
第23章 Part Ⅱ(4)

3. We received £1 ,550 in cash and promises of another £650 ,******

£2 ,200.

4. my love of landscape ,nothing could persuade me to spend another

day in the Highlands.

5. He doesn??t know anything about computers.

Ⅲ. Translate the following expressions into English,paying attention to

the word order.

1. 前后back and forth 2. 上下

3. 南北4. 真假

5. 左右6. 刀叉

7. 古今8. 迟早

9. 钢铁10. 国内外

11. 远近12. 阴晴

13. 轻重14. 心灵

15. 文理16. 三三两两

17. 老少18. 你我

19. 男女20. 这那

21. 善恶22. 手脚

23. 皮包骨头24. 盛衰

Ⅳ. Word-building

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words at the beginning of

the sentences.

1. serve We got incredibly good at that French restaurant.

2. conversation The article was written in straightforward,almost


3. refer The poem contains to places where the poet spent

his childhood.

4. challenge Bowden called the piece“one of the most pieces of

music”he had ever played.

5. disagree Ginny had left the company after a with her boss.

6. respond Mrs. Williams says that the hospital was for her

husband??s death.

7. object If anyone has any ,please let us know as soon as


8. patient Roy gets when people drive too slow in front of


9. suit Applicants for the position must have work


10. conscious They called an ambulance when Clare became and

her lips turned blue ,but by then it was too late.

unit Two

Text B

Ⅰ. Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1. exceed A. to show or make clear

2. communicate B. [ to] one step removed from the first; not primary

3. manufacture C. to be greater than; to go beyond

4. indicate D. [with] to pass on feelings,information,etc.

5. prevail E. a sign,gesture ,device ,or sound serving as a means of


6. secondary F. [with/ by] to put back in place; to take the place of

7. signal G. [ from/ into] to make or process from raw materials,esp.

with the use of machinery

8. replace H. assistance ,support,help

9. invade I. [among/ in] to be generally accepted or widespread

10. aid J. to enter by force in order to conquer

Ⅱ. There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence

there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one

answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Evolution has won acceptance as a scientific law.

A. common B. consistent C. universal D. inf inite

2. A motorist was caught the speed limit.

A. preceding B. succeeding

C. conceding D. exceeding

3. Most newspaper readers f irst look quickly at the headlines and at the lead

paragraphs to get a( n) view of the news.

A. universal B. isolated C. widespread D. overall

4. The color of the car is to its quality and price.

A. junior B. inferior C. primary D. secondary

5. Many people like white color as it is a of purity. (CET 4: 2002/ 6)

A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. symptom

6. The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political ,

economic and cultural. (CET 4: 2002/ 1)

A. tradition B. transmission

C. transportation D. transformation

7. We as individuals should also be prepared to do something to help the

environment for the of the planet where we are living.

A. care B. sake C. aid D. reason

8. There is that David??s parents will turn up tonight.

A. an occasion B. an opportunity

C. a fortune D. a chance

9. Mr. Russell served president of the Association for fifteen years.

A. for B. as C. to D. with

10. Test results will whether the treatment was successful.

A. note B. register C. indicate D. record

Ⅲ. Choose the most suitable word or words from the given group to

complete the following sentences and try to figure out the dif ference

in meaning.

traffic transportation

traffic 1 ) the vehicles moving along a road or street; 2 ) the movement

of aircraft ,ships,or trains from one place to another

transportation 1 ) a system or method for carrying passengers or goods from

one place to another; 2 ) the process or business of taking

goods from one place to another

1. We were stuck in heavy for more than an hour.

2. People need to get out of their cars and use other means of.

3. There??s been a lot more around here since they opened the mall.

4. The best designs can be folded for easy.

Ⅳ. Put an appropriate preposition or adverb into each blank in the

following sentences.

1. I admired the creativity which prevailed the young writers.

2. Many parents find it diff icult to communicate their teenage sons

or daughters.

3. Writing was always secondary spending time with my family.

4. They replaced the permanent staff part-timers.

5. They had no bathroom,so a hole in the ground served a toilet.

6. When she got up from the table ,it was obviously the signal us to


7. I wonder if an old John Wayne movie is showing cable.

8. Sometimes there??s a lot of competition children their

mother??s attention.

unit Three

Text A

Pre-clas s activity

Ⅰ.Match the words from Column A with those from Column B.


1. harmony A. to strike or beat repeatedly,heavily,and noisily

2. pray B. a very successful new play,movie ,etc.

3. smash C. to show respect to

4. promptly D. to gain control over (sth. unfriendly or difficult)

5. clap E. fully grown and developed

6. urge F. a state of agreement ( in feelings,ideas,etc.)

7. honor G. to speak to God ,giving thanks or asking for help

8. pound H. immediately and without any delay

9. conquer I. to drive or force ( forward) ; to encourage

10. mature J. to applaud

Ⅱ. The following sentences are taken from the text. Go over them and

try to figure out the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in

each sentence.

1. He even ran and played with sighted children.

A. able to see B. healthy C. foreign

2. As far as he knew,that was all anyone could do.

A. as much as


. in agreement to what

C. to the degree that

3. He played so hard that he had actually worn the toy out within a few


A. been tired of B. damaged C. thrown away

4. The new name stuck and Stevie Morris became Little Stevie Wonder.

A. was abandoned B. persisted or endured C. became fixed

5. He had his first hit when he was twelve years old.

A. collision or impact B. success C. apt remark

6. He loved music and would pound spoons or forks on any surface that faintly

resembled a drum.

A. imitated B. represented C. looked like

7. Stevie learned to play it so quickly that everyone was amazed.

A. confused B. astonished C. amused

8. In August of 1973 ,Stevie was involved in a serious car accident.

A. connected with B. engaged to C. committed to

9. That turned out to be enough.

A. proved B. occured by chance C. confirmed

10. He has been able to bring sunshine to the shadow of many other lives.