April and May are usually the months during which tornado strikes the United States.Frequently,tornado damages around mid America were reported and flashed up on TV screen in these days.Aimost each year in America,there would be people dying of tornados.As a result,Americans in this way attach much importance to the education of chil-dren safety.Not long after the a few tornados happened near Iowa.West High was going to have a tornado practice too.
School first announced the practice a week ago in order that stu-dents bear it in mind.A week later,they just carried it out.In the third period which was an ESL,the alarm bell suddenly rang while We were all having classes.At once Ms.Gibson ordered us to get out of the classroom quickly.A sense of haste filled up the whole room.In the hall way,it was very noisy and crowded as students from the whole floor were getting out.To be honest,majority of them did not look like being in a tornado accident.Comments and discussions could be heard every-where in the crowd.We were all told to sit against the wall with our hands coveting over the head.The practice lasted for nearly five min-utes during which I heard the people next to me successively chatting with each other.Zhou Fang finally could not help being in the bore and began to speak to hie as well.Comparing to Chinese education of chil-dren safety,he considered the practice here boring and *****.The alarm clock bell didn’t stop ringing until we were all back in classroom.Mter the practice ended,Ms.Gibson kept her topic on tornado,saying that she would take us to the restroom if a real tornado had taken place.From that tornado practice,I found that tornados posed a considerable threat to people in Iowa.