
第10章 人生物语(3)

One Sunday, I went to the church as usual. Reverend McKinley called the children to come up for their sermon. Once they were seated in front of him, he told them all to hold out a single hand. Reaching into the pocket of his robe, he pulled out a roll of one-dollar bills and placed one in each outstretched hand. Then he reached into another pocket and pulled out a ten-dollar bill.

“You can have this,” he told the children, who were sitting attentively, clutching their one-dollar bills.“But in order to take this, you have to let go of what you already have.”He held the ten-dollar bill out at arm’s length.

It was an amusing sight. Not one of those little children was willing to let go of his one-dollar bill. Yet they were all old enough to know that ten dollars is better than one. Eventually, Reverend McKinley put his ten dollars back into his pocket.

That night in bed, as I tried to go to sleep, suddenly, the penny dropped. My eyes opened, and as I stared up in the darkness, I knew exactly what I had been doing wrong—I was clinging on with my little fist to a puny, tattered one-dollar bill! I was still so attached to my house a neighborhood. I was so accustomed to moving in the same groove, day in, day out, through each room, attached to the placement of everything like a prisoner who has come to love the familiarity of his own jail cell. And I also realized in the same moment that I wasn’t confident enough that a “ten-dollar bill” was out there for me in Seattle. I couldn’t see it, I couldn’t taste it, I couldn’t touch it. As far as I was concerned, moving out there was a leap in the dark, and I was scared of it.

However, I knew I just had to let go. Strip off the habits of many years. Make the big leap. Soon after this, the children and I moved to our new lives in Seattle.

Letting go of my “one” set me on a path that allowed me to follow a long-postponed dream of becoming a writer. It also led to a new husband, three more children and eventually three grandchildren. My “ten” includes countless blessings that I never could have imagined in my old life, but before I could have any of them, I had to open my hand and release everything I was holding on to.

Not everyone had the courage to release the one-dollar bill in hand. Fortunately, I had the courage and really did that.










Love Cures People


In August 1992, a beautiful baby girl was born to a very special couple. For the first six months of Paige’s life, she cried with colic. Her parents lovingly called her“Baby from hell?

She was a beautiful child, with big brown eyes, and you couldn’t help but fall in love with her. On her first birthday, Paige climbed up on my lap and my heart was hers forever.

In March 1995, I received a frantic phone call from Paige’s mom, telling me that Paige was diagnosed with cancer and that they were on their way to Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles.

As the days went by, the news grew more and more grim. I called everyone I knew and asked them to start a prayer chain.

Paige battled that monster first with chemotherapy, then radiation, and finally a bone marrow transplant that took place in early October 1995.

Through it all, this amazing three-year-old remained cheerful and gentle as ever. She won the hearts of doctors and nurses alike. Paige’s mom never left her aside and believed that if she just loved Paige enough, Paige would be okay.

October 31, 1995, Halloween, our Paige came home for good. We had the miracle for which we all prayed. The doctors were amazed at her quick response to her treatments, but her positive attitude amazed them even more.

I had been collecting surprises for Paige over the months she was hospitalized, waiting for the day I could watch her open the bag full of gifts.

As she opened the magical bag of surprises, Paige discovered that several of the toys were ones she already had. I suggested to her mom that she could take them back and exchange them for something she didn’s. have. I heard Paige’ soft little voice ask her mom if they could put these toys in the Christmas bin in front of one of the local stores so that other children could enjoy them. The pride on her mom’s face said it all.

At that moment, I realized the power that love has. Love cures people, both the giver and the receiver.






令人吃惊的是,在病痛的折磨下,这个三岁的小女孩仍然像以前一样快乐温柔。 她赢得了所有医生和护士的心。佩吉的母亲从不离开她半步,她相信如果能够给予佩吉足够的爱,她的病一定会痊愈的。



