
第13章 Unit Four Honesty (1)


1) A new of pr actice governing the adver tising of tobacco products was taken into effect.

A.rule B.law

C.r egulation D.code

2) They two carried on a corr espondence during the pa r ting days.

A.prosperous B.prospective

C.flourishing D.flourished

3) There was a great between what he said and what he did.

A.flexibility B.inconsistency

C.var iety D.instability

4) Bennet had taken the of tr ansferring his house into his wife’s name before his company collapsed.

A.precaution B.caution

C.method D.tactics

5) for a peace settlement in the Middle East a re not very hopeful a t the moment.

A.Proper ties B.Propor tions

C.Prosperity D.Prospects

6) Janis was for ced to tha t much of her a rgument was based not on knowledge but on prejudice.

A.confess B.concede

C.conceal D.condemn

7) Your story lends to one of the witness ’ s statements.

A.credit B.belief

C.cr edibility D.faith

8) As a repor ter ,s he finds out what she needs to know ,using a mixture of charm and.

A.praise B.compliment

C.commendation D.flatte ry

9) The appointment is for thr ee months ,but may be extended later on.

A.initially B.preliminary

C.beginning D.opening

10) People in the a rea a re very of anyone who follows a different religion.

A.prejudiced B.intoler ant

C.narrow minded D.prefe rable

11) Am I in demanding such high standard ? A.justified B.justifiable

C.reasonable D.prope r

12 ) The man stood in a small group ,to the argument that was going on ac ross the road.

A.unconcerned B.not car e

C.indifferent D.unmoved

13) Having promised to cut taxes ,the government now has a ( n) to do so.

A.necessity B.must

C.need D.obligation

14) Yellow is the color in her room.

A.presumable B.prefe rable

C.pr eceding D.prevailing

15) The greatest to economic progr ess has been mas s unemployment.

A.ba rrie r B.obstruction

C.obstacle D.block


1) D 2 ) C 3) B 4) A 5 ) D 6 ) B 7) C 8 ) D

9) A 10) B 11) A 12 ) C 13) D 14) D 15 ) C

Part One In Class Reading

Cheating: Alive and Flourishing


abdicate [.... bdikeit ] v.放弃( 责任、义务)

academician [....k .. d....mi....n ] n.学者,大学教师,知识分子

bud6 [b..d] n.芽,苞,蓓蕾


[考点] in bud 在发芽,含苞待放

nip in the bud 消灭在萌芽状态,防止

[例句] Let’s nip this problem in the bud before it gets out of hand.

code4 [k..ud] n.①准则,规范②密码,代码

[考点] code of practice 行为准则

dialing/ a rea code 电话区号

[辨析] code;rule ;r egulation;rest riction code 人们或组织愿意遵守的一系列规则,并非是强迫性的;rule 官方或一组织制定的规则,指导人们应当做什么,不应当做什么;regulation 尤指政府制定的成文规则,详细说明该做何事,如何做某事;rest riction 官方或一组织制定的规则,限定人们不能做何事。

[例句] These are the code of practice for the students in this university.

conceptual [k..n..septju..l ] ad j.概念的,观念的

dishonest* [dis....nist ] ad j.不诚实的

[反义] honest

[考点] It is dishonest of sb.to do sth.某人做某事是不诚实的

[例句] It is dishonest of you to tell such a lie to your teache r.

dual6 [..dju....l] adj.双(重) 的,两重的

flourishing* [..fl..ri..i..] ad j.繁荣的,盛行的

[同义] booming ,prosperous ,roaring ,robust

[考点] a flouris hing c rops 茂盛的庄稼

a flouris hing business 生意兴隆的企业

frustrating* [fr....str eiti..;( US) ..fr..st ret-] ad j.使人沮丧的,令人泄气的

[例句] Learning is not fun.It is actually quite frust ra - ting.

gifted* [....if tid ] ad j.有天才的,有才华的

[辨析] gifted;talented

gifted 指天生就有的能力和技能,尤指在艺术、音乐、体育方面非常擅长;talented 指不需要训练,天生就有的擅长做某事的能力。

[例句] He was gif ted linguistically.他在语言上有天赋。

hacker [..h .. k..( r) ] n.黑客

inconsistency * [..ink..n..sist..nsi ] n.不一致,前后矛盾

[同义] incoherence ,inappropriatenes s

[反义] coherence ,conformity ,similarity ,s uitability

[考点] inconsistency between 与.不一致

inconsistency in 在.方面反复无常

[例句] He was accused of inconsistency in upholding what he had previously condemned.

ingenious6 [in..d..i..ni..s] ad j.( 设计) 巧妙的,有独创性的

[同义] inventive

irresistible* [..iri..zist..bl ] adj.非常诱人的,无法拒绝的,无法抗拒的

[例句] On this hot day ,the sea was irresistible.

outspoken [..aut..s p..uk..n] ad j.坦率的,直言不讳的

pamphlet6 [..p .. mflit ] n.小册子

pedagogical [..ped ........d..ik..l ] ad j.教学( 法) 的

peek [pi..k] v.偷看,窥视

precaution4 [pri..k........n] n.预防,防备,预防措施

[考点] take the precaution against 预防. ,提防.

take the precaution of doing 做.以预防.

a precaution to do 以防.

[例句] 1) We should take all precautions against accident.

2) You’d bette r take the precaution of swallowing two sea sicknes s tablets.

3) I t is a wise precaution to lock all the doors.

presumably4 [pri..zju..m..bli] adv.大概,可能,据推测

[同义] assumably ,likely ,presumptively

[辨析] pres umably;probably

pres umably 指你根据所获得的信息推测,你认为某件事是一事实;probably 指你认为某事有可能发生。

[例句] Pr esumably he won’ t see you ,if you ’r e leaving tomorrow.

prevalent6 [..pr ev..l..nt ] a dj.普遍的,流行的

[同义] dominant ,prevailing

[例句] Smog is mor e prevalent in urban centr es.

prospect4 [pr....spekt ;(US) ..pr..spekt ] n.前景,前途

[同义] pers pective

[考点] prospect of sth..的期望,期望干.

prospect for 期望( 有).

in pros pect 期望中的

[例句] 1 ) Is ther e any prospect of succes s ?

2 ) Pros pects for peace have improved.

seminar4 [..semin....( r) ] n.研讨会,研究班

shoplifting [......p..lifti..] n.(装做顾客进行) 商店货物扒窃

sub-committee [..s..bk....miti] n.( 委员会下的) 小组委员会,小组

tempting* [..tempti..] adj.诱人的,吸引人的

[同义] lur ing

[反义] untempting

[例句] The company offered a tempting salary of$100 ,000 per annum for an experienced executive.

troubling* [..t r..bli..] adj.令人不安的,令人烦恼的

visor [..vaiz..( r) ] n.帽舌

Walkman [w....km .. n] n.随身听

cut down on 减少,削减

[例句] The doctor told me to cut down on dr inking because of my illness.

for one 举个例子说

[例句] I for one think tha t he is a good boy.

for the most part 多半,在很大程度上

[例句] The people of this city a re ,for the most par t ,quiet and well behaved.

get a handle on 理解,控制

[例句] Our government is always ready to get a handle on inflation.

lay/ put a guilt trip on 使.有负罪感

[例句] She did not break the dish on purpose ,so there is no point longing a guilt t rip on her.

on the threshold of 在.的开始(或初期)

[例句] Scientists are now on the thr eshold of an important discovery.

take root 确立,建立,根深蒂固

[例句] His ideas have taken root in the minds of his followers.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ How Honest Are We ?


dilemma6 [di..lem..] n.困境,( 进退两难的) 窘境

[例句] The dilemma the doctor faced was whether he should tell the patient the t ruth.

furtive [..f....tiv] a dj.鬼鬼祟祟的,偷偷摸摸的

impoverished [im..p..v..ri..t ] adj.贫困的,赤贫的

lobby4 [..l..bi ] n.大厅,门厅

mosque [m..sk] n.清真寺

municipal6 [mju....nisip..l] adj.市的,市政的

[考点] the municipal government 市政府

the municipal authorities 市领导

Muslim [..muzlim;( US) ..m..z-] n.******教徒

plaza [..pl....z..;( US) ..pl .. z..] n.广场,市场

pollster [..p..ulst..( r) ] n.民意测验者,民意调查者

populous [..p..pjul..s] adj.人口众多的,人口稠密的

revealing* [ri..vi..li..] ad j.发人深省的,揭露内情的,坦诚的

[例句] Such r evealing pornography was star tling.

shrine [..rain] n.圣殿,神庙

staggering [..st ......r i..] ad j.惊人的

stall6 [st....l ] n.店铺,摊位

unnoticed* [....n..n..utist ] a dj.未察觉的,未注意到的

[例句] The hours passed unnoticed.

in act ion 在活动,在运行中

[例句] The motor is not yet in action.

on the spot 立即,在现场

[例句] The policemen were on the spot within ten minutes.

turn in 交上,上缴;交( 作业、写好的文字材料)