书城公版Old Fritz and the New Era


They knelt upon the lower step of the throne, with folded hands and bowed heads, praying in a low voice. A solemn stillness reigned, the prayers died away on the lips, and the hearts scarcely beat for anxiety and expectation. Suddenly a voice, which seemed to come from the silver cloud, so distant and lofty, and rolling like majestic thunder, cried, "He comes, the chosen one! The Great Kophta comes!"The folding-doors flew open, and the Great Kophta entered.

Wilhelmine recognized in the majestic figure, enveloped in a flowing, silver-embroidered satin robe, with a band of brilliants around his brow, the handsome face of Cagliostro, beaming as if in an ecstasy. He saluted the brothers with a gentle voice, and bade them approach and touch his hand. As Wilhelmine did so, a thrill ran through her whole being, and she sank overpowered at his feet. He bowed and breathed upon her. "You are chosen, ye heavenly brothers,"he said, in a sweet, melodious voice; "the secrets of heaven and earth are disclosed to you. I receive you in the Holy Order of the Favorites of God, which I founded with Enoch and Elias when we dwelt in the promised land. From them I received the Word of Life, and they sent me to the ancient sages of Egypt, who revealed to me in the pyramids the secret sciences which subject the earth and all her treasures to our command. He who devotes himself to me with fidelity will receive eternal life and the secret of immortality.""We believe in thee, blessed one of God," murmured the kneeling ones; "we know that we receive life and salvation from thee. Bend to us, and give us of the breath of immortality!"He bowed and breathed upon them, and they broke forth in words of thankfulness and delight.

Only Wilhelmine kept silent; she only failed to feel the magical influence, and he bowed again to her, fixing his great fiery eyes upon her. "Thou art called, thou art chosen," he said. "Mount to the tabernacle, and lift the veil."She did as commanded, and beheld the figure of a wonderful woman stretched upon the couch as in deep sleep, clothed in transparent robes. "Lay your hand upon her brow, and direct in your thoughts a question to the prophetess of the order, and she will answer you!"Upon the lofty, white brow of the sleeping one, she laid her hand;immediately a smile flitted over her beautiful face, and she nodded.

"Yes," said she, "you must believe. You dare not doubt. He is the elect, the holy Magus!" Wilhelmine trembled, for the answer was suited to the question. "Demand a second question of the prophetess," commanded Cagliostro. Again she laid her hand upon the brow of the sleeping one, and again she smiled and nodded with her beautiful head. "Fear not," she replied; "he will always love you, and will never reject you, only you must not lead him astray from the right course--but guide him to the temple of faith and knowledge. When you cease to do it, you are lost. Shame upon earth and damnation will be your portion." The answer was exact--for Wilhelmine had prayed to know if the prince would always love and never reject her. "Still a third question," cried Cagliostro. In silence Wilhelmine asked, and the prophetess answered aloud: "You will be countess, you will become a princess, you will possess millions, you will have the whole world at your feet, if you call to your aid the Invisible Fathers, and implore the power and miraculous blessing of the Great Kophta." Wilhelmine, deeply moved, sank overpowered upon her knees, and cried aloud: "I call upon the Invisible Fathers for aid and assistance; I implore the power and miraculous blessing of the Great Kophta." Suddenly, amid the rolling of thunder and intense darkness, Wilhelmine felt herself lifted up--borne away, as loud prayers were uttered around her. Then she felt herself lowered again and with the freedom of motion. "Fly! fly from the revenge of the immortals, if you still doubt, still mistrust!"cried a fearful voice above her. "Behold how the immortals revenge themselves." Immediately a light began to dawn before her, a form rose from the darkness like her own. She beheld herself kneeling, imploring, her face deluged with tears, and before her a tall, erect, muffled figure, with a glittering sword in his uplifted arm, which sank gradually lower and lower until it pierced her bosom and the blood gushed forth. Wilhelmine shrieked and fainted. She witnessed no more miracles, beard no more prophecies and revelations which the magi made to the elect. She beheld not the appearance of the blessed spirits, which at the importunity of the brothers flitted through the apartment. She heard not Cagliostro take leave of Baron von Bischofswerder, when all had withdrawn, saying, "I have now exalted you to be chief director of the holy order. You will at once receive orders from the Invisible Fathers, announced to you in writing, and you will follow them faithfully.""I will follow them faithfully," humbly answered Bischofswerder.

"You will be rewarded by the knowledge of life and of money; you shall discover the philosopher's stone, and the secret of gold shall be revealed to you, when you perform what the Invisible Fathers demand.""I will do every thing," cried Bischofswerder, fervently; "only make known to me their commands.""They desire, at the present, that you seek to be the confidant of the Prince of Prussia. Gain his affection, then govern him, making yourself indispensable to him. Surround him with servants and confidants that you can rely upon. Inspire him with devotion to the holy order. Become, now, the friend of the prince, that you may, one day, rule the king. You are the chief of the order in Prussia; the more members you gain the more secrets will be revealed to you. The holy fathers send me afar, but I shall return: if you have been active and faithful, I will make known to you a great secret and bring you the elixir of life.""When will you return, master?" asked Bisehofswerder, enthusiastically.

Cagliostro smiled. "Before the crown prince of Prussia becomes king.

Ask no further. Be faithful!"