书城公版The Home Book of Verse

第145章 Book V(22)

But the old town, the larger half of Prague, which is divided into two parts by the Moldau, by its vigorous resistance wearied out the efforts of the Palatine, Charles Gustavus, the successor of Christina on the throne, who had arrived from Sweden with fresh troops, and had assembled the whole Swedish force in Bohemia and Silesia before its walls.

The approach of winter at last drove the besiegers into their quarters, and in the mean time, the intelligence arrived that a peace had been signed at Munster, on the 24th October.

The colossal labour of concluding this solemn, and ever memorable and sacred treaty, which is known by the name of the peace of Westphalia;the endless obstacles which were to be surmounted; the contending interests which it was necessary to reconcile; the concatenation of circumstances which must have co-operated to bring to a favourable termination this tedious, but precious and permanent work of policy; the difficulties which beset the very opening of the negociations, and maintaining them, when opened, during the ever-fluctuating vicissitudes of the war;finally, arranging the conditions of peace, and still more, the carrying them into effect; what were the conditions of this peace;what each contending power gained or lost, by the toils and sufferings of a thirty years' war; what modification it wrought upon the general system of European policy; -- these are matters which must be relinquished to another pen. The history of the peace of Westphalia constitutes a whole, as important as the history of the war itself. A mere abridgment of it, would reduce to a mere skeleton one of the most interesting and characteristic monuments of human policy and passions, and deprive it of every feature calculated to fix the attention of the public, for which I write, and of which I now respectfully take my leave.

End Index.

Aix-la-Chapelle, placed under the Ban.

Arnheim, Field-Marshal: communicates with Wallenstein;marches into Saxon territory; offers alliance to Wallenstein.

Augsburg, Diet of.

Augsburg, Peace of.

Aulic Council.

Austria, House of: religious and political position; power under Charles V.

Avaux, D', Count. [See letter D.]

Baden, Margrave of, joins Frederick V.

Bamberg, Bishop of.

Banner, Swedish general: at Leipzig; enters Magdeburg; joins Oxenstiern;relieves Domitz; attacks Imperialists at Wittstock; returns into Pomerania;opens the campaign in 1638; retreats through Egra, and dies.

Bavaria, Duke of: makes cause with the Emperor; attends the Diet at Ratisbon.

Bavaria, Elector of: he demands Wallenstein's dismissal. [See Maximilian.]

Bavaria, invasion of, by the Swedes.

Bethlen Gabor, Prince: menaces Hungary; invades Hungary; marches to Vienna;crowned King of Hungary; makes peace with the Emperor;breaks truce with the Emperor. <variant in original: Bethlem Gabor>

Bohemia: condition of, and history; invasion of; peace proclaimed.

Bohemian Brethren, edict against.

Bohemian Compact.

Bohemian Diet: 1609; 1619.

Bohemian Insurrection.

Bohemian Letter of Majesty.

Bohemian Reformers at the Diet, 1609.

Brahe, Count, Swedish general.

Brandenburg: atrocities in; George William Elector of.

Bremen, Bishop of: assembles troops for Gustavus.

Breze, Marquis of.

Brunn, siege of.

Brunswick, Ulric, Duke of: forbids Swedes to recruit;threatened by Oxenstiern.

Bucquoi: defeats Mansfeld; death of.

Buttler, Colonel.

Calvinists in the Palatinate and Empire.

Catholic League: formation of; impart their secrets to the Emperor.

Charles V., Emperor.

Charles Louis, Count Palatine.

Charnasse, agent of Richelieu.

Christian IV. of Denmark: appointed generalissimo.

Christian, Duke of Brunswick: serves in Holland; defeated by Tilly; death of.

Christian William, Administrator of Brandenburg: enters Magdeburg in disguise.

Conde, Prince de. <Conde/>

Conti Torquati, Imperialist.

Darmstadt: William, Landgrave of; George, Landgrave of.

D'Avaux negotiates treaty between Sweden and Poland.

"Defenders of Liberty", the.

Denmark, King of, sues for peace 1645.

Dettingen, Battle of.

Devereux, Captain.

Donauwerth: banned by the Aulic Council; Swedish officers at.

"Edict of Restitution" signed 1629.

Egra, Castle of, great banquet held at.

Enghien, Duke of, heroic conduct of.

England, political position of.

Evangelical Union: declaration in favour of, by Matthias;moves in support of Bohemian Protestants.

Falkenberg, Dietrich, sent to Magdeburg.

Ferdinand I., Emperor: character of; position after Augsburg.

Ferdinand II.: his Popish announcement; as Archduke of Gratz;as Archduke of Styria, becomes Emperor; Protestantism in Styria;besieged in Vienna; chosen Emperor 1619; rewards Maximilian with Bohemia;confiscates estates of Frederick; invests Maximilian with Palatinate;attends Diet of Ratisbon; at Mantua; character of, by his confessor;negotiations with Sweden; selects Wallenstein as general; gives orders to spare Saxony; state of his dominions after the fall of Prague;receives news of Lutzen; deprives Wallenstein of command;issues orders for his seizure; orders masses for Wallenstein; death.

Ferdinand III.: King of Hungary and Bohemia; appointed generalissimo;elected King of the Romans; becomes Emperor; defeat at Jancowitz;conspires against Bavaria.

Feria, Duke of, Spanish general.

Feuquieres, French Ambassador at Dresden.

France: political position after Henry IV.; ambassadors at Ratisbon;interests and claims of; triumph of her policy; declaration of war against the Emperor; retreat of the army under Turenne from Bavaria.

Frankfort-on-the-Oder: sacked by the Swedes; Diet of.

Frederick V., Elector Palatine and King of Bohemia: alienates his Bohemian subjects; defeated at Prague; joins Mansfeld;deprived of the Palatinate; at Munich with Gustavus;meets Gustavus after Leipzig; death.

Friburg, Battle of.

Friedland, Duke of. [See Wallenstein.]