
第32章 Part Ⅱ(13)

by heart by means of by no means

1. I found my husband??s love letters in the back drawer.

2. He put salt into her cup of tea.

3. Every student in our class cleans the classroom.

4. Their economy has expanded enormously in the last five years,whereas

ours,has declined.

5. The teacher is very strict with us and asks us to learn every new word


6. It is certain that we will be able to move to our new office in


7. This is a two-year course taught lectures and seminars.

Pos t-clas s activity

Ⅰ. Decide whether the following pairs of words are synonyms or

antonyms. If they are synonyms,circle the S. If they are

antonyms ,circle the A.

1. conf ident convinced S A

2.mess disorder S A

3. tentatively decisively S A

4. frighten scare S A

5. smart clever S A

6. reply answer S A

7. chance impossibility S A

8. ignore disregard S A

9. favorite hated S A

10. wrinkled smooth S A

Ⅱ. Para phrase the following sentences,and write down the different

meanings of the underlined words in the following sentences.

1. I must tell him that I can??t go to his graduation ceremony,but I don??t quite

know how to approach the subject.

. If you look out of the windows on the left of the bus,you??ll see that we are

now approaching the tower of London.

3. Since our research has so far not produced any answers to this problem,we

need to adopt a di fferent approach to it.

4. The approach of crucial election has forced Mr. Smith to act.

5. The target of the attack was the World Trade Center in New York.

6. Recently he has been the target for a series of obscene phone calls.

7. Campaigns to stop the spread of AIDS must continue to be targeted at the

whole population.

Ⅲ. Study the compound words with“single”and write down the meaning

of the following words.

1. single file

2. single-handed

3. single bed/ room

4. single-hearted/ minded

5. single combat

6. single cream

7. single deck

8. single breasted

9. single parent

Ⅳ. Word-building

A. Complete the chart below by filling in the missing forms of the words.

B. Complete the sentences with words from the chart.

1. The patients were kept in of what was actually wrong with them.

2. The castle tower is only by going up some very steep steps.

3. I hardly ever take photographs except on.

4. Her first novel showed signs of.

5. They received hundreds of for more information.

6. He gets huge from ballet and contemporary dance.

7. I can??t get along with him; his moods are very.

8. A great number of young people in further education are supported

financially by contributions.

9. Her great as a manager is that she is very well organized.

10. This is the most present I have ever received.

unit Seven

Text B

Ⅰ. Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1. respond A. by some means

2. offend B. showing a lot of excitement and eagerness

3. dominate C. of or concerning literature

4. slender D. to cause displeasure to

5. literary E. from time to time

6. enthusiastic F. quick to show or feel the effect of a force

7. on occasion G. delicately or gracefully thin in the body

8. somehow H. belonging to the present time

9. sensitive I. to control

10. current J. to answer

Ⅱ. Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the

words in brackets.

1. Television is an increasingly important means of ( communicate).

2. I won??t describe the wonderful meat dishes that we had in France ,because

it might ( offence) the vegetarians among us.

3. He is well qualif ied for the job,but he does lack (personal ).

4. The day began badly with a series of ( embarrass) and misunderstandings


5. I felt I couldn??t cope with the situation and was in desperate need of some

( reassure).


. It??s unusual to see so many ( literature ) words in a newspaper


7. He made financial (provide) for his wife if he should die young.

8. The course teaches traditional methods of food (prepare).

9. The appeal for help produced a positive ( respond) worldwide

10. A big earthquake a long way off is ( prefer ) to a smaller one


Ⅲ. There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence

there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one

answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a for smoking.

A. succession B. substitute C. revival D. relief

2. My sister is quite and plans to get an M.A. degree within one


A. aggressive B. enthusiastic

C. considerate D. ambitious

3. The students about the poor quality of the food in the dining


A.murmured B. complained C. scolded D. groaned

4. He was a vigorous and active man whose added much pleasure to

the party.

A. appearance B. idea C. presence D. dress

5. Many people wonder why the international community can??t the

current crisis in a unified way.

A. answer to B. respond to C. reply to D. respond with

6. I know what we are doing is legal,but it doesn??t feel right.

A. whatsoever B. somehow C. therefore D. somewhat

7. The meeting was designed to parents whose children were taking

exams that summer.

A. insure B. assure C. reassure D. ensure

8. The training program is designed to provide knowledge of the

business world.

A. background B. hidden C. implied D. open

9. We have recently adopted more methods of assessment.

A. true B. real C. decent D. formal

10. For a moment I thought he was being serious,but then he at me.

A. glanced B. peeked C. glimpsed D. winked

Ⅳ. Complete the following sentences with the expressions given below.

Change the form where necessary.

polish dominate personality to no avail current

1. He had worked on his essay for a long time and the details to the

professor??s satisfaction.

2. His is revealed in the way he works with his students.

3. To be a good teacher,you should encourage the students to think for

themselves instead of the class.

4. The doctor??s efforts to save the drown child were.

5. In some schools,children study affairs as a subject.

Ⅴ. Write down the meaning of the following words and phrases.

1. pop corn 爆玉米花2. pop music

3. pop test 4. pop artist

5. pop gun 6. pop-eyed

7. pop-shop

unit Eight

Text A

Pre-clas s activity

Ⅰ. Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1.misunderstanding A. a formal argument or discussion

2. title B. to share or change opinions,news,information,etc.

3. participate C. an intention or aim

4. debate D. a failure to understand something

5. reliable E. to take place or happen

6. barely F. to be useful as

7. purpose G. to the name of a book,film,painting or a piece of

music ,etc.

8. serve as H. hardly