
第9章 爱是一个动词(2)







The Rose of First Love


Today is Valentine’s day.

Girl: I will go…

Bending her head, she says to a boy, who is a shy guy as she is.

The boy, not echoing, only kicks small pebbles with his tiptoes, here and there.

After a while, the girl says again, in an oblique voice: I should go…

Raising her head, casting a quick glance at him and diverting her eyesight again, she tangles the fringes of her dress.

Boy: Enh…

Inarticulately giving her a response, the boy hides carefully the other hand behind his back again. It seems that there are some tiny sweats on his front, or a shade flurry in his mind of saying something or not.

Still a long silence.

“I’ll go.” Seemingly being angry, the girl bravely raises her head, glares at him, with a shred of gentle encouragement in her eyes. Becoming more anxious, he seems not to know how to jump out of this dilemma; or seems to make crucial decision. Finally, strengthening that hand, turning red, with a little thrill, the boy says: “…for you!”

It is a rose, very rosy, keenly flowering, like a mass of fire, burning on the boy’s hand. The girl smiles, very happily. But immediately, she turns back and runs away, while turns her head and says with smile :”I will go!”

However, after no more than several paces, it seems that something bring to her mind. She runs back to the boy, with red cheeks, “Enh----” snatching the rose from his hand, without saying a word, runs away again.

Watching her silhouette in distance, the boy smiles…

I stand on the terrain, occasionally witnessing this scene of the prologue of love in the sunshine, and can not help giving a smile from my heart. I recall my own first love, which not make her debut from a bouquet of red rose hiding behind the back?







“我走了!” 女孩儿好像有些嗔怒了…… 勇敢的抬起头来,盯着男孩子,目光里却有温柔的鼓励……

男孩子更慌乱了,像是没有办法似的,又像是下了好大的决心……终于把藏在身后的手递到女孩儿的面前,脸红得厉害,似乎声音也有些在抖:“ ……给你。”






Love lies

A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.

They loved each other a lot.

Girl: "Slow down a little. I"m scared."

Boy: "No, it"s so fun."

Girl: "Please... it"s so scary."

Boy: "Then say that you love me."

Girl: "Fine. I love you. Can you slow down now?"

Boy: "Give me a big hug."

The girl gave him a big hug.

Girl: "Now can you slow down?"

Boy: "Can you take off my helmet and put it on? It"s uncomfortable and it"s bothering me while I drive."

The next day, there was a story in the newspaper. A motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken.

There were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other had survived...

The guy knew that the brakes were broken. He didn"t want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have gotten scared.

Instead, he was told the last time that she loved him, got a hug from her, put his helmet on her so that she can live, and die himself...

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a fairy tale...

















Demaged Goods


The dust mites1 danced in the ray of sunshine that provided the only light in the rabbi"s2 office. He leaned back in his office chair and sighed as he stroked3 his beard. Then he took his wire-rimmed4 glasses and polished them absentmindedly5 on his flannel6 shirt.

“ So,” he said, “ you were divorced. Now you want to marry this good Jewish7 boy. What"s the problem?”

He nestled8 his grizzled9 chin in his hand and smiled softly at me.

I want to shriek. What"s the problem? First of all, I"m Christian. Second, I"m older than he is. Third--and not least, by any means-- I"m divorced! Instead, I looked back into his soft brown eyes and tried to form the words.

“ Don"t you think,” I stuttered10, “ that being divorced is like being used? Like being damaged goods?”

He settled back into the office chair and stretched so that he was looking at the ceiling. He stroked the scraggly11 beard that covered his chin and his neck. Then, he returned to his spot behind the desk and leaned toward me.

“ Say you have to have surgery. Say you have a choice between two doctors. Who are you going to choose? The one right out of medical school or the one with experience?”

“ The one with experience,” I said.

His face crinkled12 into a grin. “ I would, too,” he locked his eyes with mine. “ So in this marriage, you will be the one with experi ence. That"s not such a bad thing, you know.”