
第31章 Conscience(2)

He crossed out the paragraph.That word again--must keep it from buzzing senselessly round his brain like this!He was only devilling;hold。on to the word devilling;it was his living to devil--more or less_just earning his living—getting nothing out of it!Neither was Georgie Grebe--only the ad!Then who was getting something out of it?“Con—glomerated Joumals”!out of Georgie Grebe’S nanle:out of the chief’S name below the devilled leaders--a pretty penny!But was there any harm in ****** the most of a big name?Taggart frowned.Suppose aman went into a shop and bought a box of pills,marked“Holloway,,made up from a recipe of“Tompkins”一did it matter that the manthought they were Holloway’S,if they were just as good pills,perhapsbetter?Taggart laid down his pen and took his pipe out of his mouth.‘Gosh!’he thought:‘never looked at it this way before!I believe it does matter.A man ought to get the exact article he pays for.If not,anyfraud is possible.New Zealand mutton Can be sold as English.Jaeger stuffs can have cotton in them.This Grebe article’S fraud.’He relit his pipe.With the first puff his English hatred of a moral attitude,or“swank”of any sort beset him.Who was he to take stand against a cus—tom?Didn’t secretaries write the speeches of Parliamentary“big—bugs”?Weren’t the opinions of eminent lawyers often written by theirjuniors,read over and signed?Weren’t briefs and pleadings devilled?Yes;but all that was different.In such cases the Public weren’t paying for expression,they were paying for know ledge;the big lawyer put his imprimatur on the know ledge,not on the expression of it;the Gabinet Minister endorsed his views,whether he had written them out or not,and it was his views the Public paid for,not the expression of them.But in this Grebe article the Public would not be paying for any knowledge it contained,nor for any serious views;it would pay for a peep into the mind of their idol‘And his mind will be mine!’thought Taggart;‘but—who’d spend his money to peep into my mind,if he knew it was my mind?’He got up,and sat down again.

With a Public SO gullible,what did it matter?They lapped up any—thing and asked for more.Yes!But weren’t the gullible the very people who oughtn’t to be gulled?He rose again and toured the disheveledroon mall at the other table raised his head.

“You seem a bit on your toes.”

Taggart stared down at him.

“I’ve got to write some drivel in The Lighthouse for Georgie Grebe to sign.It’S just struck me that it’S fraud on the Public.What do you say,Jimmy?”

“In a way.What about it?”

“If it iS。I don’t want to do it.that’S a11.”

His colleague whistled..

“My dear chap,here am 1 writing a racing article,‘From the Man in the Paddock’.I haven’t been on a racecourse for years.”

“Oh!Well。that’S venial.”

“All’S venial in our game,Shut your eyes and swallow,You’re on—ly devilling.”

“Blast Georgie Grebe!”

He took his hat and went out;a prolonged whistle followed him.All next day he spent doing other jobs trying to persuade himself that he was a crank,and gingerly feeling the mouths of journalists.All he got was:Fuss about nothing!What was the matter with devilling?With life at such pressure,what else could you have?But for the life of him he could not persuade himself to go on with the thoughts of Georgie Grebe···

On Friday he was sent for by the chief.

Taggart blurted out:“I don’t want to write anyone else’S stuff in future,unless it’S just news or facts.” The chief’S face grew very red.

“I pay you to do certain work.If you don’t care to CalTy out in—structions,we can dispense with your services.What’S the matter withyou,Taggart?”

Taggart replied with a wry smile:

“Suffering from a fit of conscience,sir.Isn’t it a matter of commer-cial honesty?”

The chief sat back in his swivel chair and gazed at him for quitetwenty seconds.

“Well,”he said at last in an icy voice,“I have never been SO insul—ted.Good—morning!You are at liberty.”

conglomerate n.集成物,砾岩,集块


lighthouse n.灯塔

indispensable adj.不可缺少的,绝对必要的,不能避免的

fraudulent adj.欺诈的,不诚实的,不正的

recipe n.食谱;处方;烹饪法;制作法

secretary n.秘书,部长,书记

prolonged adj.延长的;拖延的

swivel n.转环,旋转椅的台座,旋转轴承








“没有——不过你是知道他应该写些什么的,他只不过想提高一下自 己的知名度吧。下周我要卡特曼·凯恩爵士的文章——写那篇文章可要注 意点。但从他写的那本关于凶杀案审讯记录的书中,你应该能琢磨出他的 风格。他公务繁忙——必须有人做枪手,不过只要写的像回事就行,他自 己会署名的。我要让公众都来买《灯塔报》,塔格特。赶紧准备写格雷布 的文章。好吗?”

















塔格特随口说道: “以后我不想再替别人写文章,除非是新闻或事实。”






名人名言The greatest happiness is to know the souFee of unhappiness.

