
第25章 Unit Eight The Media (1)


1) The road has been dug up in order to lay.

A.lines B.cables

C.r ailways D.wir es

2) She’s a fascinating speaker who r eally you with her intellect.

A.dazzles B.admires

C.indulges D.beseeches

3) Many people felt tha t the of the ruling political par ty was inevitable.

A.los s B.eclipse

C.disappea rance D.da rkening

4) The business community’s reaction to the pr esident’s re election was.

A.warm B.enthusiastic

C.hea rty D.wor thy

5) He works for a coffee.

A.plantation B.field

C.farm D.mill

6) Her was in question afte r shooting.

A.sense B.sensibility

C.ability D.sanity

7) The cost of the whole oper ation has been.

A.countless B.innumer able

C.gigantic D.mountable

8) Our school has itself to a famous univer sity.

A.affiliated B.belonged

C.r elated D.linked

9) Despite all the media ,I found the film very disappointing.

A.hype B.information

C.methods D.fallacy

10 ) She said social class in Ame rica was la rgely decided by.

A.authority B.government

C.common people D.celebrity

11) “I hope the new measures ,will cont ribute to preventing the r esurgence of house price ”.

A.increasing B.depletion

C.reduction D.inflation

12) The story seemed to be t rue.

A.vir tually B.mostly

C.completely D.totally

13) The cats were neglected and.

A.sta rving B.dying

C.br eathing D.losing.

14) Nothing ever happens around her e.It ’s so boring.

A.inter esting B.new

C.amusing D.newswor thy

15) Farm losses we re 40% worse than in the period.

A.r elating B.equal

C.corr esponding D.holding


1) B 2 ) A 3 ) B 4) C 5 ) A 6 ) C 7 ) D 8 ) D

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) D 12) D 13) B 14) D 15 ) B

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Part One In Class Reading It’s Radio !


AM= amplitude modulation 调幅广播系统

announcer * [....nauns..( r) ] n.电( 视) 台的节目报告员

antenna [.. n..ten..] n.( pl.antennae or antennas ) ① (无线电或电视的) 天线②触角

[同义] aer ial

[考点] a pair of antennae 一对触角

political antenna 政治触角

[例句] My neighbor has a tall r adio antenna on his roof.

aurally [......r..li] adv.听觉地

buffer [..b..f..( r ) ] n.起保护作用的人或物

[考点] a buffer against ( infla tion) 针对( 通货膨胀) 的保护伞

[例句] Friends ar e excellent buffers in times of cr isis.

cable4 [..keibl] n.①有线电视②缆绳,钢索

[同义] cord ,rope ,telegraph ,wire

[考点] cable car 缆车

cable r ailway 缆道

lay cables 铺设电缆

[例句] Ther e wer e cables for telephones ,lights and computers all over the floor.

dazzle6 [..d .. zl ] v.使赞叹不已,使倾倒;使眼花;使目眩

[同义] blind ,flas h ,glare ,glow ,shine,sparkle

[考点] dazzled by bright lights 因明亮的灯光而目眩

dazzling sunshine/ diamonds 让人眼花缭乱的阳光/ 钻石

[例句] He’s a s killed politician who has dazzled both the

opponents and the voters.

deck4 [dek ] n.①音响设备中放光盘或磁带的装置②甲板

[考点] go up on deck 到主甲板上去

below decks 低于甲板之下的位置

[例句] The waves washed over the s hip ’s deck in the stormy sea.

delta [..delt..] n.三角,三角洲

durability * [..dju..r....bil..ti] n.经久性,耐用性

[例句] 1) A point that st rikes an outsider s is the dur ability of political compromise.

2) The way a vehicle is welded has a lot to do with its dur ability.

eclipse6 [i..klips ] v.使黯然失色,使相形见绌


[同义] conceal ,cover ,da rken ,hide,obscur e,overcast ,sc reen ,shadow ,veil

[考点] a solar/ lunar eclipse 日/ 月蚀

a total/ par tial eclipse of the sun 日全蚀/ 日半蚀

be in eclipse/ have gone into eclipse 已无足轻重

[例句] 1 ) On Wednesday there will be a total eclipse of the sun.

2) The economy has eclipsed all other is sues during this election campaign.

endear [in..di..] v.使受喜爱

exot ic6 [i....z..tik] ad j.奇异的,外(国) 来的

[同义] bright ,colorful ,foreign ,gay ,st range

[反义] endemic ,indigenous,native

[考点] exotic flowe rs/ food/ designs 奇花/ 异食/ 奇异的设计

an exotic dancers 脱衣舞女郎

fireside [..fai..said] n.壁炉边

FM= frequency modulation 调频

gigantic6 [d..ai...... ntik] adj.巨大的,庞大的

[同义] colos sal ,enormous ,huge ,immense,la rge ,ammoth ,t remendous

[反义] diminutive ,little,small

[例句] The cost of the whole operation has been gigantic.

hearty * [..h....ti ] ad j.真诚的,亲切的,热诚的

[同义] sincer e ,friendly ,warm hear ted

[反义] insincer e ,unkind ,c ruel

[考点] a hear ty laugh 真诚的笑

hale and hear ty 矍铄的,健壮的

my hea r ties 伙计们

[例句] His hale and hear ty manner hid a sensitive and shy man.

homesickness [..h..umsiknis ] n.想家,思乡病

hopelessly* [..h..uplisli ] adv.令人绝望地,没有希望地

[例句] He’s hopelessly in love with Pat.

kilobyte [..kil..bait ] n.千字节

microcomputer [..maikr..uk..m..pju..t..( r) ] n.微机

plantation [pl .. n..tei....n] n.大种植园,大农场

powerful4 [..pau..ful ] ad j.① 强大的,有力的,有权的② 强健的,强壮的

[反义] powerfulless

[例句] The picture quality is bad because the TV signal isn’t powerful enough.

powerfully * [..pau..fuli ] adv.非常地,强有力地

premium6 [..pr..i mi..m] n.保险费;报酬;奖金

ad j.特佳的,优质的

[反义] discount

[考点] a premium for good conduct 品行优良奖

put a premium on sth.诱发,鼓励( 某种行为、行动)

premium rents 高租金

premium gas (AmE .) = four star pat rol 优质汽油

[例句] Car ins ur ance premiums have increased this year.

receiver4 [ri..si..v..( r) ] n.①电视或收音机的接收器,电话听筒② (破产) 管理员

[同义] sender’ t ransmitter

[考点] a radio receiver 无线电接收机

a ( telephone ) r eceiver 电话听筒

[例句] She picked up the receive r and dialed his number.

remoteness* [ri..m..utnis ] n.偏僻

[例句] The house was very remote and I felt lonely all the time.

sameness* [..seimnis] n.单调,千篇一律

[例句] She was struck by the samenes s of the houses.

sanity [..s .. n..ti ] n.①心智健全②判断正确

[反义] insanity

[考点] doubt/ question one’s sanity 怀疑某人大脑是否正常

bring some sanity into sth.使.有秩序

a return to sanity 清醒过来

keep/ preserve/ r etain one’s sanity 保持头脑清醒/ 冷静

[例句] Maybe Jenny can bring some sanity into this crazy situation.

spectacle6 [..spekt..kl ] n.场面,奇观

[同义] display ,show ,exhibition ,pageant ,sight

[考点] a magnificent s pectacle 奇观

the most popular spectacle on television 最受欢迎的电视(场面)

the greatest spectacle of the century 世纪奇观

be pure spectacle 外观辉煌

be mere spectacle 外观辉煌而无价值

[例句] The television show was mere spectacle.

uninterruptedly [....n..int....r..ptidli ] adv.不间断地,持续地

a wealth of 大量的,丰富的

[例句] He gave me a wealth of examples to illustr ate the ma th problem.

be shy about/ of doing something 不愿做. ,对. 感到迟疑

[例句] When the children met the queen ,they were shy of speaking.

come along 出现,来到,可得到

[例句] I got the job because I came along at the right time.

give someone credit for 为.而称赞某人

[例句] She was given no credit for her invention.

in retrospect 回顾往事

[例句] My school life seems happie r in r etrospect than it seemed at the time.

in the final/ last analysis 说到底,归根结底

[例句] In the final ,we failed howeve r hard we’d t ried.

make a/ the case that 提出理由、事实证明

[例句] He makes the case tha t the company has made a total los s this year.

make contact wi th 与.接触,与.联系

[例句] Af ter graduation ,we make contact with each other fr equently.

on a one to one basis 一对一地

[例句] The victim recalls the suspected on a one to one basis.

on average 平均地

[例句] We receive 20 lette rs a day on average.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ What Makes TV Most Entertaining ?


affiliate6 [....filieit ] v.使隶属(或附属) 于

[考点] has affiliated itself to 隶属于.

be affilia ted with 从属于.