书城公版The Dark Flower


Anna did not receive the boy's letter in the Tyrol.It followed her to Oxford.She was just going out when it came, and she took it up with the mingled beatitude and almost sickening tremor that a lover feels touching the loved one's letter.She would not open it in the street, but carried it all the way to the garden of a certain College, and sat down to read it under the cedar-tree.

That little letter, so short, boyish, and dry, transported her halfway to heaven.She was to see him again at once, not to wait weeks, with the fear that he would quite forget her! Her husband had said at breakfast that Oxford without 'the dear young clowns'

assuredly was charming, but Oxford 'full of tourists and other strange bodies' as certainly was not.Where should they go? Thank heaven, the letter could be shown him! For all that, a little stab of pain went through her that there was not one word which made it unsuitable to show.Still, she was happy.Never had her favourite College garden seemed so beautiful, with each tree and flower so cared for, and the very wind excluded; never had the birds seemed so tame and friendly.The sun shone softly, even the clouds were luminous and joyful.She sat a long time, musing, and went back forgetting all she had come out to do.Having both courage and decision, she did not leave the letter to burn a hole in her corsets, but gave it to her husband at lunch, looking him in the face, and saying carelessly:

"Providence, you see, answers your question."He read it, raised his eyebrows, smiled, and, without looking up, murmured:

"You wish to prosecute this romantic episode?"Did he mean anything--or was it simply his way of putting things?

"I naturally want to be anywhere but here.""Perhaps you would like to go alone?"

He said that, of course, knowing she could not say: Yes.And she answered simply: "No.""Then let us both go--on Monday.I will catch the young man's trout; thou shalt catch--h'm!--he shall catch-- What is it he catches--trees? Good! That's settled."And, three days later, without another word exchanged on the subject, they started.

Was she grateful to him? No.Afraid of him? No.Scornful of him? Not quite.But she was afraid of HERSELF, horribly.How would she ever be able to keep herself in hand, how disguise from these people that she loved their boy? It was her desperate mood that she feared.But since she so much wanted all the best for him that life could give, surely she would have the strength to do nothing that might harm him.Yet she was afraid.

He was there at the station to meet them, in riding things and a nice rough Norfolk jacket that she did not recognize, though she thought she knew his clothes by heart; and as the train came slowly to a standstill the memory of her last moment with him, up in his room amid the luggage that she had helped to pack, very nearly overcame her.It seemed so hard to have to meet him coldly, formally, to have to wait--who knew how long--for a minute with him alone! And he was so polite, so beautifully considerate, with all the manners of a host; hoping she wasn't tired, hoping Mr.Stormer had brought his fishing-rod, though they had lots, of course, they could lend him; hoping the weather would be fine; hoping that they wouldn't mind having to drive three miles, and busying himself about their luggage.All this when she just wanted to take him in her arms and push his hair back from his forehead, and look at him!

He did not drive with them--he had thought they would be too crowded--but followed, keeping quite close in the dust to point out the scenery, mounted on a 'palfrey,' as her husband called the roan with the black swish tail.

This countryside, so rich and yet a little wild, the independent-looking cottages, the old dark cosy manor-house, all was very new to one used to Oxford, and to London, and to little else of England.And all was delightful.Even Mark's guardian seemed to her delightful.For Gordy, when absolutely forced to face an unknown woman, could bring to the encounter a certain bluff ingratiation.His sister, too, Mrs.Doone, with her faded gentleness, seemed soothing.

When Anna was alone in her room, reached by an unexpected little stairway, she stood looking at its carved four-poster bed and the wide lattice window with chintz curtains, and the flowers in a blue bowl.Yes, all was delightful.And yet! What was it? What had she missed? Ah, she was a fool to fret! It was only his anxiety that they should be comfortable, his fear that he might betray himself.Out there those last few days--his eyes! And now! She brooded earnestly over what dress she should put on.She, who tanned so quickly, had almost lost her sunburn in the week of travelling and Oxford.To-day her eyes looked tired, and she was pale.She was not going to disdain anything that might help.She had reached thirty-six last month, and he would be nineteen to-morrow! She decided on black.In black she knew that her neck looked whiter, and the colour of her eyes and hair stranger.She put on no jewellery, did not even pin a rose at her breast, took white gloves.Since her husband did not come to her room, she went up the little stairway to his.She surprised him ready dressed, standing by the fireplace, smiling faintly.What was he thinking of, standing there with that smile? Was there blood in him at all?

He inclined his head slightly and said:

"Good! Chaste as the night! Black suits you.Shall we find our way down to these savage halls?"And they went down.

Everyone was already there, waiting.A single neighbouring squire and magistrate, by name Trusham, had been bidden, to make numbers equal.