
第5章 每个人都可以是天使(5)






Danny's gift


This year a new student named Danny had moved into the class I taught.He was the oldest of five children.Danny's dad was a truck driver and not home much,and his mom worked odd jobs when she could to help make ends meet.In October,I gave Danny a pair of mittens and hat,never thought he would be so proud when he received his hat and mittens-because these are a few of the things he actually owned.He wore them to the playground between classes and carefully put them in his desk when he came in.After school,I found his mittens and hat in his desk.When I questioned him whether he forgot to bring them home,he explained that stuff got easily misplaced at home with so many kids and he didn't want to lose his only hat and mittens.

Danny didn't have a lot to be proud of.He wasn't a very good student,but he tried hard.His best subject was art.I incorporated several artprojects into the reading curriculum that year to boost his self-esteem.

Soon it came time for Christmas.Parents decided to collect twenty-five cents from each child who could afford it and buy a present for me.I wasn't supposed to know,but not much gets by a teacher in her own classroom,especially at lunchtime,the child would get back the changes,took out a quarter then giggle and put it in their inner pocket.Danny was on free lunch forunder privileged children;so I was pretty sure he wouldn't be bring a quarter.But that is the beauty of this kind of present.I would never know who contributed and who did not.The card would be signed by the whole class.

The day of the party was unusually exciting.We watched a Christmas movie in the afternoon.We exchanged gifts,and then the students presented me with my gift.Before that,Danny asked me for a piece of paper and a piece of tape.Although I was a little surprised why he wanted those things during a party,I happily provided the items.I went back to my office after the children left.On my desk,I found a folded piece of red art paper.I opened the hand-made Christmas card up and couldn't hold my tears.

The notes said,"To my favorite teacher.You have always been there for me,and I really appreciate it.I couldn't afford to get you anything so I am giving you everything I have.Merry Christmas.Danny."

Inside the card was taped a dime-everything Danny had.





