

Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. Already the plowing was nearly finished, and the bloody glory of the sunset colored the fresh-cut furrows of red Georgia clay to even redder hues.The moist hungry earth, waiting upturned for the cotton seeds, showed pinkish on the sandy tops of furrows, vermilion and scarlet and maroon where shadows lay along the sides of the trenches.The whitewashed brick plantation house seemed an island set in a wild red sea, asea of spiraling, curving, crescent billows petrified suddenly at the moment when the pink-tipped waves were breaking into surf.For here were no long, straight furrows, such as could be seen in the yellow clay fields of the fiat middle Georgia country or in the lush black earth of the coastal plantations.The rolling foothill country of north Georgia was plowed in a million curves to keep the rich earth from washing down into the river bottoms.

It was a savagely red land, blood-colored after rains, brick dust in droughts, the best cotton land in the world. It was a pleasant land of white houses, peaceful plowed fields and sluggish yellow rivers, but a land of contrasts, of brightest sun glare and densest shade.The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid, complacent.At their edges rose the virgin forests, dark and cool even in the hottest noons, mysterious, a little sinister, the soughing pines seeming to wait with an age-old patience, to threaten with soft sighs:“Be careful!Be careful!We had you once.We can take you back again.”

To the ears of the three on the porch came the sounds of hooves, the jingling of harness chains and the shrill careless laughter of negro voices, as the field hands and mules came in from the fields. From within the house floated the soft voice of Scarlett's mother, Ellen O'Hara, as she called to the little black girl who carried her basket of keys.The highpitched, childish voice answered“Yas'm,”and there were sounds of footsteps going out the back way toward the smokehouse where Ellen would ration out the food to the home-coming hands.There was the click of china and the rattle of silver as Pork, the valet-butler of Tara, laid the table for supper.

At these last sounds, the twins realized it was time they were starting home. But they were loath to face their mother and they lingered on the porch of Tara, momentarily expecting Scarlett to give them an invitation to supper.

“Look, Scarlett. About tomorrow,”said Brent.“Just because we've been away and didn't know about the barbecue and the ball, that's no reason why we shouldn't get plenty of dances tomorrow night.You haven't promised them all, have you?”

“Well, I have!How did I know you all would be home?I couldn't risk being a wallflower just waiting on you two.”

“You a wallflower!”The boys laughed uproariously.

“Look, honey. You've got to give me the first waltz and Stu the last one and you've got to eat supper with us.We'll sit on the stair landing like we did at the last ball and get Mammy Jincy to come tell our fortunes again.”

“I don't like Mammy Jincy's fortunes. You know she said I was going to marry a gentleman with jet-black hair and a long black mustache, and I don't like black-haired gentlemen.”

“You like'em red-headed, don't you, honey?”grinned Brent.“Now, come on, promise us all the waltzes and the supper.”

“If you'll promise, we'll tell you a secret,”said Stuart.

“What?”cried Scarlett, alert as a child at the word.

“Is it what we heard yesterday in Atlanta, Stu?If it is, you know we promised not to tell.”

“Well, Miss Pitty told us.”

“Miss Who?”

“You know, Ashley Wilkes'cousin who lives in Atlanta, Miss Pittypat Hamilton-Charles and Melanie Hamilton's aunt.”

“I do, and a sillier old lady I never met in all my life.”

“Well, when we were in Atlanta yesterday, waiting for the home train, her carriage went by the depot and she stopped and talked to us, and she told us there was going to be an engagement announced tomorrow night at the Wilkes ball.”

“Oh, I know about that,”said Scarlett in disappointment.“That silly nephew of hers, Charlie Hamilton, and Honey Wilkes. Everybody's known for years that they'd get married some time, even if he did seem kind of lukewarm about it.”

“Do you think he's silly?”questioned Brent.“Last Christmas you sure let him buzz round you plenty.”

“I couldn't help him buzzing,”Scarlett shrugged negligently.“I think he's an awful sissy.”

“Besides, it isn't his engagement that's going to be announced,”said Stuart triumphantly.“It's Ashley's to Charlie's sister, Miss Melanie!”

Scarlett's face did not change but her lips went white—like a person whohas received a stunning blow without warning and who, in the first moments of shock, does not realize what has happened. So still was her face as she stared at Stuart that he, never analytic, took it for granted that she was merely surprised and very interested.

“Miss Pitty told us they hadn't intended announcing it till next year, because Miss Melly hasn't been very well;but with all the war talk going around, everybody in both families thought it would be better to get married real soon. So it's to be announced tomorrow night at the supper intermission.Now, Scarlett, we've told you the secret, so you've got to promise to eat supper with us.”

“Of course I will,”Scarlett said automatically.

“And all the waltzes?”


“You're sweet!I'll bet the other boys will be hopping mad.”

“Let'em be mad,”said Brent.“We two can handle'em. Look, Scarlett.Sit with us at the barbecue in the morning.”


Stuart repeated his request.

“Of course.”