
第41章 以爱之名 (14)










1. A large____gathered and they all admired his____ for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most______ heart they had ever seen.

2. Sometimes I have given____of my heart away, and the other person hasn’t____a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty gouges—giving love is taking a__ . Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the____in my heart. 佳句翻译

1. 我非常珍惜这些伤疤,它们常使我想起我们共有的爱心。


2. 有时,我付出了真心,却没得到回报,因此就出现了这些沟壑——献出爱心其实也是一种冒险。


3. 因为老人心中流淌出来的爱流进了他的心里。



1. ...reminding me of the love I have for these people too...

remind of:提醒;使想起;令……回忆


2. They embraced and walked away side by side.

side by side:肩并肩;一起;二平分;一个挨一个;并排



Medicine for a Broken Heart

佚名 / Anonymous

Within my group of friends, when one of us is struggling with a recent breakup after a long-term relationship, the castaway will be sad and depressed. The response to sadness takes one of two courses—either appetite fails totally, or we eat excessively to quell our yearnings over lost loves.

If one of the girls in my dorm wants to indulge her appetite for food after a breakup, we all join in. We all eat terrible food in terrible quantities. For instance, ice cream, cakes, cookies and potato chips all become comfort foods that we consume in excess. I think this happens for a variety of reasons. To begin with, at my age—nineteen—we are all very concerned with our physical appearance. We want to be attractive, to have the kind of body image our society values. To that end, we moderate what kinds of foods we eat, how much, and how often; and we often overexert ourselves at the gym trying to burn off extra calories. We maintain good habits to keep up good appearance and thereby maintain a good relationship. However, when anyone experiences something as stressful and emotionally draining as a broken heart, he or she tends to disregard healthy habits and takes some pleasure in consuming those formerly forbidden foods. Of course, it is all a vicious circle. We lose our boyfriends, we become depressed, we eat, we gain weight (which, in turn, depresses us), we struggle to regain our self-respect, we enter into another relationship, and the cycle goes on.

Food is not the only recourse for a sad lover. One friend of mine soothes her broken heart by going shopping—buying new clothes and new shoes, maybe a piece of jewelry—to make herself feel better. Whether it’s food or shopping, self-indulgence is often good medicine for the blues, if it is not carried to excess. The worst response is turning to alcohol or drugs.







1. However, when anyone____something as stressful and emotionally draining as a broken__ , he or she tends to disregard healthy habits and takes some____in consuming those formerly forbidden foods. Of course, it is all a vicious____ .

2.____is not the only recourse for a sad lover. One friend of mine soothes her broken heart by going____ —buying new clothes and new shoes, maybe a piece of jewelry—to make herself feel____ . 佳句翻译

1. 无疑,这完全是一种恶性循环。


2. 食物并不是慰藉失恋者的唯一方法。


3. 失恋后最糟糕的反应就是通过酗酒和吸毒来寻求解脱。



1. To that end, we moderate what kinds of foods we eat, how much, and how often; and we often overexert ourselves at the gym trying to burn off extra calories.

burn off:烧掉,烧毁


2. To begin with, at my age—nineteen—we are all very concerned with our physical appearance.

to begin with:首先;第一;原先,本来;起初
