书城公版The Cloister and the Hearth


"That is right," said she; "better say it, as set sly and think it.It is very natural after all, Come, here is your bundle o'

comfort.Take and hate that, if ye can;" and she put the child in her lap,"No, no," said Margaret, turning her head half way from him; she could not for her life turn the other half."He is not my child now; he is hers.I know not why she left him here, for my part.It was very good of her not to take him to her house, cradle and all;oh! oh! oh! oh! oh! oh oh! oh!"

"Ah! well, one comfort, he is not dead.This gives me light: some other woman has got him away from me; like father, like son; oh!

oh! oh! oh! oh!"

Catherine was sorry for her, and let her cry in peace.And after that, when she wanted Joan's aid, she used to take Gerard out, to give him a little fresh air.Margaret never objected; nor expressed the least incredulity; but on their return was always in tears.

This connivance was short-lived.She was now altogether as eager to wean little Gerard.It was done; and he recovered health and vigour; and another trouble fell upon him directly teething, But here Catherine's experience was invaluable; and now, in the midst of her grief and anxiety about the father, Margaret had moments of bliss, watching the son's tiny teeth come through."Teeth, mother?

I call them not teeth, but pearls of pearls." And each pearl that peeped and sparkled on his red gums, was to her the greatest feat Nature had ever achieved.

Her companion partook the illusion.And had we told them standing corn was equally admirable, Margaret would have changed to a reproachful gazelle, and Catherine turned us out of doors; so each pearl's arrival was announced with a shriek of triumph by whichever of them was the fortunate discoverer,Catherine gossiped with Joan, and learned that she was the wife of Jorian Ketel of Tergou, who had been servant to Ghysbrecht Van Swieten, but fallen out of favour, and come back to Rotterdam, his native place.His friends had got him the place of sexton to the parish, and what with that and carpentering, he did pretty well.

Catherine told Joan in return whose child it was she had nursed, and all about Margaret and Gerard, and the deep anxiety his silence had plunged them in."Ay," said Joan, "the world is full of trouble." One day she said to Catherine, "It's my belief my man knows more about your Gerard than anybody in these parts; but he has got to be closer than ever of late.Drop in some day just afore sunset, and set him talking.And for our Lady's sake say not I set you on.The only hiding he ever gave me was for babbling his business; and I do not want another.Gramercy! I married a man for the comfort of the thing, not to be hided."Catherine dropped in.Jorian was ready enough to tell her how he had befriended her son and perhaps saved his life.But this was no news to Catherine; and the moment she began to cross-question him as to whether he could guess why her lost boy neither came nor wrote, he cast a grim look at his wife, who received it with a calm air of stolid candour and innocent unconsciousness; and his answers became short and sullen.

"What should he know more than another?" and so on.He added, after a pause, "Think you the burgomaster takes such as me into his secrets?""Oh, then the burgomaster knows something?" said Catherine sharply.

"Likely.Who else should?"

"I'll ask him."

"I would."

"And tell him you say he knows."

"That is right, dame.Go make him mine enemy.That is what a poor fellow always gets if he says a word to you women."And Jorian from that moment shrunk in and became impenetrable as a hedgehog, and almost as prickly.

His conduct caused both the poor women agonies of mind, alarm, and irritated curiosity.Ghysbrecht was for some cause Gerard's mortal enemy; had stopped his marriage, imprisoned him, hunted him.And here was his late servant, who when off his guard had hinted that this enemy had the clue to Gerard's silence.After sifting Jorian's every word and look, all remained dark and mysterious.

Then Catherine told Margaret to go herself to him."You are young, you are fair.You will maybe get more out of him than I could."The conjecture was a reasonable one.

Margaret went with her child in her arms and tapped timidly at Jorian's door just before sunset."Come in," said a sturdy voice.

She entered, and there sat Jorian by the fireside.At sight of her he rose, snorted, and burst out of the house."Is that for me, wife?" inquired Margaret, turning very red.

"You must excuse him," replied Joan, rather coldly; "he lays it to your door that he is a poor man instead of a rich one.It is something about a piece of parchment, There was one amissing, and he got nought from the burgomaster all along of that one.""Alas! Gerard took it."

"Likely, But my man says you should not have let him: you were pledged to him to keep them all safe.And sooth to Say, I blame not my Jorian for being wroth, 'Tis hard for a poor man to be so near fortune and lose it by those he has befriended.However, Itell him another story.Says I, 'Folk that are out o' trouble like you and me didn't ought to be too hard on folk that are in trouble; and she has plenty, Going already? What is all your hurry, mistress?""Oh, it is not for me to drive the goodman out of his own house.""Well, let me kiss the bairn afore ye go.He is not in fault anyway, poor innocent."Upon this cruel rebuff Margaret came to a resolution, which she did not confide even to Catherine.

After six weeks' stay that good woman returned home,On the child's birthday, which occurred soon after, Margaret did no work; but put on her Sunday clothes, and took her boy in her arms and went to the church and prayed there long and fervently for Gerard's safe return.

That same day and hour Father Clement celebrated a mass and prayed for Margaret's departed soul in the minster church at Basle