书城公版A Woman-Hater


In the midst of this, in glided Zoe, and seemed to extinguish everybody, and even to pale the lights, with her dark yet sunlike beauty. She was dressed in a creamy-white satin that glinted like mother-of-pearl, its sheen and glory unfrittered with a single idiotic trimming; on her breast a large diamond cross. Her head was an Athenian sculpture--no chignon, but the tight coils of antiquity; at their side, one diamond star sparkled vivid flame, by its contrast with those polished ebon snakes.

Lord Uxmoor was dazzled, transfixed, at the vision, and bowed very low when Vizard introduced him in an off-hand way, saying, "My sister, Miss Vizard; but I dare say you have met her at the county balls.""I have never been so fortunate," said Uxmoor, humbly.

"I have," said Zoe; "that is, I saw you waltzing with Lady Betty Gore at the race ball two years ago.""What!" said Vizard, alarmed. "Uxmoor, were you waltzing with Lady Betty Gore?""You have it on too high an authority for me to contradict."Finding Zoe was to be trusted as a county chronicle, Vizard turned sharply to her, and said, "And was he flirting with her?"Zoe colored a little, and said, "Now, Harrington, how can I tell?""You little hypocrite," said Vizard, "who can tell better?

At this retort Zoe blushed high, and the water came into her eyes.

Nobody minded that but Uxmoor, and Vizard went on to explain, "That Lady Betty Gore is as heartless a coquette as any in the county; and don't you flirt with her, or you will get entangled.""You disapprove her," said Uxmoor, coolly; "then I give her up forever."He looked at Zoe while he said this, and felt how easy it would be to resign Lady Betty and a great many more for this peerless creature. He did not mean her to understand what was passing in his mind; he did not know how subtle and observant the most innocent girl is in such matters.

Zoe blushed, and drew away from him. Just then Ned Severne came in, and Vizard introduced him to Uxmoor with great geniality and pride. The charming young man was in a black surtout, with a blue scarf, the very tint for his complexion.

The girls looked at one another, and in a moment Fanny was elected Zoe's agent. She signaled Severne, and when he came to her she said, for Zoe, "Don't you know we are going to the opera at Homburg?""Yes, I know," said he, "and I hope you will have a pleasanter evening than I shall.""You are not coming with us?"

"No," said he, sorrowfully.

"You had better," said Fanny, with a deal of quiet point, more, indeed, than Zoe's pride approved.

"Not if Mr. Severne has something more attractive," said she, turning palish and pinkish by turns.

All this went on _sotto voce,_ and Uxmoor, out of good-breeding, entered into conversation with Miss Maitland and Vizard. Severne availed himself of this diversion, and fixed his eyes on Zoe with an air of gentle reproach, then took a letter out of his pocket, and handed it to Fanny.

She read it, and gave it to Zoe.

It was dated from "The Golden Star," Homburg.

"DEAR NED--I am worse to-day, and all alone. Now and then I almost fear Imay not pull through. But perhaps that is through being so hipped. Do come and spend this evening with me like a good, kind fellow.

"Telegraph reply.

S. T."

"Poor fellow," said Ned; "my heart bleeds for him."Zoe was affected by this, and turned liquid and loving eyes on "dear Ned." But Fanny stood her ground. "Go to 'S. T.' to-morrow morning, but don't desert 'Z. V.' and 'F. D.' to-night." Zoe smiled.

"But I have telegraphed!" objected Ned.

"Then telegraph again--_not,"_ said Fanny firmly.

Now, this was unexpected. Severne had set his heart upon _rouge et noir,_but still he was afraid of offending Zoe; and, besides, he saw Uxmoor, with his noble beard and brown eyes, casting rapturous glances at her.

"Let Miss Vizard decide," said he. "Don't let me be so unhappy as to offend her twice in one day."Zoe's pride and goodness dictated her answer, in spite of her wishes. She said, in a low voice, "Go to your sick friend.""There," said Severne.

"I hear," said Fanny. "She means 'go;' but you shall repent it.""I mean what I say," said Zoe, with real dignity. "It is my habit." And the next moment she quietly left the room.