
第18章 Unit Six Advertising Campaigns (1)


1) The cake is delicious.Would you like to it ?

A.touch B.swallow

C.taste D.lick

2) What can we from these facts.

A.fancy B.conside r

C.r eason D.infer

3) Tr affic lights are used to t raffic.

A.adjust B.arrange

C.command D.r egulate

4) He is a man ,I told him all about the plan.

A.confident B.famous

C.r eliable D.dependent

5) Have you made the for our holiday.

A.at tempts B.promise

C.r eserva tions D.discovery

6) John makes the plan ;**** them.

A.dose B.executes

C.ca rries out D.comes t rue

7) The girl felt and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teache r’s question.

A.amazed B.awkwa rd

C.cur ious D.amused

8) All the words we re used and well chosen.

A.suitably B.appropr iately

C.apt ly D.fitly

9) Water and mercury a re.

A.fluids B.liquids

C.floats D.flows

10) I don’t know where my money has gone ;it seems to melt.


C.down D.away

11) The fire.

A.burn down B.burn with

C.burn out D.burn off

12) He me by his wonde rful speech.

A.admired B.amazed

C.wonder ed D.advised

13) The nurse the doctor’s orde r.

A.exhibited B.executed

C.sentenced D.exhausted

14) The of rumors is common in wa r time.

A.circle B.cycle

C.ci rculation D.going

15) The manager thought he was a person and told him all about the new plan.

A.confident B.famous

C.r eliable D.dependent


1) C 2) D 3) D 4 ) C 5) C 6) B 7) B 8) C

9) A 10) D 11) C 12) B 13) B 14 ) C 15) C

Part One In Class Reading

Advertising Claims


adman [.... dm .. n] n.广告商

affirm6 [....f....m] v.证实,确认

aptly * [.... ptli] a dv.适当地,恰当地

[同义] appropriately ,rightly ,suitably ,fitly

[辨析] aptly;suitably;appropriately;fitly aptly 一般指从理性而言,某事是恰当地、贴切地、符合客观要求地;而suitably 和appropriately 常指适合某种场合、目的、情况等;fit 常指资格或能力上符合某事。

[例句] The teacher was aptly punished for the student ’s misdeed.

believable* [bi..li..v..bl ] ad j.可相信的

[例句] He is a believable guy.

belittle [bi..litl ] v.轻视,小看,贬低

cleaner * [kli..n..( r) ] n.去污剂

[例句] This kind of cleaner is very useful and cheap.

cola [..k..ul..] n.可乐

cooking* [..kuki..] n.烹饪

[例句] 1 ) He studied cooking in Chengdu ,Sichuan province when he was very young.

2 ) In his home,his wife does the cooking and he

does some cleaning.

deceptive [di..septiv] adj.骗人的,容易使人上当的

defenseless * [di..fenslis ] ad j.无防御的,无保护的,无助的

[同义] helpless

[考点] a defenseless baby 孤弱无助的婴儿

leave one’s mind defenseles s 解除思想警惕

[例句] The defenseles s town was captur ed by the enemy t roops without difficulty.

downright [..daunrait ] adj.彻头彻尾的,完全的,十足的

hollow4 [..h..l..u] adj.空的,中空的,空心的

[同义] empty ,unfilled ,fruitless ,useles s ,meaningless

[反义] solid

[考点] hollow promise 空口的承诺

hollow out 挖空.

hollow cheeks 凹陷的两颊

in the hollow of a person’s hand 任( 某人) 摆布,在(某人)掌心中

beat a person ( all) hollow 打垮( 某人),把( 某人)击败

a hollow voice 沉重无力的声音

[例句] The squar e pillars in the hall look solid ,but in fact they’re hollow.

maid [meid] n.①少女,未婚的年轻女子②女仆

[同义] housemaid ,servant ,maidservant

[例句] Ask the hour maid servant to as h the dir t off the floor.

meaninglessness [..mi..ni..lisnis ] n.无意义

modifier * [..m..difai..( r) ] n.修饰语,修饰成分

[例句] In “ safety barr ier ”,the noun “ safety”is being used as a modifier.

nonsense4 [..n..ns..ns ] n.胡说八道

[同义] rubbish ,senseles snes s ,foolishnes s

[反义] sense

[例句] She told me that the moon was made of cheese.

What nonsense !

observer [..b..z....v..( r) ] n.观察者

[同义] watcher ,viewer ,witness

[例句] You can’t speak at this meeting ,you ar e here as an observer.

oven4 [....v..n] n.烤炉,烤箱

[例句] She took out the cake from the oven and ate it at once.

parity [..p .. r..ti] n.相等相同

render4 [..r end..( r) ] v.使得,使成为

[同义] give ,supply ,cause

[考点] to render thanks 表示感谢

to render into Chinese 译成中文

render up 说,祈祷

render an account 付账

render sth.back to sb.把.归还给某人

render help to sb.给某人以帮助

[例句] The succes s r ende red him very proud.

rhetorical [ri..t..rikl ] adj.修辞的

suck4 [s..k] v.吮吸

[同义] take in ,absorb ,draw

[考点] suck in 吸进. ,吸收( 知识) ,( 吸气而) 缩入

suck up 吸上.;吸收知识等,奉承,讨好

suck up to 以甜言蜜语讨好人,拍. 的马屁,阿谀奉承

suck in knowledge from books 从书本上获取知识

give suck to a baby 给婴儿喂奶

a child a t suck 吃奶的孩子

[例句] 1 ) The gir l sucked the wa ter shake through a st raw.

2 ) He was so thirsty that he sucked the orange dry.

superiori ty6 [sju....pi..r i....r..ti,s..-] n.优越( 性) ,优势,优等

supporting* [s....p....ti..] ad j.次要的,辅助性的

[考点] a supporting role 配角

a supporting actor 男配角演员

supporting personnel 辅助人员

[例句] He is a supporting actor in the film.

tasty * [..teisti ] ad j.美味的,可口的,好吃的

[同义] flavor ,delicious

[考点] tasty dishes 鲜美的菜肴

a tasty snack 美味的快餐

listen to a tasty tale 听有趣的故事

a tasty cont ract 有吸引力的合同

[辨析] flavor ;tasty

flavor 味,风味,指特别的味道,味道中的特别

之处,是taste 和smell 相结合的味道;tasty 常用


[例句] I had a tasty snack this morning.

televise [..telivaiz ] v.用电视播放,用电视放映

weasel [..w..i z..l ] n.鼬,黄鼠狼

wonderland [..w..nd..l .. nd] n.仙境,奇境

delight in 以.为乐,喜好

[例句] He is delight in watching football ma tch.

masses of 大量,大批

[例句] There a re masses of students who are waiting for the final res ult of the test.

name someone/ something after 照.命名

[例句] He is thinking of name his child af ter ( for ) his grandfather.

pride oneself on something 以某事物为自豪

[例句] He is prides himself on his talent for music.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Insights into Advertising


advisor [..d..vaiz..( r ) ] n.顾问,(学生的) 指导老师

cameraman [..k .. m..r..m .. n ] n.摄影师

cloudy * [..klaudi ] ad j.①模糊的,不清楚的,不确定的② 多云的

[反义] cloudless

[考点] a cloudy mi rror 模糊的镜子

cloudy ideas 模糊的观念

a cloudy day 阴天

a cloudy moon 被云遮住的月亮

[例句] The bee r is ve ry cloudy.

coverage* [..k..v..rid..] n.① 承保范围,保险险别② 新闻报道

designer * [di..zain..( r) ] n.设计者

[同义] planner

[考点] an aircraf t designe r 飞机设计师

the fashion designe rs 时装设计师

[辨析] planner ;designer

planner 指拟定工作或行动具体内容和步骤的人;

designe r 指机器服装等的设计人,图样设计者。

[例句] He is the famous designer in the world.

earnings* [......ni..z] n.所挣的钱

[例句] He has spent all his ea rnings.

frugal [..fru......l] adj.节约的,俭省的

guild [..ild] n.协会,行会

infer4 [in..f....( r) ] v.推断,推定

[同义] deduce

[考点] infer from sth.从.推断

to infer an unknown fact from a known fact 从已知的事实推断出未知的事实

[辨析] infer ;deduce infer 表示推断但不表示推断过程或结论是否有充足理由;deduce 意思是由充分的证据或一般准则经确切推断而获此结论。

[例句] What can you infer from the passage ?

insidious [..in..sidi..s] adj.隐伏的,潜在的,暗中危害的

limited [..limitid] adj.有限的

[考点] limited company 有限公司

limited war 有限战争

[例句] Our accommodation is very limited.

lining [..laini..] n.镶边

mammalian [m ....meili..n] adj.哺乳动物的

prominent* [..pr..min..nt ] adj.著名的,重要的

[同义] conspicuous,distinguished ,outstanding ,st rik- ing ,rema rkable ,noticeable

[辨析] conspicuous;distinguished ;outstanding ;st riking;rema rkable ;noticeable ;prominent conspicuous 主要用于指非常明显、清楚,因而眼睛或思想不会错过的事物;distinguished 卓有成就的,指得到承认或评价的才学成就;out - standing 是个普通的词,一般指优秀的人或事物,超乎常人常事;st riking 指人的行为不寻常,使人见了很吃惊且留下深刻的印象;r ema rkable 指值得注目的、引人注意的;noticeable 指清楚地显露出来,很容易让人感到或看出;prominent 适用于那些从背景或周围环境中明显的突出或突起的事物,在引申用法中指明显的突出或优越于周围环境的人。

[例句] He has acces s to some ve ry prominent people.

quiz [kwiz ] n.(广播、电视等的) 智力竞赛,答问比赛

[同义] test ,examination ,trial