
第42章 Spring break 3--Museum(2)

Finally,it was time for movie.After the cheeking of tickets.we walked through a small dark passageway and got into the cinema.It was kind of large.The ceiling of the cinema is a dome.There weren"t any screens in the front.My mom told me that we were just going to watch it on the big dome-three dimensional movie without glasses.We sat uphigh at the cinema just as the aunt had told us that a higher positionmay reduce some of the sickness of the movie because the novie some-times can make you feel really dizzy.While I was looking around the cinema curiously and talking excitedly with my mom,the light was off.The whole cinema was full of darkness and caused a total blindness inmy sight.A low voice through the speaker began to introduce the cine.ma to us.The big dome became bright and some pictures emerged.The scenery and the background of the movie were beautiful at the begin-ning and it was so real that as if we were at the movie surrounded bythe magnificent mountains,green grasslands and mossy jungles.It was my first time to see Harry Potter although Harry Potter had been sopopular among the middle school students in China.I reveled in the gorgeous view and wondered why the aunt told me that there would have sickness.Later,however,as the plot developed so quickly,the movie became kind of scary and mysterious in some ways.The shot changed quickly and dizzied my sight.In some scenes,there began to emerge some awful animals such as snakes and sharks.They may sud-denly open their big and bloody mouth and the scene was so terrible as if it were going to eat me! Every time when I witnessed such an image,I was scared seriously and felt really nervous.When the novie finally reached the end and the light was on again,I had a really bad sore back because I hadn’t moved or turned my body a little over or made a different gesture during the two hours.I plunged my whole being and concentration into the movie and I was badly scared.After the movie,I was sick.I didn’t actually want to visit the museum any more.Never-theless,I was urged strongly by my mom and finally got into the visiting area.

The museum seemed better.There were three floors in the muse-um.The first was for those small children which did not interest me.The second and third was more fun.There were lots of experiments that couid demonstrate difierent phenomenons in our life.They could be very helpful and useful for my physics and chemistry.For example,there was a large model of the solar system.It was electric and could explain how the earth and other planets revolve around the sun and how the eclipse happens.They were very visualized and understandablethrough which I got an excellent understanding and accepting the new knowledge.There were lots of materials on the desk beside the model from which I knew more about the planets,galaxies and universe.

The most interesting thing is that there was a big board,whichs howed the photo of the first American astronaut to land on the moon.Inside the helmet,it was empty which means that people could stand behind the board and tried to put their heads into the helmet so that others could take a photo of them.I tried once and my mom took a photo of me.That looked real.I first became an astronaut!I enjoyed this part of the museum because I really learned a lot in it.

The next section was more exciting.I encountered earthquake! I was not kidding you. There was a small facility like a train in the sec-ond section.It was designed for people to feel about earthquake.People could just sit on the seats of the train.There were 3 buttons aside and we could choose the different levels of earthquake.My mom and I tried every one.At first,the train could be stable with a very gentle vibration.However,later as the level increase,the train began to vibrate violently.My whole being was shaken terribly and it felt awful indeed.It was my first time experiencing a natural disaster by which I could fully perceive the awe in encountering the feelings when catastrophe’s falling.

Next,we got onto the third floor.There,we saw more things that were new to me.It was a section about physics.I saw the distorting mirror.The

shape of my body changed strangely in the mirror and that could made people laugh a lot.I tried several different ones.My shape ecame shorter and fatter in some,and in others,my shape became thinner and taller.

Time went fast.It had been already six thirty when we finished our visiting.And we took the aunt’s car and went home together.I got home to about seven.I played some of the videos to my dad and showed him about the visiting.I spent a fantastic night in sharing the funny experi-ences of the movie and museum with my family.

It could be my greatest day in the spring break.