第334章 Chapter 6(2)

Fortune hath again restored her to you, and if you will be governed by my advice, it is possible you may yet preserve her."The squire had no sooner read the letter than he leaped from his chair, threw his pipe into the fire, and gave a loud huzza for joy. He then summoned his servants, called for his boots, and ordered the Chevalier and several other horses to be saddled, and that parson Supple should be immediately sent for. Having done this, he turned to his sister, caught her in his arms, and gave her a close embrace, saying, "Zounds! you don't seem pleased; one would imagine you was sorry I have found the girl.""Brother," answered she, "the deepest politicians, who see to the bottom, discover often a very different aspect of affairs, from what swims on the surface. It is true, indeed, things do look rather less desperate than they did formerly in Holland, when Lewis the Fourteenth was at the gates of Amsterdam; but there is a delicacy required in this matter, which you will pardon me, brother, if I suspect you want.

There is a decorum to be used with a woman of figure, such as Lady Bellaston, brother, which requires a knowledge of the world, superior, I am afraid, to yours.""Sister," cries the squire, "I know you have no opinion of my parts;but I'll shew you on this occasion who is a fool. Knowledge, quotha! Ihave not been in the country so long without having some knowledge of warrants and the law of the land. I know I may take my own wherever I can find it. Shew me my own daughter, and if I don't know how to come at her, I'll suffer you to call me a fool as long as I live.

There be justices of peace in London, as well as in other places.""I protest," cries she, "you make me tremble for the event of this matter, which, if you will proceed by my advice, you may bring to so good an issue. Do you really imagine, brother, that the house of a woman of figure is to be attacked by warrants and brutal justices of the peace? I will inform you how to proceed. As soon as you arrive in town, and have got yourself into a decent dress (for indeed, brother, you have none at present fit to appear in), you must send your compliments to Lady Bellaston, and desire leave to wait on her.

When you are admitted to her presence, as you certainly will be, and have told her your story, and have made proper use of my name (for Ithink you just know one another only by sight, though you are relations), I am confident she will withdraw her protection from my niece, who hath certainly imposed upon her. This is the only method.- Justices of peace, indeed! do you imagine any such event can arrive to a woman of figure in a civilised nation?""D--n their figures," cries the squire; "a pretty civilised nation, truly, where women are above the law. And what must I stand sending a parcel of compliments to a confounded whore, that keeps away a daughter from her own natural father? I tell you, sister, I am not so ignorant as you think me-- I know you would have women above the law, but it is all a lye; I heard his lordship say at size, that no one is above the law. But this of yours is Hanover law, I suppose.""Mr. Western," said she, "I think you daily improve in ignorance.-- I protest you are grown an arrant bear.""No more a bear than yourself, sister Western," said the squire.- "Pox! you may talk of your civility an you will, I am sure you never show any to me. I am no bear, no, nor no dog neither, though I know somebody, that is something that begins with a b; but pox! Iwill show you I have got more good manners than some folks.""Mr. Western," answered the lady, "you may say what you please, je vous mesprise de tout mon coeur.* I shall not therefore be angry.-- Besides, as my cousin, with that odious Irish name, justly says, I have that regard for the honour and true interest of my family, and that concern for my niece, who is a part of it, that Ihave resolved to go to town myself upon this occasion; for indeed, indeed, brother you are not a fit minister to be employed at a polite court.- Greenland- Greenland should always be the scene of the tramontane negociation."*I despise you with all my heart.

"I thank Heaven," cries the squire, "I don't understand you now. You are got to your Hanoverian linguo. However, I'll shew you I scorn to be behindhand in civility with you; and as you are not angry for what I have said, so I am not angry for what you have said. Indeed, I have always thought it a folly for relations to quarrel; and if they do now and then give a hasty word, why, people should give and take;for my part, I never bear malice; and I take it very kind of you to go up to London; for I never was there but twice in my life, and then Idid not stay above a fortnight at a time, and to be sure I can't be expected to know much of the streets and the folks in that time. Inever denied that you know'd all these matters better than I. For me to dispute that would be all as one as for you to dispute the management of a pack of dogs, or the finding a hare sitting, with me."- "Which I promise you," says she, "I never will."- "Well, and Ipromise you," returned he, "that I never will dispute the t'other."Here then a league was struck (to borrow a phrase from the lady)between the contending parties; and now the parson arriving, and the horses being ready, the squire departed, having promised his sister to follow her advice, and she prepared to follow him the next day.

But having communicated these matters to the parson on the road, they both agreed that the prescribed formalities might very well be dispensed with; and the squire, having changed his mind, proceeded in the manner we have already seen.