书城公版The Bacchantes


Hadst thou been there and seen this, thou wouldst have turned to pray to the god, whom now thou dost disparage.Anon we herdsmen and shepherds met to discuss their strange and wondrous doings; then one, who wandereth oft to town and hath a trick of speech, made harangue in the midst, "O ye who dwell upon the hallowed mountain-terraces! shall we chase Agave, mother of Pentheus, from her Bacchic rites, and thereby do our prince a service?" We liked his speech, and placed ourselves in hidden ambush among the leafy thickets; they at the appointed time began to wave the thyrsus for their Bacchic rites, calling on Iacchus, the Bromian god, the son of Zeus, in united chorus, and the whole mount and the wild creatures re-echoed their cry; all nature stirred as they rushed on.Now Agave chanced to come springing near me, so up I leapt from out my ambush where I lay concealed, meaning to seize her.But she cried out, "What ho! my nimble hounds, here are men upon our track; but follow me, ay, follow, with the thyrsus in your hand for weapon." Thereat we fled, to escape being torn in pieces by the Bacchantes; but they, with hands that bore no weapon of steel, attacked our cattle as they browsed.Then wouldst thou have seen Agave mastering some sleek lowing calf, while others rent the heifers limb from limb.Before thy eyes there would have been hurling of ribs and hoofs this way and that; and strips of flesh, all blood-bedabbled, dripped as they hung from the pine-branches.Wild bulls, that glared but now with rage along their horns, found themselves tripped up, dragged down to earth by countless maidens' hands.The flesh upon their limbs was stripped therefrom quicker than thou couldst have closed thy royal eye-lids.Then off they sped, like birds that skim the air, to the plains beneath the hills, which bear a fruitful harvest for Thebes beside the waters of Asopus; to Hysiae and Erythrae, hamlets 'neath Cithaeron's peak, with fell intent, swooping on everything and scattering all pellmell; and they would snatch children from their homes; but all that they placed upon their shoulders, abode there firmly without being tied, and fell not to the dusky earth, not even brass or iron;and on their hair they carried fire and it burnt them not; but the country-folk rushed to arms, furious at being pillaged by Bacchanals; whereon ensued, O king, this wondrous spectacle.For though the ironshod dart would draw no blood from them, they with the thyrsus, which they hurled, caused many a wound and put their foes to utter rout, women chasing men, by some god's intervention.Then they returned to the place whence they had started, even to the springs the god had made to spout for them; and there washed off the blood, while serpents with their tongues were licking clean each gout from their cheeks.Wherefore, my lord and master, receive this deity, whoe'er he be, within the city; for, great as he is in all else, I have likewise heard men say, 'twas he that gave the vine to man, sorrow's antidote.Take wine away and Cypris flies, and every other human joy is dead.


Though I fear to speak my mind with freedom in the presence of my king, still must I utter this; Dionysus yields to no deity in might.


Already, look you! the presumption of these Bacchantes is upon us, swift as fire, a sad disgrace in the eyes of all Hellas.No time for hesitation now! away to the Electra gate! order a muster of all my men-at-arms, of those that mount fleet steeds, of all who brandish light bucklers, of archers too that make the bowstring twang; for Iwill march against the Bacchanals.By Heaven I this passes all, if we are to be thus treated by women.



Still obdurate, O Pentheus, after hearing my words! In spite of all the evil treatment I am enduring from thee, still I warn thee of the sin of bearing arms against a god, and bid thee cease; for Bromius will not endure thy driving his votaries from the mountains where they revel.


A truce to thy preaching to me! thou hast escaped thy bonds, preserve thy liberty; else will I renew thy punishment.


I would rather do him sacrifice than in a fury kick against the pricks; thou a mortal, he a god.


Sacrifice! that will I, by setting afoot a wholesale slaughter of women 'mid Cithaeron's glens, as they deserve.


Ye will all be put to flight-a shameful thing that they with the Bacchic thyrsus should rout your mail-clad warriors.


I find this stranger a troublesome foe to encounter; doing or suffering he is alike irrepressible.


Friend, there is still a way to compose this bitterness.


Say how; am I to serve my own servants?


I will bring the women hither without weapons.


Ha! ha! this is some crafty scheme of thine against me.


What kind of scheme, if by my craft I purpose to save thee?


You have combined with them to form this plot, that your revels may on for ever.


Nay, but this is the compact I made with the god; be sure of that.

PENTHEUS (Preparing to start forth)

Bring forth my arms.Not another word from thee!


Ha! wouldst thou see them seated on the hills?


Of all things, yes! I would give untold sums for that.


Why this sudden, strong desire?


'Twill be a bitter sight, if I find them drunk with wine.


And would that be a pleasant sight which will prove bitter to thee?


Believe me, yes! beneath the fir-trees as I sit in silence.


Nay, they will track thee, though thou come secretly.


Well, I will go openly; thou wert right to say so.


Am I to be thy guide? wilt thou essay the road?


Lead on with all speed, I grudge thee all delay.


Array thee then in robes of fine linen.


Why so? Am I to enlist among women after being a man?


They may kill thee, if thou show thy manhood there.


Well said! Thou hast given me a taste of thy wit already.


Dionysus schooled me in this lore.


How am I to carry out thy wholesome advice?