

If Locrine do not follow your advise, And bear himself in all things like a prince That seeks to amplify the great renown Left unto him for an inheritage By those that were his ancestors, Let me be flung into the Ocean, And swallowed in the bowels of the earth, Or let the ruddy lightning of great Jove Descend upon this my devoted head.


[Taking Gwendoline by the hand.]

But for I see you all to be in doubt, Who shall be matched with our royal son, Locrine, receive this present at my hand, A gift more rich than are the wealthy mines Found in the bowels of America.

Thou shalt be spoused to fair Gwendoline;

Love her, and take her, for she is thine own, If so thy uncle and her self do please.


And herein how your highness honors me It cannot now be in my speech expressed;For careful parents glory not so much At their honour and promotion, As for to see the issue of their blood Seated in honor and prosperity.


And far be it from any maiden's thoughts To contradict her aged father's will.

Therefore, since he to whom I must obey Hath given me now unto your royal self, I will not stand aloof from off the lure, Like crafty dames that most of all deny That which they most desire to possess.