
第21章 从早到晚的日常生活 (4)

我每天都会来看你。 I come and visit you everyday.


现在感觉好点了吗? Do you feel a little better?

8. 疼吗? Does it hurt?

9. 你能走路吗? Can you walk?

10. 你想吃什么,我去给你买。 What do you want to eat? I’ll go and get for you.

11. 下次来看我的时候,给我带一本书吧。 Next time you come to visit, bring me a book.

12. 我晚上陪你吧? Tonight can I accompany you?

13. 你出院的时候我来接你。 When you get discharged, I will come and get you.

14. 希望你早一点康复。 I hope you recover quickly.

15. 谢谢你们来看我。 Thank you for coming to see me.


我要看牙医。 I need to see a dentist.


我牙疼。 My tooth hurts.

3. 我的牙疼死了。 My tooth is killing me.

4. 你吃了很多糖。 You eat a lot of sweets.

5. 经常疼吗? Does it often hurt?


我不可以吃东西。 I can’t eat.


你应该洗牙。 You must brush your teeth.

8. 你每天刷几次牙? How many times do you bru-

sh your teeth each day?

9. 我的牙磕掉了。 My tooth was knocked out.

10. 你需要拔牙。 You need to have a tooth pul-

led out.

11. 我要换一颗假牙。 I would like replace with a false tooth.

12. 可以吃药吗? Can I take some medicine?

13. 你应该半年洗一次牙。 You must get your teeth clea-

ned every six months.

14. 以后吃了甜的东西要刷牙。 After I eat sweet things, I need to brush my teeth.

15. 刷牙的时候,牙龈出血吗? After I brush my teeth my gu-

ms bleed?


我胃疼。 My stomach aches.


我的胃经常疼。 I often have stomach aches.

3. 你的胃疼了多长时间了? How long have you had a sto-

mach cold?

4. 我的胃病已经2年了。 I’ve had stomach pains for about 2 years.

5. 你可以吃一些胃药。 You can take a little stomach medicine.


李医生,严重吗? Dr Li, is it serious?


你要注意饮食。 You need to pay attention to your diet.

8. 中午你吃什么了? What do you eat for lunch?

9. 你不能吃太辣的东西。 You can’t eat food that is too spicy.

10. 你按时吃饭了吗? Do you eat at regular times?

11. 昨天吃的东西太凉了。 The food yesterday was too cold.

12. 我常常不吃早饭。 I often don’t eat breakfast.

13. 哦,很严重。 Oh, very serious.

14. 你不可以吃这张单子上的食物。 You can’t eat the food from this list.


我可能怀孕了。 I might be pregnant.


我怀孕了。 I’m pregnant.

3. 恭喜你! Congratulations!

4. 你想要男孩还是女孩? Would you like a boy or a girl?

5. 我早就想要一个孩子了。 I’ve always knows I wanted a child.


你要注意休息! Make sure you rest!


你要按时来检查。 You need to have regular ch-

eck ups.

8. 预产期是什么时候? When are you expecting?

9. 预产期是明年7月。 I’m expecting in July next ye-


10. 是男孩还是女孩? Is it a boy or girl?

11. 你告诉你老公了吗? Have you told your husband?

12. 我想给他一个惊喜! I want to surprise him!

13. 我不想要这个孩子。 I don’t want this child.

14. 孩子发育很正常。 The baby’s development is very normal.

15. 医生说我下个星期就要生了。 The doctor says I will give birth next week.


我感冒了。 I’ve got the flu.


我买感冒药。 I’ve bought cold medication.

3. 我总是咳嗽。 I always have a cough.

4. 有胃药吗? Do you have stomach medic-


5. 有维生素C吗? Do you have vitamin C?


一天吃3次,每次2片。 Take 2 tablets, 3 times a day.


对不起,这是处方药。 I’m sorry, this is prescription medicine.

8. 你有医生的处方吗? Do you have a doctor’s pres-cription?

9. 药店没有这个药。 Chemists / pharmacies do not have this medicine.

10. 我要两盒药。 I would like 2 boxes of med-icine.

11. 你能给我推荐一个效果好的药吗? Can you recommend to me a good effective medicine?

12. 这个药吃了以后,我感觉很困。 After I take this medicine, I feel tired.

13. 一定要饭后吃这个药。 Take this medicine after you have eaten.

14. 这个药有不良反应吗? Does this medicine have side effects?

15. 有纱布吗? Do you have cotton gauze?


我的头发太长了。 My hair is too long.


我要剪头发。 I want to cut my hair.

3. 你可以选择一个理发师。 You can choose a hairdresser.

4. 你先去洗头吧。 Firstly, go and wash your hair.

5. 你要换个发型吗? Do you want a new hairstyle?


剪短一点。 Cut a little shorter.


我要剪一个短发。 I want a short haircut.

8. 短发不太适合你。 Short hair doesn’t suit you.

9. 这款短发很适合你。 This short hair style really suits you.

10. 现在很流行这种发型。 This is the most fashionable hairstyle right now.

11. 我只想剪前面的头发。 I just want to cut the front of my hair.

12. 哦,太短了。 Ah, too short.

13. 我不认识自己了。 I don’t recognise myself.

14. 我不喜欢这个新发型。 I don’t like this new hairstyle.

15. 这里不用剪。 Don’t cut here.


我要烫卷发。 I want to perm my hair.


外国人不需要烫卷发。 Foreigners do not have to perm their hair.

3. 你看一下这些图片。 Have a look at these photos.

4. 你要烫哪种发型? What kind of perm style do you want?

5. 你觉得这款发型怎么样? What do you think of this style?


这个看起来很可爱。 This looks very lovely.


我们有不同的烫发方式。 We use different perming techniques.

8. 这是价格单,你看一下。 This is the price list, please take a look.

9. 这个卷发可以保持多长时间? How long will this perm last for?

10. 可以保持一年。 It can last for 1 year.

11. 卷发看起来很性感。 Curly hair looks very sexy.

12. 这种烫法对头发的伤害很小。 This type of perm does very little harm to your hair.

13. 多长时间可以烫好? How long until it’s permed?

14. 需要两个小时。 You need 2 hours.

15. 你很适合卷发。 Curly hair really suits you.


你有很多白头发。 You have a lot of white hair.


我要染发。 I want to dye my hair.

3. 染发多少钱? How much is it to dye my ha-


4. 烫发以后不能马上染发。 You can’t dye your hair stra-ight after a perm.

5. 我不喜欢染发。 I don’t like to dye my hair.


你要染什么颜色? What colour do you want to dye your hair?


我要染红色 。 I want to dye it red.

8. 红色让你的脸色看起来很漂亮。 Red hair will make your com-plexion look very beautiful.

9. 你多长时间染一次头发? How long do you dye your hair for the first time?

10. 我半年染一次头发。 I dye my hair once a year.

11. 经常染发对身体不好。 Dying your hair too often is bad for your health.

12. 现在流行这种颜色。 This colour is very fashionable right now.

13. 我们可以在家染发。 We can dye our hair at home.

14. 我经常帮我的妈妈染发。 I often help my mother dye her hair.

15. 染完以后可以直接洗头吗? Can you wash your hair right after dying it?