书城公版Grimm' s Fairy Tales


In this little room the windows are forgotten, said he, and no sun shines in, neither will a candle be brought. His quarters were especially unpleasing to him, and the worst was that more and more hay was always coming in by the door, and the space grew less and less. When at length in his anguish, he cried as loud as he could, bring me no more fodder, bring me no more fodder. The maid was just milking the cow, and when she heard some one speaking, and saw no one, and perceived that it was the same voice that she had heard in the night, she was so terrified that she slipped off her stool, and spilt the milk.

She ran in great haste to her master, and said, oh heavens, pastor, the cow has been speaking. You are mad, replied the pastor, but he went himself to the byre to see what was there.

Hardly, however had he set his foot inside when thumbling again cried, bring me no more fodder, bring me no more fodder. Then the pastor himself was alarmed, and thought that an evil spirit had gone into the cow, and ordered her to be killed. She was killed, but the stomach, in which thumbling was, was thrown on the dunghill. Thumbling had great difficulty in working his way out. However, he succeeded so far as to get some room, but just as he was going to thrust his head out, a new misfortune occurred. A hungry wolf ran thither, and swallowed the whole stomach at one gulp. Thumbling did not lose courage. Perhaps, thought he, the wolf will listen to what I have got to say. And he called to him from out of his belly, dear wolf, I know of a magnificent feast for you.

Where is it to be had, said the wolf.

In such and such a house. You must creep into it through the kitchen-sink, and will find cakes, and bacon, and sausages, and as much of them as you can eat. And he described to him exactly his father's house. The wolf did not require to be told this twice, squeezed himself in at night through the sink, and ate to his heart's content in the larder. When he had eaten his fill, he wanted to go out again, but he had become so big that he could not go out by the same way. Thumbling had reckoned on this, and now began to make a violent noise in the wolf's body, and raged and screamed as loudly as he could. Will you be quiet, said the wolf, you will waken up the people. What do I care, replied the little fellow, you have eaten your fill, and I will make merry likewise. And began once more to scream with all his strength.

At last his father and mother were aroused by it, and ran to the room and looked in through the opening in the door. When they saw that a wolf was inside, they ran away, and teh husband fetched his axe, and the wife the scythe. Stay behind, said the man, when they entered the room. When I have given the blow, if he is not killed by it, you must cut him down and hew his body to pieces. Then thumbling heard his parents, voices and cried, dear father, I am here, I am in the wolf's body. Said the father, full of joy, thank God, our dear child has found us again. And bade the woman take away her scythe, that thumbling might not be hurt with it. After that he raised his arm, and struck the wolf such a blow on his head that he fell down dead, and then they got knives and scissors and cut his body open and drew the little fellow forth.

Ah, said the father, what sorrow we have gone through for your sake. Yes father, I have gone about the world a great deal.

Thank heaven, I breathe fresh air again. Where have you been, then. Ah, father, I have been in a mouse's hole, in a cow's belly, and then in a wolf's paunch. Now I will stay with you.

And we will not sell you again, no not for all the riches in the world, said his parents, and they embraced and kissed their dear thumbling. They gave him to eat and to drink, and had some new clothes made for him, for his own had been spoiled on his journey.

There was once a poor servant-girl who was industrious and cleanly and swept the house every day, and emptied her sweepings on the great heap in front of the door. One morning when she was just going back to her work, she found a letter on this heap, and as she could not read, she put her broom in the corner, and took the letter to her employers, and behold it was an invitation from the elves, who asked the girl to hold a child for them at its christening. The girl did not know what to do, but, at length, after much persuasion, and as they told her that it was not right to refuse an invitation of this kind, she consented.

Then three elves came and conducted her to a hollow mountain, where the little folks lived. Everything there was small, but more elegant and beautiful than can be described. The baby's mother lay in a bed of black ebony ornamented with pearls, the covers were embroidered with gold, the cradle was of ivory, the bath-tub of gold. The girl stood as godmother, and then wanted to go home again, but the little elves urgently entreated her to stay three days with them. So she stayed, and passed the time in pleasure and gaiety, and the little folks did all they could to make her happy. At last she set out on her way home. But first they filled her pockets quite full of money, and then they led her out of the mountain again. When she got home, she wanted to to begin her work, and took the broom, which was still standing in the corner, in her hand and began to sweep. Then some strangers came out of the house, who asked her who she was, and what business she had there. And she had not, as she thought, been three days with the little men in the mountains, but seven years, and in the meantime her former masters had died.

A certain mother had her child taken out of its cradle by the elves, and a changeling with a large head and staring eyes, which would do nothing but eat and drink, lay in its place.

In her trouble she went to her neighbor, and asked her advice.