How shameful? I could find excuse for one Who, when reviled, retorts with bitter words.
Yes, I repaid his vile deeds with reviling.
What has he done thee whereby thou art wronged?
He says he will not leave yon corpse unhonoured By sepulture, but will bury it in my spite.
May now a friend speak out the truth, yet still As ever ply his oar in stroke with thine?
Speak: I should be witless else; for thee Of all the Greeks I count the greatest friend.
Then listen. For the gods' sake venture not Thus ruthlessly to cast forth this man unburied:
And in no wise let violence compel thee To such deep hate that thou shouldst tread down justice.
Once for me too this man was my worst foe, From that hour when I won Achilles' arms;Yet, though he was such towards me, I would not so Repay him with dishonour as to deny That of all Greeks who came to Troy, no hero So valiant save Achilles have I seen.
So it is not just thou shouldst dishonour him.
Not him wouldst thou be wronging, but the laws Of heaven. It is not righteousness to outrage A brave man dead, not even though thou hate him.
Thou, Odysseus, champion him thus against me?
Yes; but I hated him while hate was honourable.
Shouldst thou not also trample on him when dead?
Atreides, glory not in dishonouring triumphs.
'Tis hard for a king to act with piety.
Yet not hard to respect a friend's wise counsel.
A good man should obey those who bear rule.
Relent. 'Tis no defeat to yield to friends.
Reflect who it is to whom thou dost this grace.
This man was once my foe, yet was he noble.
Can it be thou wilt reverence a dead foe?
His worth with me far outweighs enmity.
Unstable of impulse are such men as thou.
Many are friends now and hereafter foes.
Do you then praise such friends as worth the winning?
I am not wont to praise a stubborn soul.
Cowards you would have us show ourselves this day.
Not so, but just men before all the Greeks.
You bid me then permit these funeral rites?
Even so: for I myself shall come to this.
Alike in all things each works for himself.
And for whom should I work, if not myself?
Let it be known then as your doing, not mine.
So be it. At least you will have acted nobly.
Nay, but of this be certain, that to thee Willingly would I grant a greater boon.
Yet he, in that world as in this, shall be Most hateful to me. But act as you deem fit.
(AGAMEMNON and his retinue go out.)
After such proof, Odysseus, a fool only Could say that inborn wisdom was not thine.
Let Teucer know that I shall be henceforth His friend, no less than I was once his foe.
And I will join in burying this dead man, And share in all due rites, omitting none Which mortal men to noblest heroes owe.
Noble Odysseus, for thy words I praise thee Without stint. Wholly hast thou belied my fears.
Thou, his worst foe among the Greeks, hast yet Alone stood by him staunchly, nor thought fit To glory and exult over the dead, Like that chief crazed with arrogance, who came, He and his brother, hoping to cast forth The dead man shamefully without burial.
May therefore the supreme Olympian Father, The remembering Fury and fulfilling Justice Destroy these vile men vilely, even as they Sought to cast forth this hero unjustly outraged.
But pardon me, thou son of old Laertes, That I must scruple to allow thine aid In these rites, lest I so displease the dead.
In all else share our toil; and wouldst thou bring Any man from the host, we grudge thee not.
What else remains, I will provide. And know That thou towards us hast acted generously.
It was my wish. But if my help herein Pleases you not, so be it, I depart.
(ODYSSEUS goes out.)
'Tis enough. Too long is the time we have wasted In talk. Haste some with spades to the grave:
Speedily hollow it. Some set the cauldron On high amid wreathing flames ready filled For pious ablution.
Then a third band go, fetch forth from the tent All the armour he once wore under his shield.
Thou too, child, lovingly lay thy hand On thy father's corpse, and with all thy strength Help me to lift him: for the dark blood-tide Still upward is streaming warm through the arteries.
All then who openly now would appear Friends to the dead, come, hasten forwards.
To our valiant lord this labour is due.
We have served none nobler among men.
CHORUS (chanting)
Unto him who has seen may manifold knowledge Come; but before he sees, no man May divine what destiny awaits him.