
第21章 Part Ⅱ(2)

Pos t-clas s activity

Ⅰ. Decide whether the following pairs of words are synonyms or

antonyms. If they are synonyms,circle the S. If they are

antonyms,circle the A.

1. answer reply S A

2. ignore notice S A

3. show indicate S A

4. tutor teach S A

5. relevant irrelevant S A

6. shrink stretch S A

7. essential critical S A

8. per every S A

9. distract concentrate S A

10. way approach S A

Ⅱ. Study the following phrases with“hand”and then fill in the blanks

with them in their proper forms.

bite the hand that feeds one to harm someone who has helped or supported one

change hands to pass into different ownership

give/ lend (sb.) a hand to help sb.

have your hands full to be very busy or too busy

lay your hands on sth. to find or get sth.

show one??s hand to allow one??s plans or intentions to become known

wash one??s hands of sth. to refuse to be responsible for sth. any more

1. I??ve the whole affair.

2. It??s unlike him to so clearly - I suspect he has a purpose in doing


3. This car has three times.

4. She felt that her protégé ( 被保护人) had by ****** unkind

remarks about her in public.

5. I would read any book I could.

6. Can??t you wait ? I already.

7. When we moved house my brother came to.

Ⅲ. Prefix : inter -

The pref ix inter- means“between,each other”. For example,“ interrupt”

means“ break between,”and“ international”means“ between the nations”.

Now complete the following sentences with the words given below.

Internet international interrupt interact

interpret interdependent interpersonal

1. Students should be encouraged to use the as a resource.

2. In large classes,children feel that they cannot with the teacher.

3. The successful candidate should have strong skills.

4. I speak Spanish. Would you like me to for you ?

5. She tried to explain,but he her in mid-sentence.

6. This is CNN,bringing you all the latest news.

7. Ecosystems are networks of plants and animals.

Ⅳ. Word-building

Fill in the following blanks with proper forms of the words from the table.

curious participate solve memory assign

ignore relevance revise economy graduate

succeed essential

1. I??m trying to be more when I go shopping,buying only what I

really need.

2. The loan was only a temporary to the country??s financial


3. Don??t write your password down; it.

4. To many young people ,the church seems outdated and to modern


5. I??m burning with ; you must tell me who??s won.

6. Bart??s first assignment for the newspaper was to report on the

French elections.

7. I??m ****** some to the book for the new edition.

8. After Jayne went to nursing school.

9. Sharing is the of friendship.

10. The whole idea behind the show is that it??s meant to encourage audience.

11. Political historians are often rather of economics.

12. I regret to inform you that your application was.

unit One

Text B

Ⅰ. Put the following into English by using expressions from the text.

1. 又苦又甜的回忆

2. 成年

3. 独自; 靠自己

4. 把自己的喜好强加于人

5. 一连串无穷无尽的未知数

6. 如果??将会怎么样

7. 彻底转变

8. 鱼贯而入

9. 泪水止不住流出双眼

10. 在茫然中

11. 崭新的生活

12. 与??道别

Ⅱ. There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence

there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one

answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Credulous people might accept that theory,but me ,I don??t

believe one half of it.

A. aside f rom B. as from C. as for D. as of

2. My brother likes eating very much but he isn??t very about the food

he eats.

A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. unusual

3. Mary was happy when the computer firm she worked for in New York

decided to her to their office in Mexico city.

A. move B. shi ft C. transfer D. change

4. In Britain people four million tons of potatoes every year. (CET

4: 2000/ 1)

A. swallow B. dispose C. consume D. exhaust

5. The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to

himself. ( CET 6 : 1995/ 1)

A. spot B. locate C. place D. situate

6. He manages to collect some to start a business by himself.

A. income B. capital C. treasure D. materials

7. The doctors don??t that he will live much longer. (CET 6: 2000/ 1 )

A. articulate B. anticipate C. manifest D. monitor

8. Under these ,you might agree with us that it is rather difficult for

your products to put a footing this market.

A. circus B. circulation

C. circumstances D. conditions

9. This is not an economical way to get more water; ,it is very

expensive. (CET 4: 2004/ 6)

A. or else B. in short

C. on the contrary D. on the other hand

10. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest of being met.

A. prospect B. prediction C. promise D. permission

Ⅲ.Match the words in Column A with their synonyms in Column B.


1. solemn A. begin

2. impact B. dress

3. set in C. charming

4. gown D. set up

5. circumstance E. influence

6. attractive F. condition

7. particular G. special

8. establish H. grave

Ⅳ. Put an appropriate preposition or adverb into each blank in the

following sentences.

1. It was a diff icult time ,but eventually things turned all right.

2. She and Laura keep their friendship through frequent telephone

calls and lunch dates.

3. It??s no good trying to force a diet someone.

4. We began to file out the car park.

5. It looks as if the rain has set for the day.

6. The injury may keep him out of football good.

7. Davidson transferred another department last October.

8. Humans are the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder.

9. After she had put the phone down,she felt a daze.

10. the background you can see a few of my old college friends.

unit Two

Text A

Pre-clas s activity

Ⅰ. Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1. handle A. at the midpoint between two things

2. switch B. happening,coming,or being earlier in time or order

3. halfway C. an answer

4. challenge D. to record officially

5. previous E. to deal with

6. original F. to call sb. to compete against one ,esp. in a fight

7. register G. a statement or feeling of dislike,disapproval,or opposition

8. objection H. to change,esp. suddenly

9. response I. existing at the beginning of a period or process

10. snatch J. to take hold of (sth.) hastily

Ⅱ. Explain the following words with phrases from the text.

1. to hit or push (sb.) so that they fall to the ground

2. to mention or speak about (sb. or sth.)

3. to break into pieces

4. to take part in

5. to formally ask sb. to do sth.

6. in spite of everything

7. to the extent that

8. used to say that you are not surprised by sth.

9. to do sth. one by one in regular order

10. to stop completely

Ⅲ. Cross out the word or phrase in each group that does not belong.

1. seize snatch hold grab

2. handle deal with challenge tackle