书城公版Letters of Two Brides


My beloved beauty,--I was bitten with the fancy to see something of Italy,and I am delighted at having carried off Macumer,whose plans in regard to Sardinia are postponed.

This country is simple ravishing.The churches--above all,the chapels --have a seductive,bewitching air,which must make every female Protestant yearn after Catholicism.Macumer has been received with acclamation,and they are all delighted to have made an Italian of so distinguished a man.Felipe could have the Sardinian embassy at Paris if I cared about it,for I am made much of at court.

If you write,address your letters to Florence.I have not time now to go into any details,but I will tell you the story of our travels whenever you come to Paris.We only remain here a week,and then go on to Florence,taking Leghorn on the way.We shall stay a month in Tuscany and a month at Naples,so as to reach Rome in November.Thence we return home by Venice,where we shall spend the first fortnight of December,and arrive in Paris,/via/Milan and Turin,for January.

Our journey is a perfect honeymoon;the sight of new places gives fresh life to our passion.Macumer did not know Italy at all,and we have begun with that splendid Cornice road,which might be the work of fairy architects.

Good-bye,darling.Don't be angry if I don't write.It is impossible to get a minute to oneself in traveling;my whole time is taken up with seeing,admiring,and realizing my impressions.But not a word to you of these till memory has given them their proper atmosphere.