
第20章 和你在一起 (6)

“Please, somebody help me!” yelled the old farmer. But there was nobody to help him, not even that old black dog who had now ran away in order to save herself.

Once again, the old man was all alone, just like he had been for the past thirty years on his farm. The fire was getting hotter and hotter and closer and closer. The old man finally laid his head back down into the dirt, softly cursing, crying to himself and trying to fling a little dirt with his fingers onto the fire. His hands were burnt and dirty and his overalls were singed and smoking. Finally he just gave up, gave one last cough and slowly lowered his face into the dirt and ash.

All of a sudden he heard voices coming from the road behind him. Very slowly he raised his blackened face and looked back towards the road, as best he could being up side down. Here came that old black dog hobbling as fast as she could towards him. Behind that dog were five or six people running towards the burning truck.

I really do not know much about what happened after that because I moved away several days later because my small clothing store in Brunswick, Georgia, had been broken into so many times that I had to shut it down. But as I was in the Hazlehurst area, where my distributor was located and after being gone for three years, I decided to stop at the local diner for a cup of coffee. As I sat there quietly, looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up truck with it’s side caved in sitting across the street at the local feed store. Two young boys were loading bales of hay into the back. I looked down the long wooden loading ramp to where there were three or four old weather beaten rocking chairs and to my surprise I saw this one legged,laughing old farmer man, his crutches leaning against the wall, hugging this three legged, one eared, dirty old black dog who was licking him in the face, as though she liked him!











1. Once , the old man was all alone, just he had been for the past thirty years on his farm. The fire was getting and hotter and closer and closer.

2. All of a he heard voices coming from the road behind him. Very slowly he raised his blackened and looked back towards the road, as best he being up side down.

3. As I sat there , looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up with it' s side caved in sitting across the street at the feed store.


1. 我曾遇到一个居住在这座大山上的老农夫。

2. 老人再一次孤零零的了,就像他在农场度过的 30年。

3. 令我备感吃惊的是,我看到了那个只有一条腿、满脸笑容的老农夫。


1. ... he could run outside and chase all the birds away who were coming out to sing and eat grain on his farm.

chase away:赶走;驱逐


2. ... Georgia, had been broken into so many times that I had to shut it down.

shut down:关闭;停工



The Adventure of a Little Dog

马歇尔·桑德斯 / Marshall Sauders

The first winter I was at the Morrises, I had an adventure. It was a week before Christmas, and we were having cold, frosty weather. On that day, I was lying beside the fire, getting tired.

When the door opened, and a young girl called Bessie Drury came in.

She had a cap on and a shawl thrown over her shoulders, and she had just run across the street from her father’s house. “Oh, Mrs. Morris,” she said, “will you let Laura come over and stay with me tonight? Mamma has just gotten a telegram from Bangor, saying that her aunt, Mrs. Cole, is very ill, and she wants to see her, and papa is going to take her there by tonight’s train, and she is afraid I will be lonely if I don’t have Laura.”

“Very well,” said Mrs. Morris, “I think Laura would like to go.”

“Yes, indeed,” said Miss Laura, smiling at her friend. “I will come over in half an hour.”

“Thank you, so much,” said Miss Bessie. And she hurried away.

After she left, Mr. Morris looked up from his paper. “There will be some one in the house besides those two girls?”

“Oh, yes,” said Mrs. Morris, “ Mrs. Drury has her old nurse, who has been with her for twenty years, and there are two maids besides, and Donald, the coachman, who sleeps over the stable. So they are well protected.”

“Very good,” said Mr. Morris. And he went back to his paper.

When Miss laura came down stairs with her little satchel on her arm, I got up and stood beside her. “Dear, old Joe,” she said, “you must not come.” Then she shut the door and went out.

I had to step back then, but I cried and whined, I felt dreadfully. I walked up and down the floor and ran to the window, and howled.

“Mother,” Mr. morris said, turning to his wife, “let the dog go.”

“Very well,” she said, in a puzzled way. “Jack, just run over with him.”