑

aspic [.. spik] n.( 花色) 肉冻( 指覆有各种形状肉冻的冷盘)

bigotry [..bi....tr i] n.固执,顽固,偏执的行为、态度或信念

[考点] racial bigotry 种族偏见

[例句] We must fight with bigot ry with patience.

blatant [..bleit..nt ] ad j.①喧嚣的,俗丽的,吵闹的,炫耀的②无耻的,露骨的

[考点] a blatant lie 弥天大谎

blatant int rusion into a nation’s inte rnal affai rs 对一国公然干预

the blatant colors of sb .’s dres s 某人衣服刺眼的色彩

[例句] You don’t have to be blatant about it.

blowup* [..bl..u..p] n.激烈的争论,脾气爆发

brawl [br....l ] vi.争吵,怒骂


[例句] One man was shot dead in a political brawl.

burning [..b....ni..] adj.强烈的,热烈的,迫切的

[考点] the burning sun 火辣辣的毒日

shoot sb.a burning look 对某人投以热情的目光

have a burning desir e to do sth.迫切地想做某事

burning anxiety/ ange r/ hat red 极度的焦急/ 恼火/ 仇恨

[例句] My burning ambition is to tr avel around the wor ld.

calculat ion* [..k .. lkju..lei....n ] n.计算,考虑,推算,估算( 的结果)

[例句] The success of the expedition was the result of

much calculation.

dealings [..di..li..z] n.①行为,交易②( 私人或商务) 交往,关系

[考点] blackmarket dealings 黑市交易

business/ commercial dealings 商业往来

clandestine dealings 秘密交易

double dealings 两面派做法

oblique dealings 不正当交易

upr ight dealings 公平买卖

dealings in stock and sha res 股票交易

dealings for the account 期货交易

[例句] I have no dealings with him now.

diaper [..dai..p..( r) ] n.尿布

effectiveness * [i..fektivnis ] n.效力,有效,能产生预期效果

[考点] combat effectiveness 战斗力

dramatic effectiveness 戏剧性效果

teaching effectiveness 教学效果

[例句] The faith I place in my doctor’s t reatment perhaps helped in its effectiveness.

embrace4 [im..br eis ] n.拥抱,怀抱


[考点] embr ace round the neck 搂住脖子

embr ace science 相信科学

embr ace new life 迎接新生活

embr ace many colors in a single design 把许多颜色包含在一个图案里

[例句] The lit tle boy freed himself from his aunt ’ s embrace.

forthrightly [..f......raitli ] adv.言行坦诚地,直率地

harangue [..h....r ....] n.慷慨冗长的训话,言辞激烈的讲话

[考点] an excited harangue 激昂的长篇讲话

launch/ deliver into a long ha rangue( against sb .) 发表冗长的( 针对某人的) 讲话

[例句] The old lady was still haranguing the gir l.

innocently* [..in..s..ntli] adv.无恶意地,无害地

miscarry [..mis..k .. ri ] vi.① ( 人、事、计划等) 失败,受挫② ( 邮件、货物) 被误送③ [医] 流产

[例句] 1 ) All his plans misca rried.

2 ) The let ter must be miscarried ,for he never received it.

momentarily [..m..um..nt..r..li,m..um..n..te r..li ] adv.短暂地,瞬间地,片刻地

Nazi [..n....zi] n.纳粹党人

ad j.纳粹党的

nightly [..naitli] adj.每夜的


[考点] nightly sky 夜空

a nightly visitor 夜客

[例句] Nightly visits ar e made by the house physicians.

obligate* [....bli..eit ] ad j.有责任的

v.(在法律或道义上) 强制.做某事,使负有责任,负有义务

[考点] 常用于被动态,后接不定式

[例句] He felt obligated to visit his par ents.

pajamas [p....d......m..z] n.睡衣,宽长裤

pandemonium [..p .. ndi..m..uni..m ] n.大混乱,嘈杂骚乱


[例句] In the squa re there was a pandemonium of shouting and screaming.

prosecution* [..pr..si..kju......n] n.控方,代表原告的律师

[考点] public prosecution 公诉

face criminal prosecution 面临起诉

bring a prosecution against sb.对某人提出诉讼

[例句] The prosecution has shown that the prisoner was seen nea r the place of the crime.

reve [r eiv] v.极力夸奖,狂热赞扬

[考点] rave about/ of one’s misfor tunes 叹息自己倒霉

rave against one’s fate 抱怨自己的命运

rave with fury 大发脾气,激怒

[例句] Heard the r eport ,he raved with fury.

relieve4 [ri..li..v] v.缓解,减轻,解除( 痛苦、忧虑、麻烦等)

[考点] relieve sb.from pain/ s uffe ring/ temptation 使某人免受痛苦/ 苦难/ 诱惑

relieve s b.from active duty 解除某人现役

relieve s b.of the burden of 解除某人的.负担

[例句] More help in the office would relieve me from some of this r esponsibility.

repent [r i..pent ] v.后悔,悔改,忏悔,悔悟

[考点] repent of one’s conduct 对自己的行为表示后悔

repent of having mis sed a good oppor tunity to learn 后悔失去一次学习的机会

[例句] He repented of a thoughtles s act.

rundown [..r..ndaun] n.扼要报告,( 常指口头的) 总结

[考点] a rundown of the week’s news 一周新闻综述

give a br ief rundown on situation 做简要的形势报告

sofa [..s..uf..] n.(长) 沙发

stun6 [st..n ] vt.使震惊,使目瞪口呆,使晕倒,使惊吓,打晕


[考点] stun with questions 把某人问得张口结舌

[例句] I was stunned to hear the news of his death.

testify6 [..testifai] v.证明,证实,作证

[考点] testify falsely against 做不利于.的伪证

testify before cour t 出庭作证

testify on behalf of s b.为某人作证

testify to the fact that 证明.的事实

[例句] The witnes s testified tha t he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank afte r it had been robbed.

tolerance4 [..t..l..r..ns ] n.宽容,忍受,容忍

[同义] forbea rance

[反义] intolerance

[考点] display tolerance 表示宽容

have a tole rance for 对.有耐心

beyond toler ance 难以忍受

have tole rance to 对.能忍受

[辨析] tolerance ;forbea rance

tolerance 强调消极的接受或忍受,宽宏大量的认
