

Colonial and Foreign Policies

The Philippines and Porto Rico.-Independence for the Philippines and larger self-government for Porto Rico had been among the policies of the Democratic party since the campaign of 1900.President Wilson in his annual messages urged upon Congress more autonomy for the Filipinos and a definite promise of final independence.The result was the Jones Organic Act for the Philippines passed in 1916.This measure provided that the upper as well as the lower house of the Philippine legislature should be elected by popular vote,and declared it to be the intention of the United States to grant independence "as soon as a stable government can be established."This,said President Wilson on signing the bill,is "a very satisfactory advance in our policy of extending to them self-government and control of their own affairs."The following year Congress,yielding to President Wilson's insistence,passed a new organic act for Porto Rico,making both houses of the legislature elective and conferring American citizenship upon the inhabitants of the island.

The Caribbean Region

American Power in the Caribbean.-While extending more self-govern-ment to its dominions,the United States enlarged its sphere of influence in the Caribbean.The supervision of finances in Santo Domingo,inaugurated in Roosevelt's administration,was transformed into a protectorate under Wilson.In 1914dissensions in the republic led to the landing of American marines to "supervise"the elections.Two years later,an officer in the American navy,with authority from Washington,placed the entire republic "in a state of military oc-cupation."He proceeded to suspend the government and laws of the country,exile the president,suppress the congress,and substitute American military authority.In 1919a consulting board of four prominent Dominicans was ap-pointed to aid the American military governor;but it resigned the next year after making a plea for the restoration of independence to the republic.For all practical purposes,it seemed,the sovereignty of Santo Domingo had been transferred to the United States.

In the neighboring republic of Haiti,a similar state of affairs existed.In the summer of 1915a revolution broke out there-one of a long series beginning in 1804-and our marines were landed to restore order.Elections were held under the supervision of American officers,and a treaty was drawn up placing the management of Haitian finances and the local constabulary under American authority.In taking this action,our Secretary of State was careful to announce:"The United States government has no purpose of aggression and is entirely disinterested in promoting this protectorate."Still it must be said that there were vigorous protests on the part of natives and American citizens against the conduct of our agents in the island.In 1921President Wilson was considering withdrawal.

In line with American policy in the West Indian waters was the purchase in 1917of the Danish Islands just off the coast of Porto Rico.The strategic position of the islands,especially in relation to Haiti and Porto Rico,made them an object of American concern as early as 1867,when a treaty of purchase was negotiated only to be rejected by the Senate of the United States.In 1902a second arrangement was made,but this time it was defeated by the upper house of the Danish parliament.The third treaty brought an end to fifty years of bargaining and the Stars and Stripes were raised over St.Croix,St.Thomas,St.John,and numerous minor islands scattered about in the neighborhood."It would be suicidal,"commented a New York newspaper,"for America,on the threshold of a great commercial expansion in South America,to suffer a Heligoland,or a Gibraltar,or an Aden to be erected by her rivals at the mouth of her Suez."On the mainland American power was strengthened by the establishment of a protectorate over Nicaragua in 1916.

Mexican Relations.-The extension of American enterprise southward into Latin America,of which the operations in the Caribbean regions were merely one phase,naturally carried Americans into Mexico to develop the natural resources of that country.Under the iron rule of General Porfirio Diaz,estab-lished in 1876and maintained with only a short break until 1911,Mexico had become increasingly attractive to our business men.On the invitation of Presi-dent Diaz,they had invested huge sums in Mexican lands,oil fields,and mines,and had laid the foundations of a new industrial order.The severe régime in-stituted by Diaz,however,stirred popular discontent.The peons,or serfs,de-manded the break-up of the great estates,some of which had come down from the days of Cortez.Their clamor for "the restoration of the land to the people could not be silenced."In 1911Diaz was forced to resign and left the country.

Mexico now slid down the path to disorder.Revolutions and civil commotions followed in swift succession.A liberal president,Madero,installed as the successor to Diaz,was deposed in 1913and brutally murdered.Huerta,a military adventurer,hailed for a time as another "strong man,"succeeded Madero whose murder he was accused of instigating.Although Great Britain and nearly all the powers of Europe accepted the new government as lawful,the United States steadily withheld recognition.In the meantime Mexico was torn by insurrections under the leadership of Carranza,a friend of Madero,Villa,a bandit of generous pretensions,and Zapata,a radical leader of the peons.Without the support of the United States,Huerta was doomed.