
第31章 你是我生命中的阳光 (1)

You are the sunshine in my life








佚名 / Anonymous

His gleaming, golden fur as sunny as sunlight gave Sunshine his name. It also sets him apart from other dogs. His hair has a silky soft feel like lush plush velvet.

His fleecy milk white feet are fluffy like down. He looks at the other dogs, cocks his head sideways, and then follows me. Follows until he becomes the boss.

Sunshine purrs then peers at me through golden green eyes. He leads me towards his dog pan, stops before he gets there, turns his head and scrutinizes me. I follow.

He turns up his nose at yesterday’s food. I put fresh food in his pan. He eyes me, and then turns as I open him a tin of chicken and liver to fill his dish. He eats. I fill his water bowl with fresh water and add a couple of ice cubes. He has me well trained.

Sunshine tells me to whichever door he chooses to pass through when he wants to go outside. He scratches on the French Doors when he decides to come in. I spring from my chair and open the door. He walks in, head held high, tail straight up. He has me under his paw.

When Glenn, my husband, would come home from work, Sunshine would then transfer his affections to him. He never failed to accompany him into the walk-in closet. He smelled, then walked to Glenn’s house shoes, and pulled them forward with his paw.

When Glenn would settle down in his chair to read, Sunshine would curl up on the back of his chair, and nap. During the day, when I worked at my computer, he always quietly curled in my lap.

Many times I have heard Glenn laugh as he looked out the south window. I asked, “Why are you laughing?”

Glenn would say,“There goes Sunshine up the hill to check the menu at Doctor Gene and Mary’s house.” Or he would say, “Sunshine’s coming down the hill. He’s checked out Doctor’s place.” These travels of Sunshine brought about a nickname, The Partnership Dog.

When Sunshine feels left out, he reaches a white paw out and grabs my skirt. I take him in my arms and stroke his velvety fur. That satisfies him.

Sunshine has hobbies. He likes to ride in the car, sleep on the car’s roof in the garage, and watch television, especially the dog food commercials where the dogs swish across the screen.

One day, Sunshine and I strolled across our backyard, which joins the Mark Twain National Forest. I carried my salad bucket planning to pick greens.

Sunshine stopped and made a blood curdling noise deep in his throat. I stopped and looked at him. Oh!The velvet fur stood straight outward from his body. His eyes slanted. What was he looking at?

I stood still and looked toward the woods. A second later, I saw two coyotes just outside the fence. I yelled and threw my salad bucket at the fence. They disappeared.

“Oh, Sunshine,” I picked him up and hugged him, “You sure paid for your keeps today.”

He purred then laid his head on my shoulders.

Glenn suddenly passed away with a heart attack. A stunned shock gripped me. I couldn’t sleep: I couldn’t eat. Exhausted, but I had to carry on. I lay on the bed at night hoping to rest.

I would become aware of breathing, purring by my pillow. Sunshine would be lying on the bed near my head. He had never slept on our bed before. He stroked my hair with his paw. Glenn always stroked my hair before he went to sleep. How did Sunshine know to do this?

Sunshine seems to have changes since Glenn’s passing. He doesn’t take all. He knows how to give by walking away from his dog food in favor of another dog. He shows how to comfort by letting a pup snuggle up to him to sleep. He grants patience with me by not prancing when I’m slow to feed him.

I don’t understand how Sunshine knows so much about me, a human life, but he has helped make my lonely days more bearable.

Through Sunshine, I’ve learned to have more respect, respect for him, respect for all dogs, both the unfortunate discarded ones, and the loved ones. There’s a bond between Sunshine and me. We love each other. We give our love to others.

























1. Sunshine purrs then peers at me through golden green eyes. He me towards his dog pan, before he gets there, turns his head and scrutinizes me. I follow.