[例句] Fa rming and mining make up most of the count ry’s indust ry.
refrain from 克服,抑制
[例句] Please refrain from smoking.
Test Yourself
Test One
1) I t’s tiring and work.
A.mindful B.mindles s
C.inter esting D.minded
2) In our unive rsity ,professor Wu is a ( n) professor
A.previous B.previewing
C.prevailing D.prestigious
3) He walked a round the town.
A.at leisure B.with leis ur e
C.on leisure D.in leis ur e
4) As students,we must our unneces sa ry expenses.
A.cut down B.cut down on
C.cut away D.cut into
5) Lea rning is not fun.In fact it is quite.
A.frust rating B.frustr ated
C.fruit ful D.fruitless
6) Mozar t is really in musician.
A.gif t B.talent
C.gifted D.talented
7) The guerrillas say they will continue to pres s on with their as sault.
A.at tack B.help
C.att ract D.aid
8) She has a huge depa rtment to administer.
A.own B.manage
C.operate D.take
9) If they pe rsist in their at titude he can ’ t over turn their decision.
A.take over B.take in
C.change D.make
10) His family has now suffered the agonies of uncer tainty for a yea r.
A.happiness B.fun
C.enjoyment D.t rouble
11) They consolidated the states of the south into a unified South Regain.
A.united B.jointed
C.associated D.tied
12) She was a ya rdstick against which I could meas ur e what I had achieved.
A.mi rror B.example
C.standard D.threat
13) If an insect eats a c rop the damage is conspicuous.
A.invisible B.noticeable
C.sensitive D.insensitive
14) The tight jumpe r only his fat stomach.
A.accessed B.accentuated
C.advocated D.accele rate
15) The te rrorists have their bombing campaign.
A.s pecialized B.clas sified
C.intensified D.terrorized
16) Even af ter meeting only once ,they felt a.
A.kinship B.intimate
C.friend D.r elative
17) The leaders of any political par ty want all the members to.
A.in step B.take steps
C.keep step D.fall into step
18) He managed to his mounting anger.
A.s urvive B.subdue
C.sustain D.surpass
19) Do you banning ca rs in the city center ?
A.activate B.subordinate
C.compassionate D.advocate
20) The pool of wate r on the playground in the sun.
A.escaped B.evaded
C.evapora ted D.evacuated
21) With winds,a sailing ship could out run a steam ship.
A.profitable B.favorable
C.advantages D.beneficial
22) We had a long telephone.
A.dialogue B.conve rsation
C.talk D.speech
23) This statement is not with what you said ea rlier.
A.right B.consist
C.accordance D.consistent
24) I am to go and nothing will stop me.
A.detected B.detailed
C.dest royed D.dete rmined
25) The naught boy takes a great in pulling the dog’s tail.
A.job B.rapture
C.light D.delight
26) There a re of people in here.
A.lot B.many
C.masses D.few
27) This room was for the childr en.
A.projected B.schemed
C.designed D.descr ibed
28) We could apply for a to buy a car.
A.lending B.borrowing
C.loan D.pay
29) She star ted writing at a young age.
A.poetry B.poet
C.lite rature D.poem
30) Admission tickets are $20 ,$25 at the door.
A.paid B.prepaid
C.fined D.cost
31) Af ter s harpening all his pencils and ****** a cup of tea ,he sta rted drawing.
A.in quickness B.in detail
C.in eage rness D.in earnest
32) The school was for its progres sive policies.
A.noted B.charged
C.res ponsible D.known
33) A secr et agent has to be able to blend into the.
A.scene B.view
C.darknes s D.scenery
34 ) Many firms t ry to jump on the to turn out new elect ric product.A
A.bandwagon B.wagon
C.car D.t rain
35) O’Neill’s ideas have been to a gr eat deal of c riticism from those who consider them as scientific dr eaming.
A.adjusted B.corresponded
C.subjected D.yielded
36) I will do my best to your expectations.
A.live up to B.live with
C.live through D.live by
37) An inventor has an right for a cer tain numbe r of year s to make what he has invented and patented.
A.honor ary B.exclusive
C.inclusive D.excessive
38) Both of them are too stubborn to agree to ,so they had to be assigned to different branches.
A.a friends hip B.compromise
C.a judgment D.an emotion
39 ) Knowing that mor e people will come to know her work her on.
A.forced B.spurr ed
C.led D.ca rried
40) In mediaeval Europe ,big nobles often rose in against the king.
A.r evolt B.rebellion
C.riot D.disorder
1) B 2 ) D 3 ) A 4) B 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) B
9) C 10 ) B 11 ) A 12) C 13 ) B 14) B 15) A
16) D 17 ) C 18) B 19) D 20 ) C 21) B 22 ) B
23) D 24 ) D 25 ) D 26) C 27 ) C 28) C 29) A
30) B 31 ) D 32 ) A 33) D 34) A 35) C 36) A
37) B 38 ) D 39 ) B 40) B
Test Two
1) After set free from prison ,he began a new of his life.
A.section B.segment
C.chapter D.pa r t
2) He has on an adventur e that no one else has da red.
A.carried B.star ted
C.embarked D.gone
3 ) Af ter asking for help for seve ral times ,he gave me a as sistance.
A.voluntary B.reluctant
C.willing D.wa rm
4) For lit tle girls,doll seems to be a ( n) thing.
A.inducible B.suggestive
C.indulging D.irresistible
5) In such a hot summer ,we must take all the a - gainst fir e.
A.measures B.ways
C.pr ecautions D.attentions
6) Their demand has not the slightest of being met.
A.prosper ity B.prospect
C.pros pection D.prosecution
7) The war ehouse was not adequately protected against theft or vandalism.
A.stealing B.breaking in
C.attacking D.r aiding
8) I’m waiting for the ice cream to soften.
A.become hard B.become small
C.become sof t D.become la rge
9 ) Indust rialization in weste rn count ries was achieved painlessly.
A.without effor t B.without result
C.without aim D.without t rouble
10) He had forfeited the right to be the leade r of this nation.
A.given up B.used up
C.taken up D.given in
11) He told them to reconcile themselves to their misery on ear th.
A.fight B.bear
C.put on D.accept
12) She r elinquished the editorship of the newspaper.
A.given up B.used up
C.taken up D.given in
13) Muller’s glasses had gold rims.
A.line B.thread
C.edge D.cord
14) It was a gr eat to have the doctor living nea r us.
A.ease B.convenience
C.availability D.access
15) She had a good disguise ,but as soon as she spoke she herself.
A.betr ayed B.leaked
C.missed D.dis posed
16) She likes to her mind through reading the best authors.
A.activate B.cultivate
C.pas sionate D.dedicate
17) The government is unlikely to get the bill through within the lifetime of this.
A.Government B.Parliament
C.Congress D.Administ ration
18) The policeman was while the complaint was investigated.
A.suspended B.executed
C.advocated D.prosecuted
19 ) The salesman the old lady into signing the pape r ,by threatening to take away the goods.
A.cha rged B.feared
C.impeached D.intimida ted
20) The government attempted to c rime by punis hing criminals without mercy.
A.eradicate B.extinguish