
第30章 Part Ⅱ(11)

A. prestigious B. prosperous C. precious D. prospective

15. Finally the government the existence of the problem.

A. acknowledged B. confessed

C. admitted D. agreed

16. Such a speech should never have been made ,by a so called

responsible politician.

A. first of all B. best of all C. least of all D. worst of all

17. If the trip is a success,a lot of this will be Mr. Green??s efforts.

A. due to B. according to C. thanks to D. owing to

18. She would like to pass on to the trainee teachers the knowledge she has

from the book.

A. inquired B. acquired C. required D. enquired

19. The fault the organizers,who failed to make the necessary

arrangements for dealing with so many people.

A. lay off B. lay in C. lay back D. lay with

20. The Health Secretary called for a return to traditional family.

A. value B. valuation C. values D. valuer

Ⅱ. Choose a suitable word from the groups to complete the following

sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.

1. reward award

reward something,esp.money,that you give someone because they have

done something good or helpful

award a prize that someone wins for achieving something important or

doing something well

( 1) One of the firefighters was given a $500 for bravery.

( 2) The police say there is a $50 ,000 for any information that helps

them f ind the killer.

2. get acquire gain obtain

get to come into the state of having; to become the owner or receiver of

acquire to get or gain by one??s own efforts or actions; to get or come to

have as one??s own

gain to earn; to get by effort or merit ,as in competition

obtain to get possession of ,esp. by some effort; to procure

( 1) The democrats finally support from most of the people.

( 2) You may have to help from your local health department.

( 3) You must f irst permission f rom the committee.

( 4) We should try to a good habits.

Ⅲ. Complete the following sentences with a phrase from the list.

dedicate onesel f to compare with look down upon prefer to

be deprived of be ashamed to least of all do away with

adapt to keep up to the extent compete with

be made of

1. The stores each other in their push for increased market shares.

2. Some people hold their beliefs very strongly,even of being

prepared to go to prison for them.

3. I say that I can??t answer your question.

4. The new president said that she would to protecting the rights of

the women.

5. Instant coffee can??t freshly ground coffee.

6. No one can function properly if they are adequate sleep.

7. Nuclear weapons are supposed to in order to obtain long-lasting

world peace.

8. Although he failed,we didn??t him.

9. When it comes to hobbies,Rebecca reading books

listening to music.

10. People from the North of the country find it diff icult to the hot

and humid summer in Shanghai.

Pos t-clas s activity

Ⅰ. Decide whether the following pairs of words are synonyms or

antonyms. If they are synonyms,circle the S. If they are

antonyms ,circle the A.

1. thick thin S A

2. ability capability S A

3. abroad home S A

4. adequate enough S A

5. dedicated devoted S A

6. admit deny S A

7. fault mistake S A

8. depend rely S A

9. elementary advanced S A

10. reward punishment S A

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the following“with”phrases.

bear with begin with cope with do with lie with live with

1. Could you give me something to help me the pain,doctor ?

2. In school ,every class the teacher and the students greeting each


3. If you will just me for a moment ,I??ll f ind you a copy of the


4. I??m sorry your tooth is hurting but you??ll just have to it until we

get you to the dentist.

5. Many people believe that responsibility for the team??s loss the

coach rather than with the players.

6. I can??t all this shouting and screaming. I need a quiet place to read

and write.

Ⅲ. Translate the following phrases into English.

1. 求知欲强者

2. 学习认真者

3. 有名的大学

4. 物质回报丰盛的工作

5. 受过高等教育的劳动队伍

6. 锻炼思想

7. 街头艺人

Ⅳ. Study the different meanings of“term”and choose the letter to

match the different meaning of the word in the following sentences.

A. n. the fixed period of time which something lasts for

B. n. a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject

C. n. a period of time in the future

D. n. pl. a particular area of a subject you are discussing

E. n. pl. the conditions which control an agreement ,arrangement or


F. n. pl. agreement with someone or acceptance of something unpleasant

or diff icult

1. Taking this decision will cost us more in the short term,but

will be beneficial in the long term.

2. Our goods compete in terms of product quality,reliability and

above all variety

3. We will have to dicuss your terms of employment.

4. The term used to describe the Treasury Minister in Great

Britain as“the Chancellor”.

5. He has come to terms with his wife??s illness and says he will

nurse her at home.

6. The government??s term of office expires at the end of the year.

V. Fill in the blanks with the following words containing the English

root“port”,which means“to carry or bear”.

deport export import report support transport portable

1. The country tropical fruits from Central America.

2. Please to the principal when you have finished your project.

3. Parents will usually their child until he or she is through school.

4. A person who is not a citizen of this country may be if he engages

in illegal business.

5. I had a typewriter when I was in college because I had to carry it to

the library every day.

6. The pipeline was constructed to oil acrss Alaska to ports on the


7. China is now rice to many countries.

unit S ix

Text B

Ⅰ. Find from the text a synonym for each of the following words or

expressions. The number of the paragraph is given to help you.

1.fashionable (para. 1 )

2. avoid (para. 2 )

3. a famous person (para. 3 )

4. and so on (para. 3 )

5. old (para. 3 )

6. wonderful (para. 4 )

7. insensible (para. 4 )

8. tendency (para. 5 )

9. fail (para. 6 )

10. alike (para. 6 )

Ⅱ. There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence

there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one

answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Many people are worried that violence on TV may turn out to be a potent

on some young people.

A. effect B. encouragement

C. persuasion D. inf luence

2. I??m going to the Picasso exhibition at the Metropolitan Museun of Art.Why

don??t you ?

A. come along B. come down

. come out D. come across

3. The pyramids in Egypt was a monument to the skill of their

ancient builders.

A. lively B. alive C. living D. live