
第12章 男人来自火星,女人来自金星 (11)














1. Greta gave me two of the greatest____I’ve ever received. First, she taught me____to read. She also taught me that when I forgave sis for our squabbles, it____I wouldn’t keep feeling like a victim.

2. Greta always said,“Dear, keep walking in__ !” No matter how__ my day started, I always felt____walking home from Greta’s house-even beneath the winter starlight.

3. I’m____that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she’s ever seen. And, I’m sure that she heard every____I read at her memorial service.


1. 然而,曾经的感觉还是涌上心头。


2. 爱可以历久弥新,华发会失去原有的光彩,双颊会日渐暗淡。


3. 然而,有爱的心永无寒霜冰冻,只有永存的夏之温热。



1. She could turn anyone into a friend!

turn into:(使)成为;(使)变为;转变为;译为


2. I’m sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she’s ever seen.

I’m sure that:我确定……(接宾语从句)



A Sometimes Beautiful Thing

佚名 / Anonymous

I’ ve always loved you. Always.

Even when I was youngest, I can remember wanting to play with you. But you didn’ t live near me, so we couldn’ t. I didn’ t know where you lived, but I knew that if you could, you’ d play with me. We’ d play catch, or hide-and-seek, or whatever it was you wanted to play. I wanted to play your games. I wanted you to teach me how to play with you.

So I played by myself. But you were there with me. I pretended that you were with me. I never wanted to play with the other kids on my block. I had you.

Mom always told me to go outside and play with the boys next door. She couldn’ t understand why I didn’ t want to play in little League or join the Boy Scouts. She did not understand that I was with you. I didn’ t need anyone else.

I wouldn’ t call it love at that point, though. I did not know what love was. I just wanted to be with you very badly. I didn’ t have a name for that feeling.

Later when the other boys at school started to pay more attention to girls, I didn’ t feel so bad. They were beginning to understand what I’ d been feeling for years. They needed a woman. And the girls needed a man. They started to match up and some of them are still together today. Love is so beautiful when it lasts.

I say I didn’ t feel bad, but that was only at the beginning. Later they would ask me if I had a girl. I’ d say yes, and of course they would want to know who. I couldn’ t tell them. I had to make up some story about meeting you when I was at my grandparents’ place for summer vacation. A long-distance thing. Some of the guys thought that was cool. Others called me a liar. I tried not to care. I tried not to worry.

At night I would lie in bed and think about you. I wondered what you had done that day. Did you like your school? What was your best subject? I always pretended that you’ d be good at English. I pictured you writing me long letters about how much you loved me. You’ d sign them with hugs and kisses.

I wonder sometimes if waiting was hard for you. I wondered if you had a boyfriend. I knew you wouldn’ t be serious about him. You’ d leave him the moment we could be together. I’ d get a little jealous thinking about it, though. I wanted to be the first to touch you if I could. The first to kiss you and hold your hand. You would be my first. I didn’ t want anyone else.

During college I noticed that there were fewer and fewer people still by themselves. Everyone was pairing up. Some of the girls in my class were wearing engagement rings. They were proud of their rings and would show them to everyone around them. One day I went to a jewelry store at the mall and looked at rings. I picked out a nice one for you. It was gold, with a small diamond in a silver setting. I didn’ t know what your ring size was, so I bought one that fit my smallest finger. I figured we could get it fixed later. I carried that ring with me all the time. I wanted to be able to give it to you as soon as we were together.

After that day I thought about your hands a lot. I pictured myself holding them and looking at the tiny wrinkles in the palms. I tried to imagine how small your hands might be. How fragile they might be. In my dreams you would touch my face with your tiny fingers. The fingertips would touch my lips and I would kiss them.