
第40章 招待你的灵魂 (14)

Just for today I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.











1. Just for_______I will try to strengthen my mind. I will_______ . I will learn something useful. I will not be a _______ loafer.

2. Just for today I will exercise my soul in _______ ways. I will do somebody a good _______and not get found out: _______ anybody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I don’t want to do — just for exercise. I will not_______anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.

3. Just for today I will have a _______ half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a _______ perspective of my life.


1. 就为了今天,我将只为度过今天而努力,而不是立刻去解决终生问题。

2. 就为了今天,我要调整自己适应一切,而不是让每一件事都合乎我的心愿。

3. 就为了今天,我无所畏惧。


1. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out...

find out:找出;查明;发现;揭发

2. Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

make up one’s mind:下决心,决定


Serenity of Mind

佚名 / Anonymous

We enjoy inner peace and feel happy and satisfied when life flows smoothly and we have a good job, good relation-ships, good health, and our financial situation is good. When there is nothing to worry about, no tension and no hurry, we are at peace.

In day-to-day life it is not always like this. There is always something that causes worry, tension and lack of ease, and does not let us feel peaceful. In spite of this, we can enjoy peace regardless of our outer circumstances. Peace of mind is an inner state and is independent of outer conditions. Why wait for never for circumstances to be “right”? Why rely on outside circumstances to bring us peace of mind?

A person may be rich or poor. One may be healthy or sick, free, or live in closed cell. Inner peace and calmness is within reach of everyone. One can be a slave, the other free man, yet both have the potential to enjoy peace of mind.

Peace of mind seems to be in this world but out of this world. It is experienced here and now, yet independent of outer circumstances. Inner calmness and serenity can be experienced even under the most trying circumstances. Of course some training is needed first.

Thoughts and Peace of Mind

Thoughts arise in us and we think them. We may choose to ignore them and experience real inner freedom, or we may choose to water them with the power of our attention and make them grow.

When you have to think, choose only positive, happy and uplifting thoughts. Think about and imagine only what you really and truly desire and that will come to pass. Always remember that life is shaped according to your thoughts.

When the mind is silent there is happiness inside and happiness outside.

It is a great asset and advantage to be able to silence the mind when its services are not needed.

The attainment of serenity of mind, which is actually freedom from the compulsion of incessant thinking, is open for everyone, provided the proper training is taken. Just reading this article you will not bring you peace of mind. When you understand the value of inner peace, and you have a true desire to succeed, nothing can stand in your way. Though this is an inner power, the way to its attainment is not different from other tangible goals. Work and persistence are necessary.

Most people are enslaved by their thoughts. It does not occur to man that he can become free from their grasp. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall asleep at night, this chatter of the mind continues incessantly. The habit of thinking is very deeply ingrained in the human race. Yet, this habit can be undone.

To change or stop a habit we have to act consciously in the opposite direction. Whatever new skill we develop, we have to work at it until it turns into second nature, and becomes easy to perform. The same is with mind control.

True control of the mind is not just the ability to concentrate on one thought and disregard other thoughts. It is the ability to cleanse the mind completely and make it silent. A great Indian sage said: “Mind is only a bundle of thoughts, stop thinking and show me the mind.”