第83章 Part 6(10)

It remains to give some account of the state of trade at home in England during this dreadful time,and particularly as it relates to the manufactures and the trade in the city.At the first breaking out of the infection there was,as it is easy to suppose,a very great fright among the people,and consequently a general stop of trade,except in provisions and necessaries of life;and even in those things,as there was a vast number of people fled and a very great number always sick,besides the number which died,so there could not be above two-thirds,if above one-half,of the consumption of provisions in the city as used to be.

It pleased God to send a very plentiful year of corn and fruit,but not of hay or grass -by which means bread was cheap,by reason of the plenty of corn.Flesh was cheap,by reason of the scarcity of grass;but butter and cheese were dear for the same reason,and hay in the market just beyond Whitechappel Bars was sold at 4pound per load.

But that affected not the poor.There was a most excessive plenty of all sorts of fruit,such as apples,pears,plums,cherries,grapes,and they were the cheaper because of the want of people;but this made the poor eat them to excess,and this brought them into fluxes,griping of the guts,surfeits,and the like,which often precipitated them into the plague.

But to come to matters of trade.First,foreign exportation being stopped or at least very much interrupted and rendered difficult,a general stop of all those manufactures followed of course which were usually brought for exportation;and though sometimes merchants abroad were importunate for goods,yet little was sent,the passages being so generally stopped that the English ships would not be admitted,as is said already,into their port.

This put a stop to the manufactures that were for exportation in most parts of England,except in some out-ports;and even that was soon stopped,for they all had the plague in their turn.But though this was felt all over England,yet,what was still worse,all intercourse of trade for home consumption of manufactures,especially those which usually circulated through the Londoner's hands,was stopped at once,the trade of the city being stopped.

All kinds of handicrafts in the city,&c.,tradesmen and mechanics,were,as I have said before,out of employ;and this occasioned the putting-off and dismissing an innumerable number of journeymen and workmen of all sorts,seeing nothing was done relating to such trades but what might be said to be absolutely necessary.

This caused the multitude of single people in London to be unprovided for,as also families whose living depended upon the labour of the heads of those families;I say,this reduced them to extreme misery;and I must confess it is for the honour of the city of London,and will be for many ages,as long as this is to be spoken of,that they were able to supply with charitable provision the wants of so many thousands of those as afterwards fell sick and were distressed:

so that it may be safely averred that nobody perished for want,at least that the magistrates had any notice given them of.

This stagnation of our manufacturing trade in the country would have put the people there to much greater difficulties,but that the master-workmen,clothiers and others,to the uttermost of their stocks and strength,kept on making their goods to keep the poor at work,believing that soon as the sickness should abate they would have a quick demand in proportion to the decay of their trade at that time.

But as none but those masters that were rich could do thus,and that many were poor and not able,the manufacturing trade in England suffered greatly,and the poor were pinched all over England by the calamity of the city of London only.

It is true that the next year made them full amends by another terrible calamity upon the city;so that the city by one calamity impoverished and weakened the country,and by another calamity,even terrible too of its kind,enriched the country and made them again amends;for an infinite quantity of household Stuff,wearing apparel,and other things,besides whole warehouses filled with merchandise and manufactures such as come from all parts of England,were consumed in the fire of London the next year after this terrible visitation.It is incredible what a trade this made all over the whole kingdom,to make good the want and to supply that loss;so that,in short,all the manufacturing hands in the nation were set on work,and were little enough for several years to supply the market and answer the demands.All foreign markets also were empty of our goods by the stop which had been occasioned by the plague,and before an open trade was allowed again;and the prodigious demand at home falling in,joined to make a quick vent for all sort of goods;so that there never was known such a trade all over England for the time as was in the first seven years after the plague,and after the fire of London.